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Posts posted by SecretSam

  1. Weird question, but hey: does anyone else avoid buying things that are blue - I'm talking cars, etc. - for example, I simply won't buy a blue car. Partly because I owned an unreliable POS that happened to be blue, but also because...well, you know.

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  2. 10 hours ago, IAmNick said:

    Explain why you want to get across a river, don't tell people to build a bridge or whatever that common naff metaphor is.

    You need the processes in place, the fundamentals, but I think people should be outcome focussed, not process focussed personally.

    Actually, the first response when told "we need to get across this river" should be "Why?" - always start with the core drivers. And don't assume solutions.

    If you focus on the outcome, you may get the final product, but it may not be as well executed as it would be if you focused on the process - think of how Toyota (tragically obvious example, sorry) are constantly refining their processes, to achieve their outcomes - their outcomes are better because their process is better.

    If they just focused on the outcome, they might make good cars, but would they be as reliable, profitable, etc.

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  3. 14 hours ago, formerly known as ivan said:

    Hearing a lot of similarities between Manning and Lee Johnson. Young up and coming coach, attention to detail, philosophy, forward thinking and ready to take us to the next level.

    Is it a fair comparison or are they miles apart? How long before we hear Manning talking about the measurements of the grass or balls in the box?

    What is the biggest difference that will give Manning the chance to succeed where Johnson failed?

    Both are male, white, still have their hair. Amazing, they must be twins.

  4. 2 hours ago, petehinton said:

    I’ll be honest I think the media team would rather the club would rather fold than let us have access for that 🤣


    Just time really, OSIB has been slogging away for 6 years now would you believe, with all of those years being episodes after every game pretty much up until this season. We all wanted a bit of a freshen up really, all are much busier than we were when it started, Stan’s moving to France etc etc. We’ll still be doing things like this, broader reviews, the magazine etc but don’t think we’ll do post game stuff anymore unless there’s something big that’s happened really

    I didn't know Stan had moved to France. He should get Harry Food over to try some local delicacies.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

    Having someone with such a comical name about the place is probably seen as vital for maintaining squad morale.

    It hadn't occurred to me before that his name means "huge pile of 💩"

  6. 19 hours ago, KeithWelch'sTash said:

    I know we have all moved on.

    I know we have bigger fish to fry at our own club.

    but do we all secretly want Bournemouth to go down?

    I think I do😂

    Nope. Would much rather see Luton and their sh17hole of a ground come straight back down. Fed up with all the fawning over them and their grotty little dump.

  7. It's an exciting opportunity, I couldn't turn it down

    (Bear in mind, Oxford are a bit of a mess behind the scenes)

    10 minutes ago, Dollymarie said:

    Can’t wait to get started

    Stadium is fantastic

    Plus, I get to meet Dolly, I hear she's great


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  8. 9 hours ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    Yep - go with the young progressive, inexperienced manager, the one who knows all the trendy modern ‘go ahead’ football terms like ‘introverted full backs’ and ‘false number 9’ - he or she will be the one to bring us success??!! Or we could just go with a proven, experienced, knowledgeable, gnarly, successful guy and say ‘bollox to the woke brigade nonsense’ - a proper football man who will get us to the place we want to go - Neil Warnock ...

    It's interesting that you dropped in "woke" unnecessarily there, says a lot about you. None of it good.

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