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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Admirable of the man and especially his daughter. I have always been sceptical that you can change a racist's attitude through public education campaigns as it assumes that racism is an objective, rational mindset people can be persuaded out of with facts. So it needs people close to them to help them see the error of their ways perhaps.
  2. Lots of people are on zero hours contracts, which amounts to the same thing. Not that Carroll is likely to be that desperate for money.
  3. Embargo doesn't seem to be the right term as it implies a ban on transfers when it is really a restriction on numbers and the terms on which they can be signed. Presumably the EFL have approved these moves, but then again they would wouldn't they? The fact remains that Reading are under an embargo for spending money they don't have but have made these signings with money they still presumably don't have. Which makes the regulations self defeating. The practical reality for us is that because we play by the rules we cannot afford to make lots of signings at the drop of a hat as they have done. Perverse incentive or what?
  4. Timo Werner or Tammy? I know which one I'd choose. Still, Tuchel seemed to take an instant dislike to him so Tammy has a chance now to prove him wrong.
  5. Busy still maintaining the IT at Ashton Gate I imagine. I'm sure he was telling the truth when he made that claim, it's not as if they suffer from delusions.
  6. In fact they were guilty of exactly what we have been often in the recent past, lots of passing between defenders without progressing the ball the to any great extent. As long as you concentrate and keep your shape it's not that difficult to defend Nigel won the tactical battle with Mick and is in fact a more sophisticated coach than his old school image might suggest I think.
  7. These things take time. Especially as they have to be reprinted for the new stadium. It is finished isn't it?
  8. Yes but you forget that SL is still reeling from the fact that they won't let us sign any of their many star players any more. That kind of crushing blow has obviously led Steve to wage a vendetta against them.
  9. Presumably they will be banned from GasChat for being a Gert Ted anyway.
  10. Tinnion reckoned Pring was ready for the first team squad last season. So naturally we shipped him out again.
  11. Thanks, understood. It seems to me that all parties are tainted by everything from incompetence to outright venality. Love the game, hate the business and all that.
  12. Yes of course you are right. Perhaps they will accept the sanction and have deals lined up. Though short of a takeover I don't see where the money will come from. They're between a rock and a hard place of their own making. And Morris still probably thinks he's a smart operator.
  13. They will surely appeal and the deduction will be reduced given the Sheff Weds precedent. Even if the embargo is lifted do they have the money to make significant signings?
  14. My expectation has long been that a deal would be done in a (non) smoke-filled room. A 3 point deduction fits nicely with that. We shall see. Of course it would send a message to other clubs that egregious behaviour leads to no serious consequences but maybe that suits all parties.
  15. Iirc the original deadline for Derby to present their revised accounts was 18th August The EFL reportedly gave them a 6 day extension, though I have not seen any reports as to why. Perhaps Derby's pet auditor is on holiday? So presumably the accounts should be presented this week. Unless: 1. I have my timeline wrong. 2. The EFL grant another extension without explanation. 3. A plea bargain is being negotiated to allow the EFL to claim to be tough while minimising the actual punishment. Thought I suspect the process will drag on a long while yet. A points deduction when Derby are already down or comfortably safe would suit both parties perhaps.
  16. No, definitely Emmanuel. I had a ticket for the Dolman for the first that day so it sticks in my mind .
  17. Fair point. I guess the requirement has to be for the EFL Board to be made up of non-executive Directors as opposed to club representatives. That looks like good corporate governance to me. Though they need to be given sufficient qualified staff to carry out their functions. As to Derby, short term pain for sure but there may be long term gain if it allows time for a deal to be done over the revised accounts. Forgive my cynicism but there are a lot of cynical people controlling the game. We could yet find ourselves in a situation like Man City, who have been under investigation for 3 years and counting. Justice delayed is justice denied.
  18. An independent regulator is not the same as government regulation. Nobody is suggesting the EFL be accountable to DCMS. The FA should of course have been the regulator but it sold out to the Premier League so lost all credibility and authority. Not that I expect an independent regulator to happen. The minute the PL objects the government would back down. So it will be left to the jolly decent chaps who control the game to carry on doing a splendid job of protecting the financial security of clubs. As to Derby, what is the point in acting firm in setting a deadline then saying in effect "ok chaps we didn't really mean it, carry on"? It just adds to the perception that the EFL does not stand firm.
  19. Which is one reason I reckon why Tracey Crouch wants an independent regulator. She has said publicly that the current authorities aren't prepared to take robust action so the authority needs to lie elsewhere. Let's face it self regulation is rarely successful and certainly isn't likely in the case of what amounts to a cosy rich boy's club. Note that Derby have now been given an extension to the deadline for presenting their revised accounts for instance.
  20. She couldn't afford the Mem but she could buy an executive box tent.
  21. You sure that wasn't Barton's post match interview?
  22. Agreed, marks for managers are not my cup of tea. I don't take any notice of marks for players either. But @Robboredargued that a football journalist should not express opinions, an entirely different thing. Edit: I should add that the quality of local journalism has fallen across the board as the resources available have plummeted.
  23. Why? Both involve a combination of factual reporting and comment. Only the subject matter differs. If you subscribed to The Athletic for instance would you expect it to be full of pieces approved by clubs rather than independent analysis and comment by journalists? Still, as I say, the media team will give you the approved opinion if you prefer.
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