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Bris Red

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Posts posted by Bris Red

  1. 3 hours ago, Major Isewater said:

    The big disappointment with these two guys was the complete lack of quality loans for the England players they knew and worked with. 
    Many of us thought that we’d get one or two ‘ Tammy ‘ type loans in. 

    In fairness to them they could have suggested players to take on loan but the restrictions in finances could have put a stop to it. As we all know now with loan fee’s and the wages involved loans aren’t as financially viable as they used to be.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, Pezo said:

    A derby? Isn't Wolves closer to us?

    Thats why i said ‘of sorts’. I’ve worked with a fair few Plymouth fans over the years and they see us as a derby, undoubtedly has been a big rivalry between the two clubs when we were in the same league and always used to get interesting off the pitch aswell!

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  3. Didn’t realise they were top of League one to be fair. Plymouth are a funny one, it must be what 15-20 years ago that we would of viewed them as a club on a par with us and as a direct rival to get promotion out of League one.
    Feels like we have overtaken them by some margin in those years both on and off the pitch but fair play to them, would be a decent derby (of sorts) if they came up.

  4. 2 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    I see no value in the OP other to stir shit. We don't know how the recruit side of the club is run or much about those who are in it, more importantly we are in no position to do anything about it. Even if the information was valid it only serves to be a rod to beat the club with. I have no idea who Harry is and to be honest I don't care, but no matter how much he presents this information as fact, it is soured by his opinions. He may know "some agents", but everything I have ever read or heard about agents would make me wary of listening to them as a source of truth.

    Believe it or not Bristol City football club is not like the North Korean state and information about the ‘’inner workings’’ of most parts of the club if you know the right people and ask the right questions can be fairly easily obtainable.
    I have no reason to believe the OP is shit stirring as what he is telling us is pretty much the exact same information I heard through a source that i have at the club. It’s certainly far from top secret information i can assure you on that and quite frankly if i was SL i would be fairly embarrassed/annoyed at the set up especially considering how well he has done with the physical infrastructure of the football club in the past 5 years.

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  5. A great post and it echo’s the small snippets of info that i have been told by a source i have at the club..

    It’s a concern and i think we have to look at this realistically, Pearson hasn’t got the network of people around him that he in reality needs to be successful. I would love Nige to succeed but you just hope that he can get in the personnel needs into the club.

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  6. 1 hour ago, billywedlock said:

    The reaction of some fans at the game and on here is more disturbing than the lack of team performance. To suggest we really do have a great squad and it is underperforming is naive in extreme. We are currently looking at a squad created by Ashton with some input from LJ. It is miles off the required standard. Could and should NP be doing better, maybe, but anyone, and I mean anyone comimg into BCFC would be looking at a relegation battle. yet our fans are not supporting the club. The away support yesterday was the disgraceful. In my life of following our club I have never witnessed such away support, or lack of support. Let Pearson leave, go on. Because the reality is not being faced up to , we have a small and poor squad that has zero confidence. So the idea that taking the p155 out of them as "support" is quite frankly as big a disgrace as the on field results. It is time for big balls and patience and genuine support, because the mess Ashton created was a long time coming, was seen by a few, but the majority seemingly are still oblivious to the hard reality. This is not an overnight fix.  We are in a fight, and supporters, and I use that term loosely right now, need to step up as much as the team do. 

    I wasn’t there yesterday but come on the last people that need to be blamed is the fans, a sold out away following deserves a better performance than what was dished up yesterday. The 6th best home attendance in the division aswell, we deserve better and to be honest why the **** shouldn’t we have a moan and have our say.. call it shit support if you want but a dog shit performance needs to be called out Imo.

  7. Got to be looking at getting a win and a good performance on Saturday. Play like they did for the large spells at Forest and we should pick up 3 points. You just hope and pray for Nige’s sake that they don’t put in an abject performance and lose, I think even the most patient amongst us would start to have some doubts then imo.

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  8. 2 hours ago, italian dave said:

    The issues of ticketing and standing often crop up. It went way way beyond that yesterday.

    Setting off flares in a very confined concourse area is about as selfish, thoughtless and dangerous as it gets.

    During both medical emergency delays there was a rush to the bars (as if that was all people could think of) and abuse, threats, fighting to try to get there. 

    What I found most embarrassing of all was the response of some of our fans to those people, stewards, police and medics, who were doing their level best to help a City fan who was clearly very very unwell. At Newcastle that was recognised with a chant of “hero’s”. All I heard from some of our fans yesterday was a chant of “you don’t know what you’re doing”. 

    And meanwhile Ajax Amsterdam are performing pyro shows like this without a complaint in sight. The dutch must have stronger lungs than us English I’m guessing?

  9. 3 hours ago, dave36 said:

    Totally ashamed of some of the idiots yesterday! Saw so called fans physically attacking stewards and police because they could not access the bar during the  medical emergency, in my opinion they were not only drunk but very likely using drugs - please liaise with the WBA officials to use their video evidence and prevent these clowns masquerading as BCFC fans in the future!

    Ticketing is also a farce, it is presumed that away tickets are regarded as a free for all - if you want to stand at the back, fine! Buy a ticket for a seat there! 

    Jesus wept, we have some absolute wet weekends that follow this football club don’t we.

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Wiltshire robin said:

    You can’t be serious, there’s not another club in the country that moan about away matches being unreserved. Some right soft melts at this club?

    Its actually baffling. You see packed away ends up and down the country with fans of other clubs happily standing where they want. Aslong as i have got a place to stand with my mates I couldn’t give two ***** to be honest.

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