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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I mean by that logic I should support the Lansdowns too... I'll pass, every one has their limits.
  2. 8 years of failure? Based on what? Not winning something you value? Almost every club that's had Pearson has said he'd helped their club in some form of another. If you think that's failure then that's your interpretation, I would consider having the admiration of previous clubs is a massive success considering agonist every manager who is sacked from a job will be hated by that clubs fans. I think it's fair to say Pearson is a fixer, he goes to clubs and fixes what's broken and usually gets sacked because he tells it as it is and boards don't like their fans hearing what actually going on. Or the board gets over ambitious based on how well Pearson is turning things around and they think that it's their doing entirely. I mean in Leicesters case maybe that was the one occasion where the infrastructure was right and they appointed well after Pearson left which allowed them to build on what he did but in most cases you get the board realising that despite Pearson being too vocal what he was saying was actually true, and what follows is a bad appointment followed by a manager who can't maintain what Pearson put in place. Nothing anyone says will change my mind that Pearson did an incredible job here because he was given nothing and improved us despite that, despite the board not wanting him any more and despite the fact that they even hamstringed him right before this season. Lampard managed Chelsea for the same reason we had Tinnion, would you say Tinnion was a manager because he was the best manager available? Or would you say the board took the cheap option that would at the very least have the fans back the manager because of his history as a player? You don't have to actually answer that, we both know the answer. By the way, Franks first game game in charge of Chelsea, biggest loss they'd suffered since 1978. Another fun fact about Lampard at Chelsea, his second run as mashed produced the first bottom half finish since 1996 and the lowest points and goals scored in Chelseas Premier League era. He also got sacked with the worst percentage (9%) of all Chelsea managers who managed for more than 3 games, but let's not let those statistics ruin a big name manager.
  3. And how much did he spend on those players and how much did he have to get rid of to get said players. He had to create enough budget to be able to make any signings. He also reduced the wages bill in the time he was here, it never once increased over the number he started with and it ended up considerably lower. He increased our financial position by getting rid of overpaid players that weren't doing anything for us. He then took that pitiful amount he freed up and signed players for small amounts or frees and on lesser wages. That is not being given plenty to work with, it's exactly what I said, being given nothing to work with. He wanted a new player, he had to get rid of some, he wanted to spend money on a player, he had to save enough money from selling or cutting wages to be able to do so. If you genuinely believe that we should of got something against Cardiff with 12 players out injured and Cardiff in promotion form, at their ground you're deluded. Could we have got something? Maybe, but only because that bare boned team that started, including 4 players out of position because of how desperate we were and a 17 year old making his debut, all worked their fingers to the bone for their manager. The only reason we were ever in that game was because the players wanted to play for the manager. We've fielded much better line ups against Cardiff in the past and still lost, teams that were far better than Cardiffs line ups, the difference is we had an outside chance, despite all the players out, because Nigel created a squad that were fighters. The fact that you even think we should have got something is a testiment to what Nigel created and how accustomed we've become to seeing players giving their all when they're down. He's increased our points per season every season, he's taken a squad full of insanely overpaid players and got rid of them and replaced with much cheaper paid but harder working players. He's brought in players like Sykes who was mocked when he first started and when he finally got the opportunity to play him where he wanted him he's gone on to be one of our most exciting players. He's brought numerous young talents through and developed them into first team players, he's done all that without costing the club a penny, in fact actually saving them money... I could go on and on about all the positives he's done, instilling a culture of players wanting to play for him, wanting to win, refusing to accept they're not as good as the top teams but the most important one was he got the fans on the same page, he got them behind him and the team and he's only been gone a few days and look at the forums, we're all at each others throats, couldn't agree on the colour of shit right now. You may not rate him but in a few managers time I think we'll really see how good he was.
  4. Ask a foreign football fan of they know Frank Lampard and they'll probably say "yeah, England player", ask the same person of they know Bristol City and it'll more than likely be "who?" or "oh I've heard that name before" but they won't know us. Google search results take into account any mention and being as you're comparing a football club to a sunfish player it'll obviously show a huge number to the football club because if a story is written and we're mentioned it's adding to that number. As a club were going to be included in so many more stories or articles than a singular player. Google search results do not represent how popular or well known something is, in fact of you don't know what something is what do you do, you Google it, so you even include into that number people from other counties googling "who are Bristol City" of they hear us being mentioned as Frank Lampard new club, that raises the club number for searches without raising Lampard, proving my point that iys irrelevant to the statement I made.
  5. I mean if he wanted the contract he would have kissed up to Jon Lansdown and not been irritated that he couldn't get investment to improve the squad. I think after all the time he'd been here and all the restrictions that had been put on him the reason he stood up to the board was because he knew that we need investment into players and it want coming. I have no doubts that Pearson could have just kept doing what he was doing and got a new contract by keeping his mouth shut and towing the line. That's not Pearson though, he wants to improve, he wants to get better and ultimately that's what cost him the job, how desire to see us improve and the boards inept view on football was restricting it, as per usual. Pearson is gone, we're not a Premier League team, it's the board who keep talking about the Premier League, Pearson's focus was on improving a little each time and that the Prem would come when the football was right. The only consistent in the club not achieving it's goal of Premier League football is the board and it's decisions. No manager is taking us up because the board prevents it whilst saying it's their goal and our fans just accept their **** ups and keep dancing along to the same tune. Since Pearson has gone it's already happening, people are accepting he's gone and already forgetting why we're looking for a new manager in the first place.
  6. I mean add the laughing emoji but he worked within a tiny budget, he made no big signings, was forced to sell a key asset at the worst time possible and wasn't allowed to spend to replace. The man literally kept us competitive whilst being given nothing to work with, almost every fan with any knowledge of our time under him and an ounce of common sence will accept that.
  7. What's crazy is that some fans think having a big name as a player is just as good as having a big name for managing football clubs when it comes to appointing managers. Are we bigger than Frank, no, more people will know Frank Lampard than Bristol City, that's a fair statement. However, take Lampards achievements and statistics as a manager, then apply a generic name that noone knows, then put that CV on the table and see if he gets a second look...
  8. Form changes and what do you expect our form to be like with half of the squad out injured? The points per season had gone up every season Pearson was here, he fixed our finances, he United our fan base and he wasn't a shill for the board, that's why the backlash is so high, he had the clubs best interest at heart, not the chairman's.
  9. And you're entitled to your opinion but I think the more you suport the boards bad decisions the more you have to accept them. If we just keep getting behind managers every time the board make a mistake, if we keep going to games and doing exactly what JL wants and cheering on the team despite the board ******* them up then we're just as much to blame as the board themselves. If Frank comes in I'll vote with my wallet and my voice, by not supplying the club with either until they make the decision I'm willing to back, that's my choice and if that means I'm seen as less of a supporter or fan, so be it, at least I won't be singing along to the tune of Jon Lansdown and his merry bunch of clowns who can't accept that maybe, just maybe, the footballing experienced members of their employees may know more than them about football. I'm done supporting JL, to me Lampard is the man you bring in to get eyes on the club, not to do what's best for it.
  10. Maybe initially, but we hire Lampard and end up at the bottom half of the table as I think we would, how does that help convince a buyer? Now they have a crap manager instead of a solid one with fan backing and probably a hefty fee to pay to get rid of him.
  11. My mate is a Coventry fan and said they play well but don't convert chances, the thing is we had that same issue and had to resolve it with what we had, Robins spent £9m on a striker who's played 14 games in a team who create a lot of chances but he's scored only 2 goals... I mean I see that as Robins spending big and getting nothing for it, he won't even get that option here.
  12. Sorry but I'm fed up of this rhetoric, I won't back Lampard and I don't think any fan who thinks he's incapable of the job should either. "it's not Lampard fault"... No it's not, but if he's got an ounce of common sense he would look into the club, what's happened and understand that is the job he's accepting, one where the fans already had a manager they wanted and the board took him away, the same board that would be appointing him to do as they say. I've spent years and years backing the new man because I believed that board were looking out for the best interests of the club, by sacking Pearson because they had an issue with him they showed that their own feelings matter more than what's best for the club and the fans. Cheering on an inferior replacement isn't going to achieve anything other than to show the board they can do as they please and the fans will do exactly what the board want them to do. If ever the board has had to get an appointment spot on perfect, it's now and Lampard would be nothing more than a PR stunt that will ultimately backfire.
  13. I think if Lampard is appointed it just reaffirms that the Lansdowns and the board are ******* morons. The only positive of Lampard is that it will get eyes on the club, the problem is when we're at the bottom of the league that won't be positive eyes on the club. My brother is an Everton supporter, he hates Lampard and I can understand why having watched so many games under Lampard with him. He's tactically inept, awful interviews that only seem to piss fans off and is another manager living off of his connections as a player. I honestly think Lampard for us will be the same as what's happening at Birmingham right now, Eustace had them playing to a strategy, the team understood it, they were happy playing it, they'd just won back to back games and he gets sacked, the big player name Rooney comes in and now they've lost 3 on the bounce. I can honestly e the same happening to us under Lampard, loads of hype, the board showing off their 'big name' to replace Nigel, only for them to realise he's a crap manager, even if he is the yes man they want.
  14. What concerns me with Robins is that he was doing well, then he had to sell some key assets but he's spent big, been backed and still doesn't seem to be able to get the best out of his team. We're obviously not going to be able to spend, if he were to join us it wouldn't be his team and so why would we do better under his appointment? I just don't see it, I think he, like many manager, has had a good spell and like many managers has lost key assets. Unlike Pearson he's been able to recruit players with better finances but has failed to bring in quality players. Pearson on the other hand recruited amazingly well on a shoe string budget, despite having our best player sold for a massive fee. I just feel we need someone like Nige, someone who can get the team playing well but is also shrewd when it comes to selling and buying. I don't think that's Robins, in fact I don't think that's any of the managers on the list and I honestly think we may bring in a new manager and really struggle. I honestly can't see whoever comes in keeping our playstyle in tact, buying and selling well and maintaining what Pearson has put in place. I think the next appointment won't last more than a year.
  15. I actually think they'll be up for it. I mean they're going to need to impress a new potential manager and if they're not looking to impress the next man here then they'll want to be impressing other clubs to get their attention. Either way they'll not be helping themselves by letting their head go down, that doesn't show any strength of character. That said, I kind it hope our fans stay away and are quiet if they go. Right now the players aren't the problem, these players will leave in time but it we want actual change then we need the board to change or them to realise they can't bully the fans and do as they please. I always see our fans saying they don't want the Lansdowns as owners, if that's the case hot them where it hurts, their pockets. Those who say "they already have my season ticket money", ok, they do but their asset doesn't look worth so much when the fans have turned their back. Simply put, if you really want to make the Lansdowns squirm, stop attending. A near empty stadium would be a real wake up call for them.
  16. Nah, Jon will need those for his new designs at his next job.
  17. I mean they just fired a manager who pretty much the whole fan base wanted to stay and then Jon came out and tried to calm us down by pretty much saying how the fans will get mad but still keep coming so it doesn't matter. I think they've shown they're more than capable of being this stupid and being so out of touch that they could do this and think it'll all be OK.
  18. Used to like Tinnion but let's be fair, he's a shill, just here for the money because he knows it's easy so long as he tows the line.
  19. Pretty much called the fans mugs, saying we can hate him but we'll still be at the match, still paying our money, still cheering on the team. That's all he wants, it's for the fans to keep turning up and keep paying to cheer on the players as it makes it look good for the buyers. "Look, we sacked the guy they wanted here and they still keep coming and paying to see it. It's a great investment, hell, so long as they're dressed in red with a Robin on them these idiots will say they hate you and keep giving you their money. You can even make the Robin in coral draw they'll still buy it after a moan." Jon takes the fans for mugs, he can do one.
  20. You can search through my posts and see how much I've defended them but they've finally gone too far and made it clear that the fans mean nothing to them. They're beyond redemption at this point short of rehiring Pearson which we all know isn't going to happen. I've had enough of them at this point, Jon's statement was straight up insulting and felt like he was taking the fans for mugs, saying how we can hate him but we'll still be at the match cheering the squad on meaning he doesn't care how we feel so long as we do what he wants. Even Tinnion sounds like a shill now, he's getting his promotions, he's kissing the right arses and so he's happy.
  21. I mean if you put it that way, I would say instead a manager who was given never to no transfer budget, had to lower wages and had to fix a squad that was still a mess from the previous managers and then not only kept us up but improved our points per season every season onwards. On top of that he United a fan base who never seen to agree about their manager. I honestly can't remember the last manager the fanbase all seemed to get behind, even after the double by Cotterill our fans were split with a lot saying he wasn't good enough and others saying to give him time. Honestly, name the last manager we sacked that had such a big backlash from so many fans because I'm 42 and I don't ever remember seeing that. If you want to try and tarnish what he's done for this club, keeping it competitive in one of the hardest ladies in the world, with a constantly lowering budget and a board who wanted him out then by all means you're welcome, but anyone with an ounce of common sense will see through that.
  22. I think I actually disagree. I'd obviously be happy to see us winning but it won't last and will probably come at a high financial cost meaning we'll need another Pearson to come in and fix it. The issue is there aren't a lot of Pearson out there. I've always been very defensive of SL as I have always seen him as someone who bails us out when we need it but I think this is the turning point for me. If Pearson isn't good enough for him then he either needs to loosen his purse strings and pay very big to bring in someone who can do better or he needs to accept the people running the club are incapable of happening. He won't do either and therefore has finally lost my support both verbally and financially. I'm genuinely happy to stop paying to watch this club, to stop buying it's merch and to essentially take away my support until things change and I hope a lot of our fans feel that way. If the fans stopped paying to watch, stopped buying the merch and left our beautiful stadium empty for a prolonged amount of time I can confidently say that SL would struggle to find a buyer and may end up actually having to get people in that the fans are happy to run the club.
  23. I mean we sacked a man who lost 2-0 to a team in 5th and was missing half his squad and had the backing off the b fans despite that.
  24. My faith in the club has died, we had the best manager we can get at our level and no real great option to replace him. Realistically I think Pearson was the peak of our managerial appointments and we've sacked him when the only one who wanted him gone was his employer. The fans mean nothing to this club anymore.
  25. Let's be honest, you're the guy who gets hit by a bus, Mrs cheats on him, kids go off with mum, cat goes and loves with another family, house catches fire and burns to the ground and then says "well at least I have my 1991 Ford Escort" aren't you? Pearson was the first man since I started supporting this club that was out spoken, honest and turned a terrible position into one of hope. The only other manager who stood up to the men at the top was Cotterell, who did amazing here and I think also lost his job due to the board wanting rid. Essentially in my 35 years of supporting this club they are the two main managers who have done well and been out spoken, only for the board to hate that about them so they've ham stringed them both to get rid. We could look forward and be positive but the truth of the matter is the only way we'll progress is by a manager coming in, being tactically strong, good at managing in all areas and being able to do it on a shoestring budget, all whilst making sure they kiss the boards ass and stay quiet when they're having to take the bring caused by that same board. If you genuinely believe there is a manager out there who can do all that then I am insanely jealous of your optimism because to me, that's a level of optimism I'll never obtain, especially as a City supporter. Nigel isn't the issue, sacking him fixes nothing, the issue are the people running this club and that is exactly why we have amazing facilities, a great stadium etc but still haven't managed to compete in this league without punching massively above our weight. The club is definitely being held back, but it's by those who seem unsackable, so they'll just keep sacking people when things don't go their way and we'll have to keep accepting it or we walk away from a club we love.
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