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Everything posted by EstoniaTallinnRed

  1. It's bloody Gas on the BCFC os audio at the moment, can't they get anything right. Hope they realise and change it soon!
  2. Afternoon all! It's going to be a tough game for the boys today, I would be very satisfied with a draw, but I'm sorry, with the lack of so many experienced players I really cant see anything more than a defeat. Still football is a funny old game so who knows. What I do know, is that the boys will try as hard as they can to win, so Come On You Red's!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I think their hoping for Harry Potter, as they need a wizard to get them to win.
  4. Just said on RB that they requested an interview with someone at the top and were told no one was available, Tipical!
  5. Good Evening all. Well here we are taking on number 2 in the league, who are surprisingly Ipswich Town. Not really looking good considering all our injuries, only hope we can turn them round and stop their pressing game. If we do, then I think we can at least get a point, so come on you red's and show MA we can do the business.
  6. I have heard that Hargreaves was the driving force behind the business, so it's not surprising that SL doesn't have the acumen to take City to the top. He's a money man and that's all that matters, seeing what's happening in front of him. doesn't make any difference, as long as he gets what he wants. Which I think like lot's on here, is to sell the club as soon as he can and retire to his tax haven.
  7. I think he was earlier, but was subbed as they were just going through him.
  8. Try again soon as it not allowed on line until the game is well over.
  9. Good! It's all about getting the ball in the net and not conceding, that's what we did.
  10. Unbelieveable WELL DONE BOY'S worked so hard and just about deserved it.
  11. Just hope we don't sit back now, get it up to Cornick to hold up.
  12. Man U play tonight so will be a definite rememberance there.
  13. You have to admit we were crap until the change of formation and sub.
  14. Dickieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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