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Everything posted by EstoniaTallinnRed

  1. Sykessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  2. Let's hope James is not seriously injured, that's all we need.
  3. Wells should have scored then, we got to take these chances!
  4. Why, there's no need, as on the OS it says UK and overseas.
  5. Great news, not as good as a replacement for Scott, but on to Swansea. See you later.
  6. I've been like that all week one day ahead of myself, must be old age, I just hope I will remember it's a 14.30 KO here!
  7. And they seem to be the ones unavailable to give any answers!
  8. I agree, I don't see that playing a player with an injury that can only be rectified with an injection, can be good for that injury to heal properly. I'm wondering if he is suffering from the same condition as I am, namely Gout. This condition is caused by the body producing too much Uric Acid, the kidneys are suppose to control it, but for some reason they dont. Because of this crystals are formed in the heel, toes or both and is very painful, especially as there is inflamation as well, a diet of too much red meat will cause this. It can be treated with medication and also an injection, which I believe only last for some time and then doesn't work anymore, this could be the reason, but who knows, the medical team are sure to know about this condition, I hope. All I have written is probably rubbish, as I'm sure someone will tell me.
  9. Wellsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  10. What is the point of the rule, when the ref never gives it?
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