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Nogbad the Bad

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Everything posted by Nogbad the Bad

  1. What, you wear a kilt and play the bagpipes while stuffing yourself with haggis? If not i'd resent the implication if i was you.
  2. Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be Gert big puddle in the lavatory Que sera, sera
  3. Oh dear, what can the matter be? Someone got locked in the Rotherham lavatory They'll be be there from Monday to Saturday The 'Egg Man' ran off with the key.
  4. Yeah, McPhee and Heffernan are currently playing a needle game of "Eenie, Meenie, Minee, Mo" to decide who signs for City. The winner will go into the next round, a tense match of "Scissors, stone, paper" against Marcus Stewart. Whoever comes through faces a penalty shoot-out against Mooney at Whitchurch sports centre to determine our new striker.
  5. You're right there Goblin. Everyone seemed to have a bike in the late 70's/early 80's. We used to go up Tiffany's, the Dug Out, The Granary etc. and think nothing of roaring home at the end of the night. City scarf on all the time as well, which was the fashion. If you were at traffic lights with a gashead with his scarf on you had to try and burn him off, no question. It was carnage as well though with someone in the paper just about every week being killed it seemed. One time we were on a bus on the Downs and a bloke with a City scarf trailing behind him in the wind overtook us at high speed only for a car to pull out from a junction and hit him side on. He was in a hell of a state and seeing him certainly brought me to my senses. It was the City scarf more than anything that brought it home that it could just as well have been me. I remember the queues for handing in your helmet in the police terrapin outside the East End as well, don't see that these days either.
  6. My 6 reference WAS tongue in cheek, fct, i was merely stating that we should show the "novice" keeper no mercy. I am never over confident before a City game, myriad disappointments over the years ( make that decades) have ensured that. I do like to be postive when there's an opportunity and when there is a match City should win, i'll have no qualms about saying so. The gloom can come after the event if City disappoint, like last night. Therefore i share your pessimism this morning. We desperately need to hammer someone very soon to get the belief back. And by that i do indeed mean by 5 or 6. Our run of games from Port Vale on is looking more and more diabolical with no relief in sight if we're stuttering. We could lose several on the trot which would blow our top 2 chances. If it then comes down to the play -offs we're done for, that's the one thing i'm certain of, so the horrific prospect of a City cock-up of near gas proportions cannot be ruled out.
  7. I was joking with the 6 fct. However, City should dispatch a team in Wycombe's position and as much as we shouldn't be approaching the game over confidently, we shouldn't be viewing it with trepidation either. We've got a good team, good manager and intimidating fans. We're at home to the bottom club. We've all seen before how things can go wrong, not least up there. And yes i do remember McSporran! But why approach a game in a shell, watching what we say in case it puts the Indian sign on us? There's little fun in that and it doesn't show much confidence in the team. City have done well this season and we should indeed have confidence in the team from the off tonight. They need the fans to be positive and loud and 12,000 people biting their nails aren't going to be much help.
  8. Would seem a bit tight to shatter a young keepers confidence in one of his first games by knocking 6 past him. Never mind he can put it down to experience, or lack of it.
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