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Nogbad the Bad

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Everything posted by Nogbad the Bad

  1. Bound to be, everyone smiles in as time goes by videos!
  2. I certainly remember hearing this too, that basically JL had decided he wasn't interested in taking over long term ownership of BCFC, as had presumably always been the plan. But didn't JL counter a question last week asking if SL had lost his passion for the club - or similar - with 'no, but even if he had, I haven't.' So perhaps things have changed again?
  3. Look out for him to say, 'that's the enormous bit', then we'll know.
  4. I like Bloom a lot, been watching his podcasts for years and he's one of the best and most knowledgeable imo. When comparing him with our home produced City podcasts though he has one overwhelming advantage in 'talking sense', he's not lumbered with decades of disappointment increasing his frustration, or an emotional attachment to the club, which means he can view the club with detachment, as you say, as an outsider. Which he does extremely well. Got to say though I appreciate all the City fans who take the time to do podcasts - whether I agree with what they say or not - and them having having travelled the same road, and being able to identify with their emotional attachment to the club, is a big part of that.
  5. For anyone wondering what the famous Pat Mountain looks like, despite being snowed under his fan club have released a photo!! Bit surprised tbh, for some reason pictured him being at least twice the size.
  6. Having someone with such a comical name about the place is probably seen as vital for maintaining squad morale.
  7. A number of new posters have been posting prodigiously since Nige was sacked, all saying much the same thing. If they're genuine City fans their posting rate indicates they enjoy being on the forum so let's see if they're still posting regularly in a few months time, or whether they just quietly disappear completely over the next few weeks.
  8. Went to the match with my then 7 year old and took his primary school friend for his first ever game. Terrible game and atmosphere, threatening Wolves fans pointing and shouting at us in the Grandstand from the corner of EE all game, and walked past fighting by the Hen & Chicken on the way home. He never went again!
  9. If he hasn't been there under Nige he can't have any direct knowledge as to whether Rennie was in any way culpable for the injury situation and can only have taken his opinion that the players thoroughly disliked Nige from someone who had played under him, and that could be one of those who possibly held a grudge against him for reasons given in my previous post. As he said the players are sick to death of Nige I discount everything he's said because afaic we could see by their performances this was absolutely not the case. They were giving their utmost for him, to a man.
  10. The way the depleted squad has been playing for Nige recently says that's not true. There will be 'former players' who hold a grudge against him, particularly some of those whose poor attitude, displayed before and after his arrival, meant he had to move them on. No surprise if one of these was 'sick to death of NP' and wants to bad mouth him now but if he fell out with NP the fault almost certainly lay at his door. I doubt any of the current players were sick to death of him, just the opposite, not only because of the way they clearly played for him but shown by their messages when he left. My impression is he was extremely well liked and respected by the current squad. As for the injuries & Rennie, the former player wouldn't know and just seems determined, as with Nige, to put him in the worst possible light.
  11. Indeed, this idea that as a Bristol City fan I should be in favour of Bristol Sport and automatically be supportive of the concept, and the other teams involved, is weird afaic. I'm a fan of Bristol City F.C. - I'm not interested in Bristol Sport in the slightest.
  12. Very similar feel, but in Manning's favour he hasn't been chosen for apparently no other reason than the owner knows him and likes him personally. The appointment doesn't feel like a double whammy to me this time - while not 'inspired' by Manning I'm also not against him or angry and completely deflated at him being the new man as I was with LJ replacing Cotts. For all our frustration we should perhaps remember fans used to be known as 'spectators' and in essence that's what we are - we watch on at events at the club as well as watching the team, and have strong opinions on everything connected to the club. Unless we're going to withdraw our support for Bristol City F.C. - and if I was ever going to do that it would have been when Cotts was sacked and LJ came in - we continue to be spectators with a fascination for all things Bristol City that most of us can't, in fact don't want to, shake off. While we may resent the board taking that for granted, we don't need to like or support the board, we support the team and the fact remains most of us know in our hearts we're not going to just walk away from a lifelong passion which is so much a part of us. I can only hope we've genuinely got one of the most promising up and coming young coaches this time, not an over hyped self publicist who should never have been appointed, and if so, who knows, it may turn out to be an enjoyable period to support the club. Therefore, pissed off and disgruntled as we should rightly be imo at Nige's horrendous treatment, we can't change it and at this point we have a choice of either supporting the new coach while very much hoping for the best, or knock the whole thing on the head and become an ex-supporter of BCFC. In that sprit, presuming the appointment is confirmed, welcome to AG Liam, and good luck.
  13. Where's this 'naysht' at the end come from? I was taught to pronounce 'knecht' as 'connect' - near as damn it. So Lee burr c(o)nnect.
  14. Can't be bothered to go through the interview again, but I'm sure I heard JL say that although the recruitment team make up a list based on positions the manager feels need strengthening, you'd never sign anyone the manager doesn't want, and the manager always has the 'final say' on signings. The exact words 'final say' repeated so often by LJ, who also said, iirc, that he could, and did, put forward his own names to any list made up by others. Trying to absolve LJ from any responsibility doesn't work for me.
  15. Manning's only been at Oxford about 8 months, staving off the threat of relegation last season and taking them to 2nd in the table now. Evidently a promising young manager and would certainly seem to fit the bill as far as the Lansdowns/Tinnion are concerned, but very inexperienced and a huge gamble.
  16. Done very well in his 8 months there, staved off the threat of relegation last season and now has Oxford 2nd in the table. From wiki: Manning favours a high possession, high pressing style of football.[14][15] He has a reputation for developing young players, having spent much of his early coaching career working with the academy sides of West Ham United, Ipswich Town and New York City FC. Manning is credited as having contributed to the development of England international Declan Rice.[4
  17. Yep, crawl back to Nige, then bugger off to Guernsey/Bermuda and let him get on with it. 99% of fans back onside at a stroke. If only......
  18. With our dire injury situation that's not going to happen. I think it's only Nige's experience and calmness and the respect the players hold him in that has prevented a thrashing for our patchwork team in the last few games. I don't think we should underestimate the effect Nige's sacking will have on the morale of the depleted squad - they were given confidence and were willing to run through brick walls for him, it's not going to be the same with a new manager, or indeed no manager. Sheffield Wednesday may be bottom of the table but such is our disarray things could really fall apart on Saturday, new manager or not.
  19. You're adding nothing to the thread and I don't believe you're a Bristol City fan. Go away.
  20. The Lansdowns will know full well the fans were overwhelmingly behind Nige but they clearly don't give a shit about us or what we think. The players would have enormous respect and trust in Nige and no doubt they are gutted too - it's back to square one with an inferior yes man and very likely downhill from here. Disgusting decision, absolutely furious.
  21. Look at the poll - 96% of City fans say it's not. No manager will ever get the support of every fan but this must be just about unprecedented support for a City manager.
  22. 80% is the figure in favour of a 24th month renewal. 96% in favour of at least a 12 month renewal.
  23. In NP's near 25 years in football management it's doubtful he's ever had a more decimated squad to choose from than he has today.
  24. Maybe, 22, fair amount of experience - well, compared to others being mentioned anyway - and as a Cardiff boy perhaps an extra incentive to do well. What positions can he cover and what is thought to be his best position?
  25. Confronted and abused when he took Shrewsbury there as well iirc. Ffs don't do it Cotts.
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