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Nogbad the Bad

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Posts posted by Nogbad the Bad

  1. 3 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    But this is how it goes, just " few hundred grand " here, "only another million" there and the next thing you know we are back in the Ashton era.

    It's really galling to me that because we have come into some money and we have had a couple of injuries, the same people who would be critical of MA and LJ for the "clubs in the bag" policy, suddenly think we should be added more and more players.

    Not sure they would be the same people but the difference here is that many would say (Nige included imo) we actually need a couple of targeted signings to strengthen a small squad, rather than newcomers being clubs in the bag.

    No one I've seen on here was asking for much really, just using a small amount of the Scott money on a couple of necessary signings.

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  2. Let's be honest here, Clarke-Harris would have been a fantastic signing for Rovers, with a stunning record of 57 league goals in 81 games in his last 2 L1 seasons.

    His record at that level shows that 20+ goals from him this season was all but guaranteed, and even at Championship level in 21/22 he scored 12 league goals, (more than our top League scorer last season) and that was for a struggling club.

    They were looking disconcertingly well set for a genuine promotion push if this deal had gone through, so not only hilarious but really good news they managed to cock it up, 


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  3. 58 minutes ago, BUTOR said:

    At the same time, if Lansdown suddenly allocates 20% of the Scott fee towards a creative midfielder and a centre back, does some of this vitriol suddenly go away? I doubt it.

    On the contrary, SL providing those funds to attend to glaring weaknesses in a small squad and giving renewed hope to the fans that we can still have some hope of an exciting season, would make a huge difference.

    Most crucially though it would be a show of support for the manager.

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  4. 8 hours ago, RedRock said:

    I think the Bristol Sport concept is sound too and IF the sporting quarter is delivered, a unique sporting complex and one to be proud of. 


    Really not interested in all that peripheral stuff, why should I be?

    My interest is confined to Bristol City F.C., the club I've supported for 50+ years.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, mozo said:

    I personally think it's his squad, his coaching set up and his tactics. 

    If he sets an expectation that we have the quality to push for top 6 then we have to judge him on that.


    Didn't SL say that his expectation was a push for top 6 this season? If so Nige could hardly publicly say he disagreed, because however unlikely, it couldn't be ruled out.

    Presume you're quoting NP from pre season when his optimism to push for the top 6 would be based on his squad at the time and envisaging Scott, Conway and McCrorie as regular starters. 

    With a small squad losing 3 such key players collectively right at the start of the season obviously makes a big difference, most fans know and accept that, and expectations will be tempered until those at the top are seen to be sharing NP's ambition by supporting him financially rather than apparently being content to stagnate in this division and frustrate both the manager and the fans.

    It almost feels by SL's inaction to back the manager that he is writing off this season already and is completely unbothered about having a discontented manager and fanbase and the prospect of dwindling, restless crowds. Very odd imo.


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  6. 18 minutes ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

    Not everything is solved by bringing in yet more new players.  How many players has Pearson brought in since January?  Cornick, Mehmeti, Dickie, Roberts, Knight, McCrorie, Gardner-Hickman.  Have I missed anyone?  The issue for me is that we are under-performing with the players we do have, which is an issue for the manager and coaches, not the owner.

    Don't think so.

    7 in since January, but almost twice as many out, so the squad clearly requires strengthening.


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  7. 19 minutes ago, Top Robin said:

    He's running out of patience!?!   He is responsible for this term and it's motivation.

    We should be the ones running out of patience with him.


    I'm sure we would be if we genuinely thought he was at fault, but he has to work with the tools he's got which are clearly insufficient to progress.

    Most of us can see that having sold Semenyo and Scott, and with the injuries to Conway. McCrorie, Weimann and Atkinson, we can't expect much more from NP until SL properly backs him.

    My patience is running out with SL, not NP.


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  8. 13 hours ago, spudski said:

    Two days ago we said goodbye to Chris. 

    You might like this...


    Listen to the roars of the crowd, and not just when the ball hits the back of the net.

    Fantastic atmosphere, exactly what attracted me to the game.

    You forget how good it used to be.

    Football matches are so much quieter now with a far slower tempo, far less excitement and crowd involvement, and all too often plain boring.

    You get the odd good game, but so much that made attending football matches special has gone now. ☹️

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  9. 42 minutes ago, Oh Louie louie said:

    Im amazed he wasn't sacked pre season tbh

    Owners are desperate for their appointments to be seen as a success, hence the last thing they want is to have to admit to the fans they got it wrong by sacking them. 

    No better example than close to home - just look how excruciatingly long it took SL to see the error of his ways after the bewildering appointment of LJ.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    I thought LJ received some awful Qs.

    Not the sort of thing we're used to hearing in Bristol admittedly, but In some places journalists are actually local, not only that but fans of the club themselves, and aren't afraid of asking the sort of blunt questions fans are asking themselves.

    We could have done with one or two like that when LJ was here.

    Can't see LJ getting another appointment like City or Hibs, neither does he deserve to.

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  11. 30 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

    So 21 OOC and another 5 go back to their parent Clubs. Joey planning for the future then. 
    What with making money from his Twitter paywall for Club News or whatever it was, he really could leave the club in a mess.

    Not that it makes too much difference but the 21 OOC includes the 5 loans.



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  12. 1 minute ago, Spike said:

    Not taking the piss, genuine question, do stats count them if they aren't saved by the keeper? They're classed as blocked shots in those circumstances right? ? I'd genuinely like to know the answer myself haha

    Can't answer that Spike but it sounded like great sustained pressure on the radio and unbelievable it didn't end with Owers roaring for a goal.

  13. 9 minutes ago, The hand of RO'D said:

    I don’t get your point? You could have said the same thing 5 years ago. And 5 years before that….and before that. Are you just happy were a football team that just merely exists or at what point do you want some ambition?

    A question for our long time owner and decision maker SL perhaps?

    But you seem to be questioning the future of the best manager we've had since Cotts, a manager who has only been here a couple of years and done nothing but good.

  14. 11 hours ago, Red-Robbo said:


    But I don't think I've walked out down Winterstoke Road more pissed off, bored and thinking "why am I doing this" than the last two home games.

    It isn't just me either. My neighbour in the Dolman said he thinks this might be his last season as a STH. He's been going for years. 

    Given that we've had a lot worse sides than we have now, I've tried to justify my feelings. 

    I think it's because we - the fanbase - had our expectations high this season and the AG results and the general atmosphere surrounding the club at present just seems as flat as ****. 

    I think expectations were justifiably quite high for this season, not for play offs imo but at least for a far more enjoyable season.

    But the football God's do seem to be against us as just at the moment of well founded optimism we suffer a series of below the belt sucker punches that completely deflate us.

    Fans favourite and likely top scorer Tommy picks up a long term injury, big new signing McCrorie's completely unexpected and unusual long term absence, Scott sold with no sign of a reasonable amount of that money being given to the manager, just as thing's seem to be coming together nicely one big deflationary blow after another, resulting in a dull season in prospect.

    The bigger problem is many of us have been uninspired by SL's City for years, maybe since Cotts, having sat through so many seasons of mostly boring football and poor results at AG, and having our hopes to actually enjoy ourselves at AG again seemingly dashed so quickly has left little enthusiasm for the season ahead, and in some cases for BCFC at all.

    SL needs to pull his finger out, and quickly, or this disenchantment will turn to anger.


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  15. 1 hour ago, And Its Smith said:

    I’ve supported City for over 30 years and been on this forum for well over 10 years.  I think it’s pretty easy to predict the mood by league position for the season ahead.  So I’ve got a good idea what will happen in those circumstances. 

    OK, if it means anything I've been a City fan over 50 years and on this forum since it started 20 years ago, and it's predecessors before that.

    There will always be a percentage of fans who don't like a particular manager, or whose expectations are unrealistic, who are just waiting for the moment to start threads calling for his head.

    Though perhaps relatively few in number these posters may flood the forum with threads calling for a sacking if we are mid table after 20 games, however that doesn't mean they are right or that the majority will support them. 


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  16. 5 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    All I’ve commented on is what will happen if we are in those positions. I’ve not commented on my expectations.   Pearson himself said we are aiming for the play offs though so maybe talk to him about unrealistic expectations! 


    You've no idea what will happen in those circumstances so can only assume your comments to be based on your own thoughts.

    If you're saying you know this is how SL will view things I'd say his expectations are totally unrealistic.

    As things stand, without bolstering the squad, we're a mid table team and that's the best SL can expect. 


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