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Mr Popodopolous

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Everything posted by Mr Popodopolous

  1. Thanks, will look again today. This was Saturday's Times was it?
  2. Got the Times in front of me, Saturday's one. Are you sure? Didn't see anything but not read every word of the sports section in minute detail.
  3. How widely read, known, representative this place is who knows but it might be worth trying to get someone from there onto here to debate the issues, answer a few qs and try to.assuage concerns or similar of other fans.
  4. TV money at PL level and Parachute Payments when if they drop back down will make up a major proportion. Most recently released accounts were Covid impacted 2020-21, guess 2018-19 was the closest comparison TV money aside until last season's are out. End of March, early April we should know more they are due by then.
  5. That sounds positive. I am happy that my pessimism was misplaced, possibly the club and or Head of Security are more open to things than I assumed. Perhaps my pessimism was living in the past a bit. Positive vocal support definitely helps a side, don't see how it can be argued against.
  6. Was thinking just that, we're getting closer. In the top few, let's go for it!
  7. The record was 70 odd games with Port Vale iirc. We are on 63 in all competitions I think. (All competitive games anyway).
  8. Thought 1st half noisy to begin but quite flat. 2nd half yes enjoyed that, game and atmosphere. The latter and perhaps the former better 2nd half.
  9. Reasonable. Showing further resilience by levelling up, better in a range of ways, another for Semenyo. Possible penalty today or no? Either way some steady progress continues.
  10. Not strictly FFP related but Karen Brady *Checks table* *Ahem* Anyway she says that those who want to abolish Parachute Payments don't understand football finance. Not yet read the article tbh... In the context of FFP it does reinforce a major advantage- yet at the same time the cliff edge is a major issue. How they are spent is the first big significant issue.
  11. Thanks. I was looking at Blades Leisure Limited which only showed the one charge but that shows a lot more outstanding! Did they mortgage any future transfer instalments too? I know a few clubs have done this but is either extreme inability to tely on owners and their cash flow or a sign of desperation...promotion or trouble for them I expect? (New owner may come in and clear debts including this etc).
  12. 2017 maybe. Was a big game at the bottom of the table for us.
  13. Hi Phil, hope you're well. Exact FIFA rule stipulated is as follows: Well it's probably a shortened version but this seems to be the crux anyway. I don't think we have a maximum length of contract law in this country? Therefore I guess our lack of national law setting one means clubs under FIFA regs maybe free to set heir own length anyway. Genuinely was never aware of the maximum length regulation until this week, every day is a school day! I dont really see the need personally, one of those rules at a club's own risk or reward IMO. Purely a personal view but to me, if it's fair, if it doesn't breach regulatory limits ie FFP restrictions, if it's a fair contract then the length to me is immaterial. Matter for club, player, representatives on both sides but that's just my view tbh.
  14. Nobody yet but to have him in the 18 would be good. Last thing we want to do is a) Throw him right back in and he pulls up again or b) Unsettle an improving defensive unit with a sudden switch (by unit I mean defending as a team). No doubt a fit and in form Kalas is great to have but feel it best we ease him back in right now.
  15. Largely agree but are PL clubs paying those prices for Championship players anymore? Blip or trend...but I'm happy we rejected.
  16. Agreed. Would add his Sheffield United and QPR side were not bad at times too but it might depend on whether his remit was a short term or a longer term one. Survival, well it's dig in etc.
  17. I don't think Stoke fans are too disappointed about Clarke or Delap although that's a very quick skimread but could be one to watch. Definitely would thin out a squad anyway.
  18. Agreed. Can't work out though at this juncture if they're hamstrung a bit like us or actually could breach without a sale- could be either. This one is interesting. Seems hard to say how on the face of it, 2 x PL cash and profit, 1st 2 years of Parachute Payments (always the biggest). They did take out a Bank Loan/Bank Loans in 2020-21, wonder if that is impacting upon instalments as they fall due. Secured against Parachute Payments maybe? Not exactly big spenders however, wage bill surely will have dropped from £56-57m which it was in 2020-21 which frees up further cash. Ramsdale sold, more transfer receivables to go against payables. Definitely no FFP issues but potentially cash flow I didn't expect this from them.
  19. The summer if not now is definitely the best time for it provided Semenyo doesn't wish to extend. Maybe we can push it up to £15-20m IF he really gets going between now and May.
  20. Yes good point, they might be buying a 2nd Lorient player too- but wonder if they will still he shopping elsewhere at least in forward areas if both of those deals go through.
  21. Bournemouth have just signed that Lorient wide player Ouattara for £20m. Confirmed now. Him and Semenyo or him v Semenyo?
  22. Clearly they'll be looking pushing at the edges with us being close to FFP and that's business. I think him and Brentford would be a good match tbh, were he to move on. Brighton?
  23. It is odd, Geldhardt wouldn't come cheap for one- maybe they would be hoping for him very cheap as he started there and may want to return on loan. Part of the Agreed Decision also includes some money, 125 pct of the monthly wage bill being deposited for a number of months to cover margin for error.
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