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bexhill reds

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Posts posted by bexhill reds

  1. 1 minute ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I don’t think it was a penalty or that Vyner did loads wrong beyond getting himself in a posting where the ref could make the wrong call but it is a little bit of a concern that 

    a) he is not a lucky player

    b) we seem to have a lot of players who are not lucky players.

    We have loads of players who seem to be able to play well generally but their one mistake gets punished. One of the things I like about what I have seen of Janneh is he seems to be able to come away from a mediocre performance with a goal or two to his name. We have far few too players who fluke good outcomes from poor performances and far too many whose good performances get punished nonetheless.

    In mitigation Vyner is so right footed playing.on the left side of the back 2 is going to be alien, still got caught on the wrong side though

  2. 46 minutes ago, BigAl&Toby said:

    See I have met the man. Several times.

    I don’t hate him. I hate what football has become. And Stevie is a part of that. A big part.

    Attract and develop? I don’t see any evidence of that. Results over time certainly don’t seem to support we’re attracting anyone. And as for developing….

    Those that have been developed are then sold. To cover losses on many others who we brought in but proved to be useless. Or perhaps to provide someone with a dividend?

    And to suggest that the club needs to increase revenue opportunities is a nonsense. The club doesn’t get that revenue does it? Surely it filters back to the man squeezing those teats.

    But again here’s the question. How can someone who’s been so successful elsewhere in his professional life get it so wrong when it comes to BCFC?

    As I said if all those individuals with funds invested in HL portfolios had suffered such inept performances over the years and were told to accept it and enjoy their glossy brochures  would they put up with it?

    I know i wouldn’t. You might take a different view though…. ?

    The whole point of FFP means that match day revenue is important, as is income derived from selling assets such as players. The more the club makes the more they can spend on the playing side.

    Can’t see much taken in the form of dividends based on the company accounts, more additional shares issued to cover the losses. I suspect the balance sheet for last season will be apocalyptic…

    They are players coming through the systems that we have and will benefit from, and I suspect we’ll see the long-term benefit of the HPC in the future, and I’ll agree our transfer policy in the past few years aside from a few notable exceptions has been really poor, and I suspect they know that and I suspect the Lansdowns appreciate that and are not going to throw good money after bad.

    Good debate, and one I don’t think we’ll ever see eye to eye on though. I’d still buy you a 6 quid pint though….


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  3. 6 hours ago, BigAl&Toby said:

    Two things.

    We aren’t keeping up. We’re going backwards. Have been for a long time.

    Does Lansdown run his other business interests like he plays with the football club? Do his HL clients accept week on week poor portfolio performance?

    Won’t get his investment back? Then what’s his motivation for doing it? He’ll have an exit plan - long before he put his hand in his pocket.

    The clue is in the word freehold. The ground. Ashton Vale - ever wondered if he really wanted to develop a new stadium there? Or did he ride his Trojan nag over the rough land to get what he really wanted - a nice, lucrative resi consent?

    One things for certain. If his fund managers were as inept as Ashton and the rest of the shower of shit we’ve become used to over the years the regulators would be crawling all over the shiny office in Canons Marsh.

    Meanwhile us footy fans have to be grateful……

    Don’t know the man, so can’t comment on his business model, it is clear that Ashton Gate is a much better place to got to now than when I first started going in the 80s and 90s, and the facilities to attract and develop players is exceptional and we stand a chance of competing with Prem academies for local talent. 

    Championship football is not cheap at any level when you are paying salaries of £15-£30k per week, and the prices we are seeing for tickets and food / drink prices reflect that, and clearly they’ve been pitched at a level that some are prepared to pay, but the club needs to do all it can to bring in additional revenue either through match day income or making use of the facilities all year round, which I suspect is the thought process behind the hotel and arena bolt-ones that are planned.

    If he’s got plans for some residential portfolio to bring about some form of ROI then good for him, but I don’t think that is the sole purpose of his ownership, and I suspect certainly not why he became involved.

    I’m not going to defend all of his decision making on the playing side though, in that respect some of the things put in place have have poor and bringing in a football CEO with pretty much a free reign has probably been the worst of them, combined with this well intentioned but largely overly optimistic of a team based on local talent, which is something that Pearson has recently remarked on.

    You reap what you sow is an often used cliche but that is pretty much where we are now on all aspects of the footballing side, and the drivel that we’ve had to put up with for the last 18 months is tough to watch, and I can’t see any form of magic wand that is going to be waved to correct this anytime soon.

    I don’t think that any reasoned argument will do much for your opinion and it is something you are entitled to hold, but I genuinely believe that we are in a better place to compete with higher number clubs who are either receiving or have benefitted from parachute payments that are in the Championship now.



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  4. 5 hours ago, pillred said:

    One off? so Huddersfield, Cardiff, Swansea, Bournemouth etc etc need I go on? and £2 a pint where on earth did he say he expected that? a reasonable price maybe on a par with say a pub in the general area, come on the price for the casual visitor is a bit much, the family that run my local charge me £4 for a pint of Kronenbourg. they also have to make a living and don't charge me £40 before I have even bought one, look I know the players have to be paid but while people such as yourself keep making excuses for it it will just carry on.

    You’ve missed my point entirely, the whole jumpers for goalposts, family club with everyone a shareholder does not work at this level anymore when you have clubs with literally 100s of £M from even a brief Prem status pitched against you. 

    I suspect your local where you pay a £4 for a pint of Kronenbourg does not have a list of individuals who are on £15k to £30k a week, match day revenue is a useful source of income back into the club.

    The post I replied to is from someone who clearly hates the Lansdowns for whatever reason and has this quaint idea of how the club should be run, I’m not going to defend the owners for every decision they’ve made, but the club is in a better place to actually compete in this division once the playing side has been sorted.

    Still, Lansdown’s out and some form of dubious source of Russian, Chinese or Saudi money in then eh? Cos that the only places where that level of investment is going to come from….


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  5. 1 hour ago, pl00peh91 said:

    I have a genuine chip on my shoulder over us releasing Paterson. What a bone headed move that was.

    I don’t think Paterson would have been effective in this team. Swansea are set up to allow a creative player like him flourish, we don’t have that.

  6. 29 minutes ago, BigAl&Toby said:

    Not by me he isn’t.

    The man is a buffoon when it comes to football. He has absolutely no interest in BCFC other than what he can get out of it.

    Many will talk about how grateful we must be and to be careful what we wish for.

    Bollocks. All Lansdown has done is create a long term legacy for himself and his family built on freeholds in BS3.

    Once where the football club owned its own ground and where fans were able to have a financial interest in their club we now have a situation where an ultimate beneficial owner who lives offshore to mitigate his tax owns all he can see - through a multitude of layered companies.

    But hey. We can sit in comfort. We can pay nearly £6 for a pint of cider. Or nearly a fiver for a pie. **** me I paid an arm and a leg for 3 Killers tickets…

    Kerching Mr Lansdown. You’ve got your hands firmly on the cash cow’s udders and bugger me are you squeezing on her teats.

    Meanwhile we’ve got Capn Dan still lumping it forward. 

    Christ alive. What an absolute shambles. Bet HL isn’t run like this….

    Or we can accept that Championship football now is big business, requiring an element of investment just to semi-keep up with the Jones’s. You might not like the structuring of the club and the family that have chosen to invest money that they are never going to see back, but to even have a chance of the dream of Prem football, this is the only way to do it these days. I’ll accept that Brentford have succeeded, but I think their success is a one off in the scheme of things and won’t be immediately repeated.

    I don’t know what dream you have about have about how you want the club to be run and where you want it to be, but the UK football model of today and the funds needed to be successful is not set up for fan ownership and £2 a pint at the bar… That said I pay just under a fiver a pint at my local conference league south side…

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  7. If I were Richard Gould, I’d be sounding out Chris Wilder’s representatives to see if he’s interested, he CAN organise a pile of horseshit into something that’s half difficult to beat.

    Starting to lose belief a bit, love NP to be successful but we look like a rabble at present

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  8. 1 minute ago, Ivorguy said:

    Sad to say but we are short of decent Championship players.  Some are at this level, but too few, some are making it to this level, some are falling off from this level, and some have never reach or will reach it.

    Feel sorry for Nige.  All he can do is try and keep us up until he can sign new recruits










    Some creative accountancy is required, if not in Jan but next summer to allow Pearson to get rid of the shite and spend some sensible money on key positions.

    Brum are just a physical long ball team but we made it look so easy for them… their second from the long ball straight down middle of the pitch is an absolute disgrace to concede at this level. And I still don’t get why we are insistent on knocking high balls to Martin against 3 tall and muscular centre-halves, that has to be a game plan thing and not just an ineffective performance.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Bodiesaffer said:

    Agreed, too many light weighted players that can’t put a shift in. NP is the man for me.  We still got a lot of players to move on.  I agree with NP assessment it’s a 3 year build.

    Said it for the last few years, we need a nasty bastard in midfield. Perhaps Williams could be it, but definitely need someone who can put it about a bit. Something we’ve not had a for a while

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  10. One positive that I did take from yesterday was the entire team’s willingness to fight and literally put bodies on the line, it wasn’t high quality nor want we want to see but you can’t argue that this lot don’t want to play for the shirt, cliche perhaps but the effort was top quality even if the standard not, that’s definitely the Pearson effect.

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