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Posts posted by IAmNick

  1. Just now, italian dave said:

    I think the point is that this thread is about the sniffer dogs, and specifically those at Forest.

    I understand where you’re coming from in terms of the photos, the searches etc. I accept the reasons for the searches - at my age most of them tend to be pretty cursory anyway. I’m less comfortable with someone pointing a camera at me. I get really irritated at grounds where they won’t let you keep a cap on a water bottle.

    But compared to all those things, having a dog walk past me sniffing the air around me really doesn’t seem like something to get too upset about! 

    Yeah fair point. I guess I was more thinking about the "If you're got nothing to hide why do you care" comments - I think that's a dangerous mentality to have. Rights are hard won, and easily given away!

    The dogs don't really bother me personally either, but I can understand where those who are bothered by them are coming from.

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  2. 6 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I went to the game last night. I was quickly patted down upon entry and I smoothed the dog on the way in.

    At no point did that make me feel like a criminal or even uncomfortable and its bizarre that you felt that way and that you'd rather be with the tanked up people. 

    It's not for no reason is it? It's to ensure people are not bringing in things to the ground that can hurt people. The vast majority of us accept that whilst its not nice to be patted down, it's for our own safety. 

    I just can't quite get it into my head why you would have a problem with the police ensuring that public event is safe? 

    But yea lets just stop all these searches and put the public at risk just so you don't feel uncomfortable with authority. 

    However the vast majority of us are reassured that authority are keeping us safe. 

    Ultimately, if you wish to enter a private premises such as a football stadium then the rules and regulations state they can search you etc. That's a condition of entry. If you don't want to be searched etc then you have the option of simply not attending. 


    Both things can be true though right - we want to feel safe at events, but we should also be aware of what impact that has on our lives. I'm sure we'd all draw the line somewhere, his is just sooner than yours. I don't want to be frisked at every game, searched by dogs, have my photo taken, and so on "just in case" - I don't think that's right.

    I also think it's a bit of a poor argument overall as I don't get searched at home games - do you? Do you feel unsafe at them because people may have weapons in the ground as a result? I don't.

    Given the huge oversteps "authority" routinely makes in the name of keeping us safe, as well as the police's historic relation with football fans I'm certainly not "reassured" they're keeping us safe. I accept they have a hard job and I have no issue with the people doing it as individuals.

    I'm not convinced that the searches really have any positive effect to be honest, although I'd be happy to see the evidence otherwise.


    6 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    Amazing that people like you are complaining about searches etc given the attacks that have happened in this country. 

    It was only a few weeks ago that a guy was sentenced for killing 3 people with a knife in Nottingham. 

    At a football match? Did he avoid a search somehow which otherwise would have caught him? Or is this point completely irrelevant?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    West Ham beat Arsenal, so by the logic being displayed by some that makes us better than Arsenal, right?

    No, but I also don't think it's unreasonable to compare a performance by a team one place below us against one we very recently faced with ours is it, especially when ours was particularly poor.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Yep, it definitely plays to less time. I remember in the 80s signing Tony Caldwell and Steve Johnson - they were Bolton and Wigan’s main men respectively, how could it go wrong? But it did. If that was today we’d be all over videos of them at their current team, stats etc. And again, not saying that’s a bad thing but there is naturally less time outside of the fanbase eyes.

    Ive missed one game either on tv or live this season - the Forest one. So I’ve seen all bar one of LMs games. That means I can see patterns, positives, plans, good, bad etc far earlier than I would. Does that mean that I might conclude earlier than prior years? Almost certainly. But I think in any walk of life it’s better to know early than to know late.

    Summary for me is that the modern world does increase pressure. I’m not sure that’s a bad thing though as it allows issues to be addressed quicker 

    Been making some great posts lately @Silvio Dante, yet another set I agree with on this thread!

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  5. I voted neither for what it's worth. I'd probably do some kind of 4-1-3-2, maybe:

    Tanner/McCrorie - Vyner - Dickie - Pring


                   TGH -  Knight  - Twine/Sykes

                            Conway - Wells

    • Hmmm 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, mozo said:

    Most of our goals under Nige came from wide positions, especially cut backs and low crosses.

    I don't doubt that, but I think the nature of the crosses was different - if we were winning the ball back high up the pitch, or at least playing reasonably directly (all the chipped balls down the wings remember...) and putting in a cross that's a different kettle of fish to a rather clever/considered/ponderous/boring (delete depending on your perspective) gradual working of a ball wide into a crossing position.

  7. 7 minutes ago, spudski said:

    I don't think it's the formation that's the problem, more so, the constant use of wide offensive play, and the reliance on crosses to try and score. 

    More infuriating, is that we aren't any good at doing it in the final third. 

    More often than not...hopeful poor crosses easily defended. 

    And even more infuriating, and happening, so often, losing the ball and possession when trying to beat the fullback or not even getting in a cross. Blocked, tackled or headed away. 

    It's a piece of piss to defend against. 

    More worryingly our coach perseveres with it...and Mehmetti, who just has no end product. 


    Yep, we seem to get into a decent position then just thump it blindly at top speed horizontally, often into the first man. If it does get through it's really hard to do anything with.

    I'd like to see us trying to pull more back to a Knight/TGH arriving later into the box personally.

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