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It's Just Dawned On Me


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All week I've been happily thinking "ooh, we're in the playoffs on Saturday; I'm looking forwards to visiting Wembley and cheering the boys on". All of a sudden it's hit me. The realisation of what this match actually means has finally begun to sink in and I'm now officially bricking it.


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Just met up with my local community policeman in my neighbourhood, he was in the middle of removing cannabis plants from a house the local police just raided (yes, honest!). He's a Wigan Athletic fan, tells me that if City get promoted it'll be a season too soon. I was about to tell him where to go then realised he might plant a er... plant on me, so kept quiet.

Tomorrow's the day boys n girls, ENJOY

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It sunk in, while watching Wednesday's match, that we might be playing both those teams next season!

Also thought back to my first ever visit to Ashton Gate - a cup replay between 4th Div Bristol City and 1st Div (old money) Notts County. How things have changed :winner_third_h4h:

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It sunk in, while watching Wednesday's match, that we might be playing both those teams next season!

I can relate to that.. in a way.

I was watching the game and had a think about it, "ooh we could be playing them next season, thats ridiculous"

But it actually sinking in is completely different. DEFINITELY hasnt sunk in yet for me

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