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Guest pepsi&shirley
What a show they put together. 1 hour long news special live from Wembley & Ashton Gate. They could not have done it any better.

Top marks to all of you.


Lucky..I had to take my goldfish for a walk :tumbleweed:

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What a show they put together. 1 hour long news special live from Wembley & Ashton Gate. They could not have done it any better.

Top marks to all of you.


And it appears, no complaints from our very own TV and Radio critic "Never to the Dark Side"

Mind you, I think he is mellowing. I'm sure I saw him stood at the bar in The Three Lions last night during Jed Pitmans Soccer Night. I would recognise them eyebrows anywhere......or was it Dennis Healy........or was it Alistair Darling?

(how many replies until someone says "Don't call me Darling")

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just posted on another thread, anyone else spot the young lad said i bought my ticket on the internet for £150. LIve on the bbc and in the ground. really hope they were all paying attention in a week where this has been so much on peoples minds. great program though all the same and good to see we're getting the sole coverage we desesrve this year. Well done

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Quality programme. Watched it on the statelite here in London. I have been quite calm the last couple of days since the tickets arrived, but having watched that I'm really up for it now! Bring it on.

U REDS! :fingerscrossed:

Agreed, being here in Bucks, we aint seen the build up. We have now. sleep, sleep, whats sleep then!

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I don't think you can really take the word of a kid on TV saying his ticket was £150. Who's to say he didnt get confused and his dad got 3 tickets for that price.

Anyway great show from the BBC tonight. Really got me going. I couldnt help but bounce around my living room. So excited about tomorrow.

We're Bristol City, we always believe!

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Agreed, being here in Bucks, we aint seen the build up. We have now. sleep, sleep, whats sleep then!

Watched it here in Bromley too, always makes me a little wistful, daughter b/f (palace fan) was amazed at how much coverage it got - u miss that up here ... nothings really 'local' no one team/story/sentiment draws the whole community together in such a way ....

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