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God - How I Hate These Part Timers


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Cant believe some of the part time comments maybe you would of prefered 1, just the S.T holders; or 2, just the average gate for the season; :disapointed2se: Support is support from where-ever it comes from ALL welcome in my opinion.

1st and last time I will go to Wembley anyway souless over priced bowl :disapointed2se:

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Its not the families coming to their first game watching city that annoyed me today. Neither was it people who came to see us just for a day out. It was the people who then went about saying how s*** our team was and how everyone should be sacked (but then again some of our season ticket holders/fans/supporters are like that anyway). At the end of the day its all revenue for the club, we had our day in the sun, lost but it was a good atmosphere and i wish Hull City success in the Premier League next season and look forward to joining them there for the 2009/10 season.

We all now need to move onto supporting our team throuought next season, building a great atmosphere at Ashton Gate and giving our team the 12th man which could ake all the difference next season.

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Because some of us are 'grown-ups' who do not eat, sleep and bleed 'red and white', and have much more important things than football to be concerned with in life.

I'm a season-ticket holder, but not a 'fan' (if being like you is what a 'fan' is meant to be) - perhaps I'm a 'supporter'?

I had a great day out and was really disappointed to see the lads lose, but being a 'grown-up' I managed to put it in perspective and had a drink and a laugh with my companions after the game before we headed home.

I'll be there next season, as I have been for the last 47 years, so your point is?

I think your missing the point, his posting is clearly not aimed at someone such as you,

it's the day-trippers whose last 4 games actually watching City in person, have been at either Wembley or the Mill Stad

as with most games it hurts when you lose, but some people deal with it in different ways, what is annoying is those who know nothing what so ever about the team or the club and just sit their talking rubbish and complaining all game, when actually we haven't had it so good

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Guest MaloneFM
had a bloke with his young lad sat infront of me - dressed top to toe in a hull kit!

Bloody Ticketmaster eh? You buy a ticket for a seat and before you know it you ar a red dot in a sea of yellow

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I had a great day too.

Come the final whislte I went in the pub down the bottom of the coach park and had a laugh with some Hull fans.

Was I meant to be moody and upset then? End of the day we've had a brilliant season, and yesterday was just a celebration of that

At fkn last!!!! A sensible post from someone I know is a committed City fan. Hallelujah!!! Well said that man. Green Man was ace before the game too.

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At fkn last!!!! A sensible post from someone I know is a committed City fan. Hallelujah!!! Well said that man. Green Man was ace before the game too.

How tedious it is with supporters who continually moan about 'part-timers/glory hunters (but moan like f... when Ashton Gate doesnt sell out) and how they are the real fans and all the rest are not worthy and if they don't stand up and sing then don't bother going. A coach load of non-league lads who play every week but (say it quietly) follow City when ever they can, were in the Green Man Pub and they started/joined in with the singing and contributed to the atmosphere and had a great time in the pub and sang their hearts out at the stadium. Bucks and SimplyRed I'm with you on this, you talk a lot of sense and its good to know I'm not the only one to feel this way.

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Did see the guy with the Man Utd top on and a few kids with Liverpool shirts ,does seem strange that people do that.Also heard some stupid comments about some of our players by so called fans who probably never go unless it is a big game like yesterdays but I would imagine it happens to all teams that play at Wembley ,just par for the course .Seem to remember a few sags I know saying the same last season.

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