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God - How I Hate These Part Timers


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coming out of Wembley we had fans laughing and joking - comments like "we have had a nice day out" chuckle chuckle

Made my blood boil (irrational maybe)

Train home I heard a few blokes say "we can all meet up again next season if they get to the play-offs again"

and "poor old Gary J - lost the final and his "son" was carried off with a head wound - did not think much of the sub - who was it Orr?"

Me - I sat head down and miserable - I love this team and bleed red and white - losing today cut me deep - yes we have done well - but it hurt

and it hurt me as much to see this part timers think it was just a laugh and a nice day out

Rant over


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I know where you're coming from. I know people who have watched plenty of games this season and missed out on going today.

70odd mins into today's match I glanced over to see some 15-16 year old kid reading a ###### comic and ignoring the match - made my blood boil.

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I know where you're coming from. I know people who have watched plenty of games this season and missed out on going today.

70odd mins into today's match I glanced over to see some 15-16 year old kid reading a ###### comic and ignoring the match - made my blood boil.

Funny - I think they were on the train back with me - the Mother said "that man thought it was odd you reading a book/comic" to which the kid replied well it was better than football - the best idea I think is to support no-one then you can't be disapointed"!!

I hate myself but I really really despised some of these jokers

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There were some right beauties on our train back to Uxbridge aswell.

Example 1 - 'Well that its for Johnson, he'll be gone'. I said what the hell are you one about and he mumbled something about Wilson leaving because he lost in the playoffs !

Example 2 - 'Well I'm pretty happy cos they just saved me £400 now as I won't be buying a season ticket now.'

What a pair of twits.

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yep, can't wait to get back to all the real fans ..... and they should have plenty of cash left too after they saved it all so dilegently by not bothering to turn up at Palace! (shame they missed the best performance and best result of the year though)

C'mon let's get real ... if we don't want to become a bigger club, recruit more fans, generate more interest ..... why are we bothered that we lost today?

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Asking whether people wanted another cheese roll or bread roll, that Barmby he played for them (Man Utd) too, didnt go to Wembley against stoke we went to Ireland for the day, the stupid face painted son of this tweed uniformed middle aged woman had a jester hat and a flag and an air horn - he blew it before the match and a steward confiscated it of him - tweed lady states oh Stuart they spoilt your day - have some chocolate I only got whole nut - you don't like nuts, perhaps if you eat the chocolate and spit out the nuts - another lady further down the line - I got some shortbread anyone want one?

Make the final a home/away affair or get rid of them and let the third team go up because they deserve it.

Day trippers - aaaargh

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some idiot next to me tried to start a chant of "City, City, City" to a really strange tune... didn't know any of the player's names, and was generally an idiot...

it certainly ruined part of my day being sat next to a complete w##### who didn't have the first clue about city or even football in general

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some idiot next to me tried to start a chant of "City, City, City" to a really strange tune... didn't know any of the player's names, and was generally an idiot...

it certainly ruined part of my day being sat next to a complete w##### who didn't have the first clue about city or even football in general

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A bloke behind me today said to his mate: "Why don't we bring that Fagan on" to which his mate replied "ummm, he's plays for Hull mate".........


And the amount of people I saw today that I knew and have never taken an interest in Bristol City before..........

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Compared to our last Wembley visit and the 2 matches at the Millenium Stadium the atmosphere was a lot better than I expected. Before the game, and up until they scored, we were pretty loud. I think the goal and the injury to Bradders knocked everybody back a bit, and it only really got going in patches in the 2nd half. I was in block 549, and that was a dcecent atmosphere, quite a few people singing. It does seem that some people on here expected it to be like the East End against Palace, and that was never going to be the case.

However, there were a couple of things that annoyed me. The guy in front of me was obviously a highly-qualified tactical genius, because he did nothing except find fault with almost every move we put together. I accept that our play in and around their box wasn't great, but describing Adebola, Trundle et al as "######g useless" everytime play broke down didn't really acheive anything.

Secondly, there were several people around me who must have seen no more than 30 minutes play, due to constant trips to the toilet, or to buy food & drink. I was on the end of the row, and had to constantly stand to let people in and out. Why can't people stay still and watch the game for more than 5 minutes? Many of these same people left about 5 minutes before the end as well.

There were some people there who were obviously day-trippers (quite why people feel the need to wear Man U & Arsenal shirts to City matches is beyond me) but it wasn't the farce that some on here were predicting (and seemingly looking forward to, just to say I told you so)

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coming out of Wembley we had fans laughing and joking - comments like "we have had a nice day out" chuckle chuckle

Made my blood boil (irrational maybe)

Train home I heard a few blokes say "we can all meet up again next season if they get to the play-offs again"

and "poor old Gary J - lost the final and his "son" was carried off with a head wound - did not think much of the sub - who was it Orr?"

Me - I sat head down and miserable - I love this team and bleed red and white - losing today cut me deep - yes we have done well - but it hurt

and it hurt me as much to see this part timers think it was just a laugh and a nice day out

Rant over


Because some of us are 'grown-ups' who do not eat, sleep and bleed 'red and white', and have much more important things than football to be concerned with in life.

I'm a season-ticket holder, but not a 'fan' (if being like you is what a 'fan' is meant to be) - perhaps I'm a 'supporter'?

I had a great day out and was really disappointed to see the lads lose, but being a 'grown-up' I managed to put it in perspective and had a drink and a laugh with my companions after the game before we headed home.

I'll be there next season, as I have been for the last 47 years, so your point is?

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Because some of us are 'grown-ups' who do not eat, sleep and bleed 'red and white', and have much more important things than football to be concerned with in life.

I'm a season-ticket holder, but not a 'fan' (if being like you is what a 'fan' is meant to be) - perhaps I'm a 'supporter'?

I had a great day out and was really disappointed to see the lads lose, but being a 'grown-up' I managed to put it in perspective and had a drink and a laugh with my companions after the game before we headed home.

I'll be there next season, as I have been for the last 47 years, so your point is?

I guess I am not quite so rounded and wholesome as you are - oh great friend of the planet and humanity that you must be.

My "point" such as it was (and this is a forum where we our allowed to express a point and many of us are hurt by the defeat however immature we are and not "grown up" like you) - is that I personally find it insulting that people jump on the band wagon, I personally can do without them - I am a fan/supporter call it what you like and I find these part timers annoying - you say you have supported City for 47 years - good for you so have I - and if at the end of yesterday you had a jolly good time and fun was had by all of you and yours then even better and bully for you - but you were not the objective of my post as you appear to have been around the team for as long as me -

So I guess my emotions have overtaken me and I must defer to you and aplogise that I am just not as magnanimous as you Reverend Simply Red (after all it is only a game I can hear you mutter - mind you a number of supporters or fans don't quite share your perception and judging by the replies to this thread some others are lesser beings like me as well)

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My "point" such as it was (and this is a forum where we our allowed to express a point and many of us are hurt by the defeat however immature we are and not "grown up" like you) - is that I personally find it insulting that people jump on the band wagon, I personally can do without them - I am a fan/supporter call it what you like and I find these part timers annoying - you say you have supported City for 47 years - good for you so have I - and if at the end of yesterday you had a jolly good time and fun was had by all of you and yours then even better and bully for you - but you were not the objective of my post as you appear to have been around the team for as long as me

We all started off supporting City at some point. Probably, like me, at big matches - at an early age (FA Cup run mid 70s) when we didn't know much about the club, players etc.

We as fellow supporters should be doing everthing we can to encourage people like these to become regular supporters, helping to increase our fanbase further.

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So you now have to pass some sort of loyalty test to watch football? It's the way the World is and always has been, people want to attend the Big Event, be it football, cricket, Eurovision Song Contest, just to experience the atmosphere and 'be there'.

And let's be honest, if City imploded, got relegated next season and struggled in the Third Division, rather a large number of the so-called 'Loyal Fans' would be nowhere to be seen.

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...that I personally find it insulting that people jump on the band wagon, I personally can do without them - I am a fan/supporter call it what you like and I find these part timers annoying...

But this is what annoys me about you so-called 'real fans'. Why is it insulting and annoying for these 'part-timers' (your words) to come and watch?

If, at the end of the day, we all strive for success for Bristol City, that can only be achieved by attracting the 'part-timers' to games and building the fan base until it is of a size than can support top tier football.

If the so-called 'real fans' despise and revolt against new blood and zealously 'protect' their team from these 'despicable part-timers', they - in feeling that friction and resentment - may not come again and, in effect, you are killing the club you claim to love.

Take a look at some of the posts on this forum regarding drunken idiots and yobs who were berating their fellow fans with abusive language for not singing or being loud enough in their support - is that what you want? Do you think a young family supporting the club for the first time will be wanting to come to the Gate after being on the receiving end of some abusive vitriol of a 'real fan' who had more cider than he should have before the game?

I think all of us who were there yesterday will have had some experience of that sort of scene within the stadium, and I find that very sad.

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Guest MaloneFM

This may mark me down as a traitor to the cause but I had a great day out as well. Yes there were people around me yawning, wearing England shirts with ROONEY 9 on the back, people sitting down all game and other crimes against the state.

But if it was different?

About 15,000 committed howling supporters (better them than the ones we had Malone...) surrounded by 21,000 empty seats. Lovely!

S hit team no fans spirings to mind.

Let them come, let them spend, let them buy the shirts and stick the money in the till I really don't care. It's like going to see the new Raiders of the Lost Ark film and someone next to you saying 'look don't you see, Ford is using his right hand to shoot, in all the others it was his left...you know nothing...go home PART TIMER!'

The Hull fans were great, the stadium was great the team not so great but I'd do it all again tomorrow.

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But this is what annoys me about you so-called 'real fans'. Why is it insulting and annoying for these 'part-timers' (your words) to come and watch?

If, at the end of the day, we all strive for success for Bristol City, that can only be achieved by attracting the 'part-timers' to games and building the fan base until it is of a size than can support top tier football.

If the so-called 'real fans' despise and revolt against new blood and zealously 'protect' their team from these 'despicable part-timers', they - in feeling that friction and resentment - may not come again and, in effect, you are killing the club you claim to love.

Take a look at some of the posts on this forum regarding drunken idiots and yobs who were berating their fellow fans with abusive language for not singing or being loud enough in their support - is that what you want? Do you think a young family supporting the club for the first time will be wanting to come to the Gate after being on the receiving end of some abusive vitriol of a 'real fan' who had more cider than he should have before the game?

I think all of us who were there yesterday will have had some experience of that sort of scene within the stadium, and I find that very sad.

A realistic view point for a modern age.

Its not like the 50's til the 90's. Now we have major tv coverage, computor coverage, huge shopping malls , Movies, golf, fishing and on and on.

Football has to compete as an entertainment. The basic City supporter has a lot of choices for his wages and a cold, wet and sometimes aggravational crowd will stop plenty of attendees.

Real fans, fans, supporters, call yourselves what you will, there are degrees of support and BCFC have to earn that support. Because you sing or stand in the EE does not entitle you to belittle someone who takes his family to the movies when we play an unattractive club on a wet day.

BCFC will accept your money whoever you are and whenever you CHOOSE to turn up. For the record, I did not miss a home game 1947-1959, until I discovered sex, then I became selective.

Now thats entertainment value !

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A realistic view point for a modern age.

Its not like the 50's til the 90's. Now we have major tv coverage, computor coverage, huge shopping malls , Movies, golf, fishing and on and on.

Football has to compete as an entertainment. The basic City supporter has a lot of choices for his wages and a cold, wet and sometimes aggravational crowd will stop plenty of attendees.

Real fans, fans, supporters, call yourselves what you will, there are degrees of support and BCFC have to earn that support. Because you sing or stand in the EE does not entitle you to belittle someone who takes his family to the movies when we play an unattractive club on a wet day.

BCFC will accept your money whoever you are and whenever you CHOOSE to turn up. For the record, I did not miss a home game 1947-1959, until I discovered sex, then I became selective.

Now thats entertainment value !

Was he good?

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But this is what annoys me about you so-called 'real fans'. Why is it insulting and annoying for these 'part-timers' (your words) to come and watch?

If, at the end of the day, we all strive for success for Bristol City, that can only be achieved by attracting the 'part-timers' to games and building the fan base until it is of a size than can support top tier football.

If the so-called 'real fans' despise and revolt against new blood and zealously 'protect' their team from these 'despicable part-timers', they - in feeling that friction and resentment - may not come again and, in effect, you are killing the club you claim to love.

Take a look at some of the posts on this forum regarding drunken idiots and yobs who were berating their fellow fans with abusive language for not singing or being loud enough in their support - is that what you want? Do you think a young family supporting the club for the first time will be wanting to come to the Gate after being on the receiving end of some abusive vitriol of a 'real fan' who had more cider than he should have before the game?

I think all of us who were there yesterday will have had some experience of that sort of scene within the stadium, and I find that very sad.

This is now so far off what I was trying to say (in my sadly deflated mood) I ask the Mods to lock this thread or kill it dead - every club in the country moans about part timers - most of the time - yesterday some annoyed me - no more than "the drunken" idiots you refer to would have done - I don't like either - but I have not set myself up in the camp of "real fan" - I know how much I support and care about this club - I don't mind those that don't but I don't like "hangers on" that is my own view - but some of you are going way off beam with your responses to this

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I guess I am not quite so rounded and wholesome as you are - oh great friend of the planet and humanity that you must be.

My "point" such as it was (and this is a forum where we our allowed to express a point and many of us are hurt by the defeat however immature we are and not "grown up" like you) - is that I personally find it insulting that people jump on the band wagon, I personally can do without them - I am a fan/supporter call it what you like and I find these part timers annoying - you say you have supported City for 47 years - good for you so have I - and if at the end of yesterday you had a jolly good time and fun was had by all of you and yours then even better and bully for you - but you were not the objective of my post as you appear to have been around the team for as long as me -

So I guess my emotions have overtaken me and I must defer to you and aplogise that I am just not as magnanimous as you Reverend Simply Red (after all it is only a game I can hear you mutter - mind you a number of supporters or fans don't quite share your perception and judging by the replies to this thread some others are lesser beings like me as well)

Have to agree with Simply Red and other posters on here... We all started watching City at some point.

I personally didnt have my first season ticket until we were promoted to Division One with Ade Akinbiyi, Tony Thorpe and co. I'm sure you were all berating people like me as a "band-wagon" fan back then - bit I've been a season ticket holder ever since and barely missed a home game. In the depths of Tinnion's unfortunate start to management I was one of th 8/9,000 faithful still at the Gate week-in-week-out. All from a "band-wagon" jumper....

I too was frustrated at how difficult it was to get the fans around me singing; but if just 10% of our day-trippers finally see the light because of yesterday - then we will be 2,000 fans better off come next season.

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I agree with some of the above but a percentage of part timers do become fans on a more regular basis, ok maybe not season ticket holders but their awareness of City is broadened at the very least.

Big occasions like this are always going to attract people who never go, its just the way it is.

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This post mortem on the fans' performance isn't going anywhere. Time to put the scarf in the wash (get the coffee and beer stains off from last season) and have a laugh at Johnny Foreigner in Euro 2008, then into watching some serious football come August. :city:

Only 3 weeks til the fixtures are out, keep smiling :)

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I know where you're coming from. I know people who have watched plenty of games this season and missed out on going today.

70odd mins into today's match I glanced over to see some 15-16 year old kid reading a ###### comic and ignoring the match - made my blood boil.

had a bloke with his young lad sat infront of me - dressed top to toe in a hull kit!

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