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Bcfc Work In Progress

Mr Mosquito

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Massive disappointment yesterday in not reaching the promised land. However, in the cold light of the next day, any analytical football pundit can only reach the one conclusion - i.e. we're really not far off from having an automatic promotion winning Championship side at BCFC. A massive testament to Gary Johnson, Keith Millen and Steve Lansdown that we're now really on the verge of greatness.

Those people now at the helm of BCFC got this club and us to Wembley for a great day out yesterday and the eyes of the world were briefly upon us. This is a learning curve for this club - there's massive support for us out there waiting to be tapped. It's been a great season of entertaining football from whatever perspective you take, we were so unlucky yesterday but we eventually fell to a cracking goal from Hull's Dean Windass. Bristol City FC being Champions of the Championship next season is achievable and so is another appearance at Wembley for an FA Cup final. :icecream: Anything's now possible with Gary Johnson and his squad of players together with Steve Lansdown's backing and leadership.

Even though we didn't get the result we all wanted yesterday, thank You Bristol City FC for our great day out at Wembley.

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Even though we didn't get the result we all wanted yesterday, thank You Bristol City FC for our great day out at Wembley.

I'll second that - but am slightly worried that after such a great season that fans expectations will be far to high come next season.

This time last year many of us were saying that we'd be very happy still to be CCC team come May '08.Expectations were not that geat. It'll be different next season but I just hope that fans won't be expecting City to run away with the league. They'll be disapointed if they do.

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This time last year many of us were saying that we'd be very happy still to be CCC team come May '08.Expectations were not that geat. It'll be different next season but I just hope that fans won't be expecting City to run away with the league. They'll be disapointed if they do.

For me this is key.

Playoffs again would be great, but we need to allow till Christmas before we see how things pan out.

As long as we remember that Hull were 9th on January 1st this year and that it is about sustained progress/development in a division we've been absent from for 8 seasons prior to 07/08, not just promotion-or-bust, then we'll do ok.

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For me this is key.

Playoffs again would be great, but we need to allow till Christmas before we see how things pan out.

As long as we remember that Hull were 9th on January 1st this year and that it is about sustained progress/development in a division we've been absent from for 8 seasons prior to 07/08, not just promotion-or-bust, then we'll do ok.

Bristol City FC finishing 4th and reaching the play-off final was no fluke, the league table doesn't lie after 46 games. Just a bit of fine tuning and a few squad additions will see us up as Champions if I've got the correct measure of Gary Johnson and Steve Lansdown. I can't see it any other way.

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Bristol City FC finishing 4th and reaching the play-off final was no fluke, the league table doesn't lie after 46 games. Just a bit of fine tuning and a few squad additions will see us up as Champions if I've got the correct measure of Gary Johnson and Steve Lansdown. I can't see it any other way.

I agree, I was just pointing out it is a long season and urging caution if we do not start as well as this year. I'm sure GJ will have us compeating till the final second next May!

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I'll second that - but am slightly worried that after such a great season that fans expectations will be far to high come next season.

This time last year many of us were saying that we'd be very happy still to be CCC team come May '08.Expectations were not that geat. It'll be different next season but I just hope that fans won't be expecting City to run away with the league. They'll be disapointed if they do.

As my son said after he wiped away his tears Dad at least we are now the Best team in the Chamionship this season.

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As my son said after he wiped away his tears Dad at least we are now the Best team in the Chamionship this season.

You're Son is a clever lad. Indeed, WBA were the best remaining team in the Championship after losing to Derby in the play-offs last season and WBA finished as Champions this season. We're now the best remaining team in the Championship - so we've got to be one of the favourites to be Championship Champions next season.

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You're Son is a clever lad. Indeed, WBA were the best remaining team in the Championship after losing to Derby in the play-offs last season and WBA finished as Champions this season. We're now the best remaining team in the Championship - so we've got to be one of the favourites to be Championship Champions next season.

I hope you are correct, but it must be remembered that we are no longer an unknown quantity.

The newly relagated teams and also those promoted will make this devision a harder place.

But keep the belief :englandsmile4wf:

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I hope you are correct, but it must be remembered that we are no longer an unknown quantity.

The newly relagated teams and also those promoted will make this devision a harder place.

But keep the belief :englandsmile4wf:

OK, we're no longer an unknown quantity but that can work both ways as we now know the strengths and weaknesses of the majority of clubs in this division - ready for next season's campaign. :dancing6: If we get automatic promotion next season it'll be no surprise given our meteoric rise up the league over the past two seasons. There'll also be some very good players out there that'll now want to play for us, so Gary Johnson may have an embarrassment of riches to choose from on the transfer market.

I'm still a bit groggy from all the Club Wembley Hospitality booze yesterday - I can't believe I wrote "you're son" instead of "your son". :noexpression:

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I'm still a bit groggy from all the Club Wembley Hospitality booze yesterday - I can't believe I wrote "you're son" instead of "your son". :noexpression:

I was about to point that one out (knowing what I'm like), but fair play to correcting it yourself! :innocent06:

...I still "believe", and I'll be with them throughout next season in its entirety, giving them my utmost support!

Come on you Reds!!! :englandsmile4wf:

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The key is fine tuning the squad, sorting the wheat from the chaf. If we can go out there and add some genuine quality, matchwinners if you will, then we've got as good a chance as anyone.

I'm thinking of unearthing someone like Robert Koren at West Brom to make a real difference. There must be a bargain like that out there somewhere...

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Massive disappointment yesterday in not reaching the promised land. However, in the cold light of the next day, any analytical football pundit can only reach the one conclusion - i.e. we're really not far off from having an automatic promotion winning Championship side at BCFC. A massive testament to Gary Johnson, Keith Millen and Steve Lansdown that we're now really on the verge of greatness.

Those people now at the helm of BCFC got this club and us to Wembley for a great day out yesterday and the eyes of the world were briefly upon us. This is a learning curve for this club - there's massive support for us out there waiting to be tapped. It's been a great season of entertaining football from whatever perspective you take, we were so unlucky yesterday but we eventually fell to a cracking goal from Hull's Dean Windass. Bristol City FC being Champions of the Championship next season is achievable and so is another appearance at Wembley for an FA Cup final. :icecream: Anything's now possible with Gary Johnson and his squad of players together with Steve Lansdown's backing and leadership.

Even though we didn't get the result we all wanted yesterday, thank You Bristol City FC for our great day out at Wembley.

Well said Gobbers. a great day out. Lets drink to next season.

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You're Son is a clever lad. Indeed, WBA were the best remaining team in the Championship after losing to Derby in the play-offs last season and WBA finished as Champions this season. We're now the best remaining team in the Championship - so we've got to be one of the favourites to be Championship Champions next season.

Birmingham Shitty, & Palace will be favourites, I would imagine. and the surprise package like us could be Swampsea. We will be among a cluster of other clubs who missed out this year, in the hunt again

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Well said Gobbers. a great day out. Lets drink to next season.

I spoke to Keith Millen yesterday after the game and congratulated him on helping to inspire the players to give us such a great season. No shame in losing at Wembley when we put in such a great performance - unlike that damp squib final against Brighton under Danny Wilson - we attacked and attacked yesterday and we were really unlucky not to win.

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Just to add to all the positive remarks here in this thread, I'm extremely proud of the team and sorry the story didn't get the finish we all wanted. My over-arching feeling is that in the end we were victims of our own mentality. We had all started believing so much in what had seemed like the innevitable that by Saturday I don't think we collectively realised the magnitude of this final challenge. The players waited for things to happen instead of making them happen and our support was a bit subdued as if waiting for the same.

I think we had all got to the stage where we were believing too much that the script was written and in our favour. I don't think Hull were particularly good and I actually think they looked more nervous than us but I think from their perspective it was healthy as they knew they were in a game. Belief has been healthy (and vital) all season but by the play-off final there's such a thing as too much confidence and I think we all had that. Which underscores my feeling today, not gutted but strangely empty like something expected is missing.

Nonetheless it has been a fantastic season and my concerns about the devastating hangover of a play-off final defeat are tempered by hearing the reactions of people like McIndoe and Johnson, who clearly have the character to learn from this experience, not be set back by it. It's helpful also that we know exactly what we need to do as far as a goalscorer, but I also think Louis may not have the energy for another crack at this. However, if Gary sticks around and has the same desire then I think this is still the start of something, not the end.

Finally, after reviewing the Sky coverage and crowd shots added to my own personal experiences yesterday (particularly among all the City fans on the grassy roundabout pre-game) I feel tremendously proud of our football club's support which is as varied and representive of the races in our great city as one might expect somewhere like Arsenal. I know it shouldn't matter but I think it sets us apart from a club and city like Hull and means that when we achieve the same success we'll win many more friends for being a proper 21st century club and city.

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I don't think Hull were particularly good and I actually think they looked more nervous than us but I think from their perspective it was healthy as they knew they were in a game.

Our full strength side is better than Hull's. We were handicapped by Jamie McCombe's absence due to illness and then by Bradley Orr being stretchered off with Marvin Elliott having to take his place at Right Back. It really was a game that we were unlucky to lose. Bristol City FC don't do play-offs and that's the fifth set of play-offs where we've failed to secure promotion. Automatic promotion next season really is achieveable with the necessary fine tuning - our players and management team are good enough.

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Our full strength side is better than Hull's. We were handicapped by Jamie McCombe's absence due to illness and then by Bradley Orr being stretchered off with Marvin Elliott having to take his place at Right Back.

And that is one of the keys to next season, not just fine tuning with players in and players out, but improving the depth of the squad.

We were lucky with injuries this season. If Elliot, McIndoe or Carey had had long term injuries we would not have been in the play offs, and what difference wouls a fit Brooker have made? Look what happened when Johnson went out and Carle wasn't yet up to speed, ditto Elliot. That's when we started to stumble.

But like everyone else, I am proud of what City have achieved this year and obviously....... I still believe!

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And that is one of the keys to next season, not just fine tuning with players in and players out, but improving the depth of the squad.

We were lucky with injuries this season. If Elliot, McIndoe or Carey had had long term injuries we would not have been in the play offs, and what difference wouls a fit Brooker have made? Look what happened when Johnson went out and Carle wasn't yet up to speed, ditto Elliot. That's when we started to stumble.

But like everyone else, I am proud of what City have achieved this year and obviously....... I still believe!

You may be right - ultimately - it may have been our lack of strength in depth that cost us automatic promotion. Over a gruelling 46 game league season there are bound to be casualties and we didn't have enough quality cover for the key players that did get injured.

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You may be right - ultimately - it may have been our lack of strength in depth that cost us automatic promotion. Over a gruelling 46 game league season there are bound to be casualties and we didn't have enough quality cover for the key players that did get injured.

Thats right and it was predicted as much very early in the season but even with such a small squad they still managed to give us fans the best season for ages.

Intesting to see who Johnson signs over the summer.

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Thats right and it was predicted as much very early in the season but even with such a small squad they still managed to give us fans the best season for ages.

Intesting to see who Johnson signs over the summer.

We do need to strengthen the squad, but those that come in are going to have to fit in with the way GJ does things. We need more players with Trundle's mentality imo. Who would have thought when we signed him he would sit on the bench for the majority of the season without throwing his toys out of the pram? He worked hard, got back into the team and that has been a credit to him.

I am sure GJ will surprise us with a few unknowns this summer and maybe ine or two big (ish) name players.

Whatever he does, I will be behind him and the team 100% again next season.

This has been a fantastic season, just unfortunate we didnt get the fairytale ending we all dreamed of.

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And that is one of the keys to next season, not just fine tuning with players in and players out, but improving the depth of the squad.

We were lucky with injuries this season. If Elliot, McIndoe or Carey had had long term injuries we would not have been in the play offs, and what difference wouls a fit Brooker have made? Look what happened when Johnson went out and Carle wasn't yet up to speed, ditto Elliot. That's when we started to stumble.

But like everyone else, I am proud of what City have achieved this year and obviously....... I still believe!

"Strength in depth" is something of a myth though. You can't have like for like cover for your best players or they'd be good enough to be in the first team themselves. Nobody actually has that level of cover and everybody relies on luck to an extent.

Man Utd have better cover than most, but if they lost, say, Ronaldo, Rooney and Vidic for a long period (I know they have been without Rooney and Vidic for periods, but never really long-term) I think they'd find it hard to win the league. Likewise, injuries to Gerrard and Torres would reduce Liverpool to a mid-table side. Nobody carries cover for their very best players because it simply isn't possible.

All you can really do is make sure that the players are as fit as possible and trust to luck.

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"Strength in depth" is something of a myth though. You can't have like for like cover for your best players or they'd be good enough to be in the first team themselves. Nobody actually has that level of cover and everybody relies on luck to an extent.

Jose Mourinho of Chelsea used to employ a squad rotation system - Chelsea beat Man U to win the Premier League title on two occasions using that method. OK, it requires a large squad of expensive players but it's been proven to work.

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Jose Mourinho of Chelsea used to employ a squad rotation system - Chelsea beat Man U to win the Premier League title on two occasions using that method. OK, it requires a large squad of expensive players but it's been proven to work.

I think even they would have struggled with long term injuries to Drogba, Lampard, Carvalho or Cech. Squad rotation generally involves rotating the fringe players around a spine of regulars. If anything happens to the regulars you have to either buy or borrow a replacement or use a player who isn't first choice.

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I think even they would have struggled with long term injuries to Drogba, Lampard, Carvalho or Cech. Squad rotation generally involves rotating the fringe players around a spine of regulars. If anything happens to the regulars you have to either buy or borrow a replacement or use a player who isn't first choice.

I can't help thinking that it would have been Chelsea that would have won the European Cup not Man U had Drogba not been sent off. It would have been Drogba taking a penalty and Terry would not have needed to take one. With hindsight, the game was probably decided on that sending off incident just as our game at Wembley may have been decided by Jamie McCombe not being fit and Bradley Orr being injured.

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I can't help thinking that it would have been Chelsea that would have won the European Cup not Man U had Drogba not been sent off. It would have been Drogba taking a penalty and Terry would not have needed to take one. With hindsight, the game was probably decided on that sending off incident just as our game at Wembley may have been decided by Jamie McCombe not being fit and Bradley Orr being injured.

Exactly. There's no excuse for not being adequately prepared, and I'm also happy to concede that some of the clubs we were competing with for promotion had better options in reserve than we did - that's to be expected when we are only just up from league one. However, some things simply do come down to one or two moments of chance and there is absolutely nothing that one can do about them.

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