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To All Christian Roberts' Fans

Ian M

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If we had not signed Miller and Roberts played up front he would have scored double the number of goals Miller has.

We would probably be up now.

So much for Wilsons judgement when he plays Roberts up front for the last few games and he scores. Shame Wilson did not realise earlier he was better than Miller and saved alot of money.

aa bcfc

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If we had not signed Miller and Roberts played up front he would have scored double the number of goals Miller has.

We would probably be up now.

So much for Wilsons judgement when he plays Roberts up front for the last few games and he scores. Shame Wilson did not realise earlier he was better than Miller and saved alot of money.

aa bcfc

how the hell can you put it onto miller. Miller is better than peacock end of, if miller and roberts had been playing upfront all season we would have seen the best of both of them, Miller would have more than Peacock. Miller has what 9 goals to his name only 6 less then peacock and has played far, far less football.
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If we had not signed Miller and Roberts played up front he would have scored double the number of goals Miller has.

We would probably be up now.

So much for Wilsons judgement when he plays Roberts up front for the last few games and he scores. Shame Wilson did not realise earlier he was better than Miller and saved alot of money.

aa bcfc

Of all the signings this season, Miller is the one I agree with wholeheartedly.

But you have kind of hit on something I was thinking about earlier.

Roberts; 3 in 4! If he had played earlier in the season; all those games which were crying out for a striker in the box. Would we now be second already or is it just a case of he's just hit one of those midas moments?

I know the simple answer is we will never know; but it's quite a depressing thought that we probably had our top scorer stuck out getting demoralised on the right wing.

I am intrigued about something else by the way. About 3 months ago I was saying why isn't Roberts playing up-front. A lot of people agreed; a lot was telling us to stop living in the past and he had a fluke last year and is a poor finisher etc.

Why they no posting their comments now? :angry: Don't worry, I can't be arsed at the moment to dig it out cos i'm in a good mood. We'll be in 2nd place at 4:50 next Saturday. :(

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A striker is on the pitch for one reason only. If you have a forward who does sod all in the match but scores and another who works like a damned fool and runs round but scores nothing, who do you persist with?

Those tactics of picking Peacock who rarely scores and drop Roberts who normally does will lead City to disaster. And the only man who can carry the can for that is Wilson. All season he's been doing foolish things and they've piled up and led City to this nervy position now. In all honesty City ought to have secured promotion by now with the squad they have, but this manager doesn't seem to be able to do his job properly.

He's a fool and a stubborn one at that. And this stubbornness has cost City 20 points this season so far.

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I don't dislike Peacock, and in my opinion his selection up front recently has been warranted, he has worked his ass off for the team.

What I don't understand though is how this idiot of a manager can continually take Roberts off. Like you've said he has scored 3 goals in 4 games since returning to his correct position UP FRONT. Why bring him on for a player that has not appeared as a striker for us before?

Why bring on Miller for Bell? Miller for Butler would have been more appropriate I think.

Why the hell can he never go with 3 strikers up front.

Do you think that Mr Wilson realises that the booing when Roberts was bought off was directed at him for making the decision!!?

According to the first bloke that was on Radio Bristol, he thought that if Roberts had stayed on we could have won the game.

Why all season has he been played out of position? Why since returning to his correct position has he been pulled off every game?

I really don't understand it.

I was that first bloke on the radio Taz and i still stand by what i said. Roberts was giving Luton so much trouble i really think that we could have won it if he had stayed on.

I could not believe it when wilson (######) took him off. I have never been one of Roberts biggest fans but today and the last few games he has been OUTSTANDING.

How Wilson (######) can take off our best attacking player, who is having a very good game is beyound belief. Two minutes after Wilson (######) took off Roberts, Peacock messed up a absolute sitter ( for a player earning around 3grand a week).

I got home at ten, its now 3am and i still can not believe that Roberts was taken off. I'm still in shock about the whole day.

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