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Well Done Ireland.


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The two richest European countries are Norway and Switzerland - the reason they are the richest countries in Europe is that they ARE NOT IN THE EU. :icecream:

The EU sucks. I reckon we should join the Russian federation trading bloc - this would give England access to cheap oil and Gas and diamonds for our women. Also, that way missiles can be pointed at the hopelessly corrupt politicians in Brussels from England as well as from Russia. :dancing6:

Alternatively - and to quote kevinmabbuttshair of this forum - "Get out of the EU and join the North American Union, always had more in common with the US and Canada anyway, screw europe and it's bureaucratic gravy train."

I was very disappointed when the Swiss joined that other hotbed of corruption and lies, the UN, about 5 years ago.

I don't see why we need to be in a bloc at all, we do best from trading with everybody.

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I don't see why we need to be in a bloc at all, we do best from trading with everybody.

That's the philosophy of the Swiss, and they trade with everybody and profit from selling their Omega, Tag Heuer, Rolex etc watches to the whole world.

With regard to Norway, democratic referenda in 1972 and 1994 indicated that the Norwegian people wished to remain outside the hopelessly corrupt European Union (EU). However, Norway, together with Iceland and Liechtenstein, participates in the European Union's single market via the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement.

Why can't we be like the Norwegians and participate in the European Union's single market via the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement - we don't even have to been in the EU to trade with the EU.

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The two richest European countries are Norway and Switzerland - the reason they are the richest countries in Europe is that they ARE NOT IN THE EU. :icecream:

Ireland is currently the 2nd richest nation in Europe

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I'm not too bothered about our serving troops. They're involved in active service because my bosses (and my bosses' bosses sent them there). They made their own life decisions within the opportunities presented to them by their social position. They're out there fighting a 'terrorism' that didn't affect this country until Tony Blair decided we needed to drop bombs on other people for the most spurious reasons. Still, I have some sympathy for them as individuals because they've got no more say in anything than I do. They're just further victims of the system. You know the system that makes us so proudly English.

Dagest I aint in disagreement with you about any of your tract, bar this little doozy. Fact the bad guys who blew twin towers away there were parasites in that god forsaken country. Using the drugs to pay for their insane "beleifs" The bullshit arguement about us and our Yank pals arming and feeding Al Quead is also bullshit. We armed and trained the Mujahadeen, to fight soviets. thew parasites like bin Laden as fkn usual hid among the muj (freedom fighters) and as soon as the reds got kicked out/ faced reality/cut and run (Please add your preferred description, I go for cut and run) they then showed their true colours, and all their fellow travellers. and just like we've had had over the centuries you have to face down and fight authoritarian fanatics.

and your hostility to all forms are national pride are a bigger slur on the armed forces than anything else you come up with. Ultimately, its them that pay the price to allow your point of view to be heard. You might care to note qand remember that fact.

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The EU is a shady talking shop, slowly getting more and more ingrained in the workings of governments across Europe. Some see this as a good thing. Personally I think any organisation that wont reveal it's accounts, openly admits the auditors haven't signed them off in years is not one I want to see having any say in my life.

I always favoured a two tier Europe. Those who favour more integration can push on together, and those interested in the principle of a trading block continuing on the periphery.

Hear, Hear. Either way. We all want a chance to say which way we're going.

Corruption the French/Italian/Spanish/Portugese/Greek way, or sclerotic socialism the German/Swedish/Danish/Finnish/Belgian/Austrian way, or the brave new socialist world of Bulgaria/Romania/Lithuania/Slovakia, with its mixture of both.

Oh and the thought of an EU "Army" fighting on our behalf, fills me with utter horror, after laughing at the thought for five minutes first, and the EU "representing" us on the world stage. :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression:

I don't want any of them

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Ireland is currently the 2nd richest nation in Europe

From a geographical plate techtonics perspective, Iceland is half North American and half European as the mid Atlantic ridge runs through Iceland. Incidentally, Greenland was once in the EU but left. What's good for Greenland is good for us.

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gobbers, why can't we be like norway?

because we don't have massive natural oil and timber reserves?

to be fair even if britain was richer, the government would still spend it all on a load of shit and you can't blame anyone outside of britain for that! anyone up for a trip to the dome?

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gobbers, why can't we be like norway?

because we don't have massive natural oil and timber reserves?

to be fair even if britain was richer, the government would still spend it all on a load of shit and you can't blame anyone outside of britain for that! anyone up for a trip to the dome?

I resent every penny of my taxes that is spent financing the European Union and the executive lifestyles of the politicians we have there. The EU is yet another Lib-Lab-Con.

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I resent every penny of my taxes that is spent financing the European Union and the executive lifestyles of the politicians we have there. The EU is yet another Lib-Lab-Con.

Actually its Socialist/Lib Dumb, and Labour in the main Gobbers. most right of centre parties in europe have little time for its pox ridden ways.

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Actually its Socialist/Lib Dumb, and Labour in the main Gobbers. most right of centre parties in europe have little time for its pox ridden ways.

Actually it was Edward Heath (Con) that took us into the EU and Margaret Thatcher (Con) that helped keep us in it. OK the 'Lib-Lab' of the Lib-Lab-Con were just as much to blame but, essentially, the Conservatives are the main party to have sold England down the river of poxy EU membership.

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Actually it was Edward Heath (Con) that took us into the EU and Margaret Thatcher (Con) that helped keep us in it. OK the 'Lib-Lab' of the Lib-Lab-Con were just as much to blame but, essentially, the Conservatives are the main party to have sold England down the river of poxy EU membership.

True, they signed up for an EEC/EC partnership of trading nations, not a European superstate. The Milk Snatcher would NEVER have signed our soverignty over to the gutless Europeans.

And tis your Socialist buddies who really keep the gravy train going in the EU. Its Socialists in most countries who most support it strongly. didn't see too many of your actual Labour Party/Socialists opposing it either. and its your Labour/Socialist Gordon Brown who has ratified the treaty without a referendum, which he promised to do, and as usual for Socialists, lied. didnt see much opposition from Labour then either

Its a Conservative equivalent President in Germany who is refusing to sign it into law in Germany, subject to a supreme court hearing about its legality.

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True, they signed up for an EEC/EC partnership of trading nations, not a European superstate. The Milk Snatcher would NEVER have signed our soverignty over to the gutless Europeans.

And tis your Socialist buddies who really keep the gravy train going in the EU. Its Socialists in most countries who most support it strongly. didn't see too many of your actual Labour Party/Socialists opposing it either. and its your Labour/Socialist Gordon Brown who has ratified the treaty without a referendum, which he promised to do, and as usual for Socialists, lied. didnt see much opposition from Labour then either

Its a Conservative equivalent President in Germany who is refusing to sign it into law in Germany, subject to a supreme court hearing about its legality.

That's a bit condescending of you refering to those political scummers as my 'Socialist buddies'. :clapping:

For all Margaret Thatcher's posturing on getting the UK a good deal from Europe she was out manoeuvered and did sell us down the river. She's a traitor who using the words of Oliver Cromwell himself "did sell her country for a mess of potage".

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That's a bit condescending of you refering to those political scummers as my 'Socialist buddies'. :clapping:

For all Margaret Thatcher's posturing on getting the UK a good deal from Europe she was out manoeuvered and did sell us down the river. She's a traitor who using the words of Oliver Cromwell himself "did sell her country for a mess of potage".

SHE didnt sell us out to a European super state. That was done by Bliar and Brown, who are I beleive Labour Party politicians, and I do beleive you have political sympathies lying with said party, if not said leaders.

Milk Snatcher got outmanoevered by the Euro bullshitters only on the payment to the EC gravy train. she would not have made the same mistake again. Unlike the shower of shite in "charge" at the moment.

We agree on one thing though. referendum now. We both know whats at stake here, no matter what our other differences are. its a bloody dangerous unelected kleptocracy. between us we have covered the main reasons why its a bad organization.

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