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France Gp

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Its only a bit early to start discussing this, and I'm sure that there were a few F1 fans on here. I only started really watching it this year, so don't know too much about the circuit at france; but was intreigued enough about Hamiltons chances of picking up 9+ places during the race, that I had a look at the race track.

From a glance it looks like there are far far worse places to have a 10 place penalty, there seems to be long straights, high speed obtuse angle corners, surely a perfect track to have one of the fastest cars on the track, needing to overtake slower moving cars in the back of the field?

No obviously I'm aware than any top 10 placed car isn't going to be slow, and he's not going to be top 4 by the end of the 3rd lap, bu surely this gives him an advantage at least.

Obviously the best way to know how this track would affect his chances, would be to have seen a GP there before, so to the F1 fans; what is this track like, is it fast? Will this really give Hamilton an extra advantage?

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Can anyone expalin what they find so interesting about F1?

To me is boring after the first bend. Once someone gets in the lead they usually win unless they crash, have a car problem or mess up in the pits.

How often does the leader get overtaken out on the track?

Its like watching paint dry.

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Can anyone expalin what they find so interesting about F1?

To me is boring after the first bend. Once someone gets in the lead they usually win unless they crash, have a car problem or mess up in the pits.

How often does the leader get overtaken out on the track?

Its like watching paint dry.

I didn't find it as interesting when there weren't english drivers doing so well (I think I did used to find it like watching paint dry, that was a good few years ago when Schumacher was dominating race in race out for seasons and seasons. Bak then I couldn't really be too bothered with it.

But your assumptions based on how every single race pans out is based on false asumptions. Surely for every race to be won by the original leader, is to assume that that driver is perfect, and will race without mistakes...which just doesn't happen, can you really point out a single race where this happened, and the pundits have called it boring and dull?? Because I can't rememeber one recently, even if there was, is that even proof; can every football game be judged because of the quality of the France vs Romania game? Because the pundits called that dull...would you rather watch paint dry than football now? Did you not watch Italy vs Netherlands because of it? All sports have their highs and lows, some races may be a bit duller than others, but its still much more fun than watching paint dry!

Racing at 280km/h, centimeters away from other cars requires exceptional skill, could you not watch it just to appreciate this? Secondly mistakes do happen, thats what makes it interesting, mistakes in the pits cost wins, mistakes on the track can be spectacular (Hamilton in the pits at Montreal?? Kimi losing control on the track in Monaco?? I'm pretty sure Hamilton overtook Massa on the track at Monaco? Actually just Monaco in general??)

Footballs a dull sport unless theres a defensive mistake, a moment of attacking brilliance generally (see what I did there, used just 2 points to show what can cause a football match dull as watching paint dry; as apposed to your 3 golden rules to make motorsport dull)

You know what, I'd prefer to have watched paint dry, than watch Rovers play off final, but you know, I heard some people paid good money to go and watch that at Wembley! Each to their own I guess; but personally after starting to watch F1 I find it really quite thrilling.

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Been watching F1 since the days of Ayrton Senna now, and this is the first race of the season I'm going to miss (I wont be near a tv at the time) which I am a bit gutted about. Will have to record it and try and stay away from any results. I can count on one hand the number of races I havent watched. Went to Silverstone last year as well, which was just brilliant.

Can't wait to see how and if Lewis carves his way through the field, not sure how he will cope if he has Fred Alonso near him though, because he's hardly going to be easy to get round.

This season seems to be more exciting than the last one I have to say. We have had a lot more on track action than previous seasons.

Magny Cours might look like an easier track to overtake on, but its not going to be a walk in the park either.

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How anyone can say F1 is boring is beyond me, but I do say that about cricket so each to their own I suppose! I too am a great fan. Lewis has got a lot of work to do that's for certain but he seems to thrive on this sort of pressure. He knows by his mistake he let the team down, and it really is such a team sport, and he will be focused and determined to put it right.

This season has seen a few surprises, I think the lack of traction control has caught a few drivers out and are taking time to adjust. I'm glad the Schumacher era is over for the good of the sport. To me he is like Ronaldo, great if you are supporting him but a right thorn in the side if you aren't. He was good, too good and now F1 is all the better for a good mix of drivers.

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Been watching F1 since the days of Ayrton Senna now, and this is the first race of the season I'm going to miss (I wont be near a tv at the time) which I am a bit gutted about. Will have to record it and try and stay away from any results. I can count on one hand the number of races I havent watched. Went to Silverstone last year as well, which was just brilliant.

Can't wait to see how and if Lewis carves his way through the field, not sure how he will cope if he has Fred Alonso near him though, because he's hardly going to be easy to get round.

This season seems to be more exciting than the last one I have to say. We have had a lot more on track action than previous seasons.

Magny Cours might look like an easier track to overtake on, but its not going to be a walk in the park either.

itv.com has it on their catch up session for (I think) 31 days after the event.

I know cos my brother missed the race of the year at Monaco (& he's as much of an F1 nut as you).

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How anyone can say F1 is boring is beyond me, but I do say that about cricket so each to their own I suppose! of drivers.

Cricket is boring to those who don't understand it.The subtleties of the game are infinate - so much so that some say cricket is a science.

What there is to understand about F1?

The guy with the best and most reliable car wins because his machine goes faster than all the others. All the drivers have pretty much the same ability so the car determines who wins. Take Damen Hill who by his own admission was not not a better driver than his rivals - he just had the best car.

I reckon it would be more interesting if the slower cars started first on the grid.That way you'd at least see some decent overtaking.

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Magny Cours as a circuit has a long standing reputation for terminally dull races. The problem is the fast corner leading onto the back straight, through which modern cars are unable to follow each other closely thanks to all the aerodynamic devices they rely on. This means that, although the Adelaide hairpin might appear to be ideal for overtaking, the cars are rarely close enough by that stage to attempt a manouvere.

As for Hamilton, I expect that the speed of his car should allow him to make top 6, but it'll be tough to beat the other top 5 unless they make a mistake or run into trouble. Although there is apparently a chance of rain, in which case everything I've just said will obviously go out the window.

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Been watching F1 since the days of Ayrton Senna now, and this is the first race of the season I'm going to miss (I wont be near a tv at the time) which I am a bit gutted about. Will have to record it and try and stay away from any results. I can count on one hand the number of races I havent watched. Went to Silverstone last year as well, which was just brilliant.

Can't wait to see how and if Lewis carves his way through the field, not sure how he will cope if he has Fred Alonso near him though, because he's hardly going to be easy to get round.

This season seems to be more exciting than the last one I have to say. We have had a lot more on track action than previous seasons.

Magny Cours might look like an easier track to overtake on, but its not going to be a walk in the park either.

magny cours aint he the bloke were about to sign :dunno:

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What a shit race, worst track on the calender imho.

Bernie Ecclestone does the sport no favors though, the poisonous little shit bag!

I love F1, been into racing since i was a wee lad, i used to race karts with Jenson Button many years ago, somehow, he was better than me :dunno:

If you don't like F1 then you probably like darts or wrestling instead, fair enough. I don't like Dart or Wrestling, Wrestling is far too camp for me and darts is..... :fastasleep: :fastasleep:

bring on Silverstone.

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