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Chris Kamara On Kavanagh And Tinnion

Guest Tins4Gaffer

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Guest Tins4Gaffer

Graham Kavanagh -

Well he's one of the better midfielders in Division One or Division Two and was unlucky to be pushed out of the Premiership through foreign exports just like so many others such as Darren Caskey, hopefully he'll be playing there again though with Cardiff before long. Also unlucky to be pushed out the Ireland squad just because Stoke were relegated, his game had improved yet he was dropped only because he'd dropped a divison, which I find hard to accept. He's tough tacking and likes to organise team-mates. He's composed recieving posession, sound on the ball, decent balance and decent releases. When he's at his sharpest he can be quite impressive, but he isnt at his sharpest often enough. I think he's a sound set-piece taker and he gets forward whenever the opportunity arises with an eye for goal. Graham was a pleasure for me to manage because he was so enthusiastic, there are more effective players in Divison One in terms of ability, but not to many.

Brian Tinnion -

In my view, Bristol City should have extreme ammounts of appreciation and gratefulness for his extreme ammounts of loyalty and faithfulness. Even though you wont find a worse right foot in the game, you wont find a better left foot either! Tinnion could easily be strutting his stuff against the best players on the biggest stages if it wasn't for his love and commitment to Bristol City, he probably should have been for around a decade of years. This county has been crying out for a quality left peg for god knows how many years, the answer laid with Brian Tinnion all along but he spent far to long enduring the lower leagues season after season at one club. I understand he tasted top flight action at the start of his career with Newcastle, how he hasn't managed to show what he can do at the highest level again since is beyond me. When I was in charge at Bradford I was emphatically urged to re-sign Tinnion because he was seen as the best set-piece taker they ever had there and scored spectacular goals, I understand Liam Brady was watching him when he was Celtic manager, everybody was telling me he was the best outside the Premiership. I didn't think I stood much chance because Glenn Hoddle and Bryan Robson both wanted him at Chelsea and Middlesborough repectively. In my view, a waste of talent in the game, although Bristol City fans should violently disagree with me because he's been their key player since he first arrived, the main reason for being a waste of talent is because he spent most of his career at left back or left wing when his ability deserved better (midfield). I don't know if I know of a more underrated and underachieving player because you wont see much better in terms of passing and crossing.

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Guest Tins4Gaffer

I agree too, if Jim Smith wouldn't of been given the Newcastle United job then Tinman would probably of been a Magpies legend!

I remember reading somewhere that if Tinman pocessed a stronger right foot it would of been him running the midifield for England in 1990 - not Gazza!! :D

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Painful reading if your name is Brian Tinnion.

Its a hard thing knowing you havent filled your potential, i should know, as i havent in many areas, and it must make him feel sad, he could be a rich, succesful and an england international if he hadnt been faithful, like i said I'm so pleased we got Tins, at 35(?) he is still one of our best players.

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I hope Mr Kamara's comments sent a stark and direct message to Directors, the manager and fans alike.

Although he is referring to the tremendous ability of Brian Tinnion in being able to make inch perfect passes and the tougher skill of being able to read a game of football. The underlying message if the above is a direct and accurate quotation is that Bristol City Football Club has consistantly underperformed for quater of a century.

Obvoius and didn't need Jimmy Hill to work that one out I hear you cry, but the point is I cannot accept the posts that state "I would watch City in the conference".

This club needs to stop using the floor for a ceiling and it's supporters need to demand mutch more from it. No sport appart from rugby union has changed more over the past ten years nad where as clubs like Bolton, Leicester Middlesborough have moved with them I feel that at times we have not.

Richard Keys "Welcome to Super Sunday Bristol City v Manchester United live from Ashton Gate"

If you think the above is fantastical and should be left in dreamland than I accuse you of being part of Brsitol City Football clubs problem. Harsh may be but true, in my humble oppinion, defintely yes.

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Kamara has a reputation for talking nonsense and his monologue about Tinnion is just that - nonsense.

If Tinnion was that highly rated he would have been signed by a Premiership club - and don`t quote "loyalty" at me because any lower league player would go the the Prem given the chance if only for the dosh.You have to be there for 3 years to be financially secure for life.Too good a chance for anyone to miss.

The facts are that Tinnion has been in the lower leagues for most of his career is because thats his standard.He's a very good lower league player for certain but not a Premiership player.If he had had a right foot then maybe...

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Guest markiedangerous

If we had a few more attitudes like Tinman's on the park and a few less like Robbardo's off the park then this club would a whole lot better.

Go watch the Gas. blobbard!

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How typicall of you, Robbo, to kick Tinnion right in the knackers!

I know you really don't like the bloke but I will have to raise a point with you about him not moving on from BCFC. When interviewed back in Septemeber (http://www.theincider.com/backissues/12/features/tinnion.php) he told us this:

So I guess that urinates on your bonfire a bit :D

Whilst my circumstances are different to those of a professional footballer, they do fall into line with Tinmans quotes.

I have had many opportunities to accept employment at a much higher level than I currently work at, but the conditions have never suited my lifestyle, the less hours I work the better, so I can spend time enjoying myself.

Whilst I am not accusing Tinman of not working hard, some prefer to be a big fish in a small pond and not suffer the stress and strain that goes with ambition and if this is the scenario with Brian, I applaud him for his self satisfaction.

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Whatever peoples overall opinions are of Tinnion, he is, and will forever be, one of the most loyal players this club has had. About 6 years ago, a section of fans abused him and his family and any other player would have walked. But he stood tall, took all the flack, and shoved all the abuse back in his critics faces with his football.

There is no other player I have more respect for in the game than Brian Tinnion.

When Danny leaves as manager, whenever that may be, I really hope that City repay his loyalty and put Brian in as manager. He never managed to become much more than a well respected player and loyal servant for Bristol City. So lets give him a chance to taste as a manager, the success he could not enjoy as a player. I expect if he can help City to promotion this season, this might be the last major influence as a player he might have here...

So Tins... this ones for you! :Party12:

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I know you really don't like the bloke but I will have to raise a point with you about him not moving on from BCFC. When interviewed back in Septemeber (http://www.theincider.com/backissues/12/features/tinnion.php) he told us this:

I was well aware of the i/v done by INCIDER.

But Tinnion would say that wouldn`t he?

If any club had offered him big money - say x3 his City wages he would have gone just like Murray.He would have been a fool not to and he would have been able to provide even more comfortably for his family.

Don`t get me wrong - I rate Tinnion as a player.He's good at what he does at this level.What ######es me off is all the adulation that he gets for staying at City for 10 years as if he did us all a favour.He stayed because he got no offers big enough to tempt him away and why no big offers? - because he`s a lower league player with only one foot.

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Well maybe the reason Tins hasn't made it was because he never used to be good if I remember right, didn't he used to get booed and alot of abuse? I remember when I first started watching City he used to get alot of stick.

It's such a shame about his age because I honestly believe he has what it takes to play at a higher level, even now and maybe with a bit more speed. He didn't look out of place at all in the Carling Cup game against FA Cup semi finalists Southampton.

He is our best player and I love his passion and attiude - a legend.

He was even getting wrote off at the start of this season and Wilson kept him out of the side for the first couple of months, but he fought back and proved Wilson wrong and is now the first name on the team sheet.

Shame Robbored just seems to like coming on here and winding people up on purpose with his posts, Kamara has great contacts in football and is very well respected, as he says about Middlesbrough tracking him and him being urged to sign Tins!

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Hmm.. he's actually very well respected.. you ######.

I'm not sure what ###### means - but I'm sure it's not an insult... :Rage:

Kamara is the laughing stock of TV punditry.He's a buffoon.Thats why he can`t get back into management - no-one would take the chance on him.

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Guest Tins4Gaffer

I remember Tinny's left foot passing and crossing was always pin perfect, but other areas of his game were lacking behind, I think alot of fans got caught up into believing because he releases balls so well everything else in his game should be up to that standard - that's not the case.

When he was at Newcastle United I saw him make alot of mistakes to be honest such as lapses in concentration defensively, constantly trying to position his body so that his left foot takes posession and weak right foot passes! But when he got hold of the ball he looked real quality, there was nobody on the field who looked more comfortable on the ball, he clearly had ability and lots of naturally good timing. The other Newcastle players would step aside for him at every set-piece!!

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Kind comments which do catalogue all the plus points but which forget to mention the lack of pace so crucial at the highest level.

Tinnion has given great service and like several players could easily have operated regularly in a division higher,but like so many things in life its all about opportunity and desire.I'm sure that if he truly desired an opportunity to have tested his talent at the level above ours then it could have materialised,however, I've always thought Tinnion seemed to be comfortable with us for a whole array of reasons and we too comfortable with him.

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But Tinnion would say that wouldn`t he?

If any club had offered him big money - say x3 his City wages he would have gone just like Murray.He would have been a fool not to and he would have been able to provide even more comfortably for his family.

Don`t get me wrong - I rate Tinnion as a player.He's good at what he does at this level.What ######es me off is all the adulation that he gets for staying at City for 10 years as if he did us all a favour.He stayed because he got no offers big enough to tempt him away and why no big offers? - because he`s a lower league player with only one foot.

Are you saying that Tinnion is lying about the offers he has had?

He clearly says in the incider interview that he's had better offers but decided to stay at City. You say that this makes him a fool.

Perhaps you should stop judging people by your own grubby standards. Money isn't everything and Tinnion puts his own happiness before a big pay check. Obviously, you would do the opposite. This is your perogative but you don't hold a monopoly on what's right.

As to saying Tinnion is a lower league player with one foot, what Tinnion are you watching?

He's the best passer outside of the Premiership (actually probably better than most in the Prem), always gives 110%, encourages the other players and the crowd. He is a star.

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Guest Red_Rat

Tinnion is a class act,his left peg is pure quality,and could have and stillcould play for a top-flight side,this is shown by his consistency,passing ability, and handling of pressure could have leaded him to the premier-league,and even England.But i'm glad he didn't beacause he's represented us with loyal passion,WE LOVE U TINS!!

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Brian Tinnion -

In my view, Bristol City should have extreme ammounts of appreciation and gratefulness for his extreme ammounts of loyalty and faithfulness. Even though you wont find a worse right foot in the game, you wont find a better left foot either! Tinnion could easily be strutting his stuff against the best players on the biggest stages if it wasn't for his love and commitment to Bristol City, he probably should have been for around a decade of years. This county has been crying out for a quality left peg for god knows how many years, the answer laid with Brian Tinnion all along but he spent far to long enduring the lower leagues season after season at one club. I understand he tasted top flight action at the start of his career with Newcastle, how he hasn't managed to show what he can do at the highest level again since is beyond me. When I was in charge at Bradford I was emphatically urged to re-sign Tinnion because he was seen as the best set-piece taker they ever had there and scored spectacular goals, I understand Liam Brady was watching him when he was Celtic manager, everybody was telling me he was the best outside the Premiership. I didn't think I stood much chance because Glenn Hoddle and Bryan Robson both wanted him at Chelsea and Middlesborough repectively. In my view, a waste of talent in the game, although Bristol City fans should violently disagree with me because he's been their key player since he first arrived, the main reason for being a waste of talent is because he spent most of his career at left back or left wing when his ability deserved better (midfield). I don't know if I know of a more underrated and underachieving player because you wont see much better in terms of passing and crossing.

Brian Tinnion has been an above average player in a below average City side. He has been blessed with above average left backs (Scott, Barnard, Bell and Brennan), who with their movement, have complimented Tinnions' passing. Three out of the four full backs above went on to bigger and better things, Tinnion has stayed. People who know him tell of the offers he received, why they were never accepted may never become public.

There can be no doubt that Tinnion has good passing, vision, fitness and work rate, even now, and his passion for City puts a few on this forum to shame. In the same breath his tackling, heading, right foot and temperment aren't the best.

Chris Kamara says he should of played top flight football, and even for England. I say he wouldn't of looked out of place in a decent first division outfit, but England !!!

He hasn't been the best, he hasn't been the worst, all in all it is the length of his stay at City that puts him apart from his peers. A "Tinnion Stand" or managers post I would be against, but even though I'm not an advocate of testimonials, if there is someone of greater merit, I have not seen them.

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