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Its no big thing to many but next seasons STs are being despatched this week. For me, anyway, the 1st sign, if you like, that the new season is upon us and very soon life will be back to normal !!

So, who`s going to claim to get delivery of their smart new smart card, see what i did there, first. No little white lies people.

Also, how about your first signs of the new season. What happens that makes you think `YES`. I know we all get bits and bobs through out the summer but as i said earlier, when that card arrives, that`s it for me.


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To me pre-season always drags on and on. The players return only 5 weeks before the start of the campaign but that 5 weeks seems to last far longer.

I hate pre-season games as well. Important though they are for the players fitness they are always meaningless affairs with many players being aware that an injury could keep them out of the start of the season and getting back into the starting 11 might not be straightforward.

The big day is always the first match competitive of the season.

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