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Giant Flag For Meteb Anyone?


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Peaks in Backwell is good for the printing as someone mentioned.

It's on the main road just before Spar if you're coming from Bristol I THINK.

I live here so I should probably know... :surrender:

How big is the flag?

Not very big atall really, only 5"x3". But big enough to hang of hold whilst in the ground. Does anyone know how big the Brazian flag that is often in the Williams is?


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It's not exactly welcoming is it?

We're talking about one of our players here. If you want to have flags with sheep on when we play Cardiff I'm all for it.

Some people are whining about being too PC (and I hate PC) but that's got sod all to do with it, you don't insult your own players and a flag with a camel on would be.

The flag did not have a picture of a camel on it..

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i agree with Ahmed ,this is a football forum and the topic is how best to welcome Emad.I am not interested in the politically correct stuff either ,but we should welcome Emad with open arms an try to settle him in to bcfc as soon as possible. He is going to get loads of stick from opposing fans as it is with out our own supporters making him feel isolated from his community. It seems obvious to me that the camel thing wont work so lets drop it,but on the other hand this IS OUR forum and our egyptian friends should understand that sometimes our humour is not that clear to them, it is not meant to offend them it is just banter.

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