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Get Well Soon Christian


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Theres a "get well" thread further down this page


Theres also a note on the article on the main site which says they can email if they wish to send Christian any messages. How about the forum leaves their messages on the thread and then I will organise getting it sent to Christian.

Sound like a plan anyone?

Might even get the thread pinned.

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Myself, my friend and those around us were all very impressed with him last night. I felt for him when he went down injured but, he is only 18 and has that in his favour.

As he has just taken stock of a new car, if he needs anyone to drive it around for him, mine has a clutch problem and will be delighted to help him...... ;)

We all wish him well.


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You looked like you were enjoying yourself last night and many people in the crowd were impressed with you, I was certainly one of them. You look comfortable and I would love to see you out gracing the pitch in the first team once again.

Don't rush back, make sure you are 100% you are 18 and thats in your favour.

Good luck with the recovery.


P.s. Can I loan your new car...... :whistle2:

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Gutted for you Christian after all the good work you put in pre-season. Hope all goes well with the op and look forward to you pushing for a place again next season. :fingerscrossed:

Ignore all the other requests, i could really do with loaning your car, mine has got a full ashtray.


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Just read that myself. Gutted for the lad. Looked a real prospect who'd started to come of age in pre-season and what we saw last night. Just hope he doesn't lose too much pace over it and makes a full recovery.

If he needs any extra motivation, I recommend he reads Roy Keane's book on attitude back from that sort of injury, albeit if he was motivated by revenge on Alfe-Inge Haaland! :noexpression:

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By far our best player last night. Absolutely gutted for the lad.

CR, if you're reading this - keep your chin up as much as you can, if last night's performance is anything to go by you've got a great career ahead. It'll be a tough 12 months but we'll all be waiting for your return. The next time you run out for the first team at Ashton Gate will be a moment to remember. Good luck.

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