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Dolman Bar

aller g

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i did have a quick browse to see if its been mentioned but, what is the deal with the dolman bar this season, someone at blackpool told me all you have to do is show your season card..

is that true, or if not where do i need to buy a pass :)

sorry if it has been mentioned.

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On Tuesday it was season ticket card to get in, which was pretty stupid considering it was a cup game and nobody had their's on them! :noexpression:

Anyone know what the situation is from the East End? I heard they've stopped people going out for a smoke at half time and subsequently diving in the Dolman bar...

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The DEH is now open to all ST holders. You will need to show your ST on the door to gain access.Arrive early as with 14000 ST holders and a capacity of 1200 you may not get in.

Its tough on those who aren't ST holders and who want a pint at AG on matchdays. They could always join the SC I suppose.

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