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Chris Weales Kicking


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It is blooming amazing!

say what you like about whos better out of Basso and Weale but you cant deny Weale kicks like a legend, its not as much from hand but the distance he can get from goal kicks is phenomenal and with decent accuracy. I don't think he sliced or pulled one in the last two matches.

he even cleared two backpasses on his weaker foot and they both went straight as an arrow and well over half way line.

is this normal or does he have some kind of bionic terminator style legs with super power and lock on targetting???

NOTE - maybe we can splice his bottom half to the top half of basso to make a super goalie!

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On a side note, did anyone notice how far out the box the Derby keeper was kicking the ball from the hand. It must have been about 5 feet out of his box. The ref should have picked up this and blew for a handball.

I've watched this on the TV and the ball is released from his hands before he leaves the area meaning the kick is legal, irrespective of how far out of this area he is when he actually kicks the ball which agreed is about 5 feet!

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I've watched this on the TV and the ball is released from his hands before he leaves the area meaning the kick is legal, irrespective of how far out of this area he is when he actually kicks the ball which agreed is about 5 feet!

Well, from where I was sat directly in line with the penalty box in the Dolman he definately had hold of the ball outside the box and skipped a a few feet before kicking it. I may be wrong though because I didnt have benefit of replays like you armchair fans. :innocent06:

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Well, from where I was sat directly in line with the penalty box in the Dolman he definately had hold of the ball outside the box and skipped a a few feet before kicking it. I may be wrong though because I didnt have benefit of replays like you armchair fans. :innocent06:

...And what's a few feet to Roy Carroll anyway...? It's not like it's a goal if the ball goes a few feet over his goal line... ;)

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His kicking is definitely much better than Basso's however does anyone think that sometimes he kicks the ball too far? I thought on Saturday because he was kicking it so long sometimes it looked as if Adebola was struggling to get on the end of it, often resulting in a misplaced flick on.

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Weale's kicking is fantastic, and his aerial work is good too.

I think the only goalkeeping category that Basso wins hands down is his first-rate shot-stopping.

On 'keeping, I'd actually pick Weale, as he's good enough and still has at least 7 years left in him.

I'd miss the 'believe' factor of Basso though!

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Weale is a bigger bloke than Basso we all know that and I think that helps with kicking. Weale looks to ooze confidence even though he hasnt had a full run in the team he is also very brave in one on ones and looks sharp off of his line as well as showing incredible agility against Derby.

Basso is as agile as a cat and reaches the top corners well because he is smaller and hence lighter than Weale however Weale proved he is equally capable of a world class save with the one against Derby.

Also he did one drop kick in the game and it was so huge that I thought it was going to do a Ray Cashley and go over Carrols head sadly it didnt. Another thing to note is Weales body shape when he kicks, its a lot better than Basso's the reason why his Kicks go further is they are lower and have less backspin - a problem that restricts the length and accuracy of Basso's kicks.

Trust me I'm a keeper too

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