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Honest Comments From Gj


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A bunch of posers GJ S comments he looked dissapointed in the defeat not enough work rate and was unhappy with the performance,just shows what ever league if you do not play 100% you get nothing if we had may be of gone far in this Cup

It is refresing to hear an honest comment rather than a rant about the weather, pitch, referee, assistant linesman &c, &c.

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It is refresing to hear an honest comment rather than a rant about the weather, pitch, referee, assistant linesman &c, &c.

This is true, although in fairness, I can't remember a time when GJ took personal blame for a performance/defeat.

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This is true, although in fairness, I can't remember a time when GJ took personal blame for a performance/defeat.

Thats right but all managers will tell you that once the players cross the white line theres nothing significant they can do untill half-time.

Johnson has said that maybe he didn't pick the right team but thats about as much as you'd get from Johnson to admit that he got it wrong.

In truth it was the players who failed to deliver last night and it was also down to Johnson/Millen for not getting them to improve in the second half.Overall everyone is to blame.

A defeat is only a wasted experience if you learn nothing from it and hopefuly the players will be wounded enough to come out on Saturday and produce against QPR.

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Certainly makes you wonder though, whether the players are actually as commited as they claim to be.

That was essentially the same team that played Saturday, yet the performance and the outcome couldn't be more different.

What is the factor(s) in that which contributed to the polarity of the performance and result, in comparison to Saturday? That's what Johnson should be asking himself and so should the players.

Lack of consistency, concentration, commitment? Call it what you will, but if Johnson's "unchanged team" can turn in two totally opposite scenarios in the space of 3 days, it is certainly some cause for concern.

Let's hope they sort it out before Saturday.

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As I too said elsewhere I was disappointed in the difference between the 2 performances, being it an unchanged team of outfield players. At least GJ has publically stated he noted this. It would be so easy for him to blame the usual, pitch, ref etc and trot out the 'credit to the opposition' line worn out by Danny Wilson. I'm not belittling Crewe, and I wish them well in the next round.

I don't know what went wrong, or why the team underperformed. It's not my job to decide and also I wasn't there so can't really offer an opinion except could it be perhaps, that we do tend to put out a different side for these cup games, we normally rest players. So when we lose it's usually decided that we did so because we changed the team, not realising until now that the players aren't as motivated as they could be for lesser cup games? To have our Manager describing what he saw as 'dopey and posey' is embarrassing.

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Yeah honest of GJ. But the question has to be asked will the lads have tired legs on Saturday after playing last night. He should have started with different players last night and give them the chance, not just the keeper. When is the likes of DN going to get a kick and SB and LT going to start a game for example.

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