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Gj Keeping The Faith


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I have just read the article in the WDP about GJ being unlikely to try and sign anyone before the end of the transfer window.At times I cannot understand him.In the article he talks about keeping faith with his current squad and suggests that signing a new player would somehow show a lack of faith in them.I have great faith in the lads we have got and GJ but still reckon we need to strengthen the squad and can't understand this stange stance.

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It's just one of his circular quotes it doesn't really mean anything. If we find the right player we'll bring him in. I imagine he's having problems finding or aquiring the right player and is sensibly dampening our hopes instead of building them up unrealistically.

He needs to keep our players motivated, if the players don't believe that they're going to get an opportunity in the Premier League what on earth is the point of them trying to get there? We got to 4th with this set of players, we're 3rd now. It'd be reasonably harsh to axe 3-4 of them considering our form last season and our start to this. Perceived fairness is a big issue with footballers. Trust in the person who manages them is another.

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It's a fine line to walk between strengthening and showing faith but GJ manages to get right more often than not. We've all seen the players at the club perform as a team better than expected so perhaps that's the faith paying off?

I do agree we need one or two signings before the window shuts but I am sure GJ will be spending the next four days glued to the phone. I'd disregard whatever he says in the press about transfers during the open window.

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I don't take much notice of what Johnson says in the press - he sometimes gives out mixed messages but you can never tell if it comes from Johnson himself or its twisted somehow by the media.

I would be both surprised and disapointed if no more signings are made before the close.

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the squad isnt big enough or strong enough to mount any sort of challenge this year..

lansdown needs to dip his hand in his pocket again ang get us 2 or 3 more players..

johnson has done a great job but we wont improve unless more investments are made..

incedently Lee Johnson is shit

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the squad isnt big enough or strong enough to mount any sort of challenge this year..

lansdown needs to dip his hand in his pocket again ang get us 2 or 3 more players..

johnson has done a great job but we wont improve unless more investments are made..

incedently Lee Johnson is shit

I see your'e a new member.

Virtually the same squad got into the play-off final last year.We are now stronger with goal poaching striker on board.Lansdown has 'put his hand in his pocket' and shelled out over £2.25m already.

Stats show that Lee Johnson makes a big difference to the side.

Try thinking a little before you post on here.

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I see your'e a new member.

Virtually the same squad got into the play-off final last year.We are now stronger with goal poaching striker on board.Lansdown has 'put his hand in his pocket' and shelled out over £2.25m already.

Stats show that Lee Johnson makes a big difference to the side.

Try thinking a little before you post on here.

Robbored don't be so bloody patronising! this is a forum and people won't agree - if they did it would be very creepy don't you think?

Stats can be spun to make black look white so the LJ debate will never be settled .

No one should criticise SL, but plenty do think that GJ should have taken a risk last January - ancient history and all true fans are proud of City's acheivements last season and what GJ did to get us where we are.

We won't be that strong this season I think and recent injuries will expose the thinness of the squad - most people two weeks ago were settling for mid table consolidation, so I don't see why some are getting excited or exasperated after 3 league games.

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I see your'e a new member.

Virtually the same squad got into the play-off final last year.We are now stronger with goal poaching striker on board.Lansdown has 'put his hand in his pocket' and shelled out over £2.25m already.

Stats show that Lee Johnson makes a big difference to the side.

Try thinking a little before you post on here.

Surprisingly i agree with Robbored :shocking: . God i need a lie down.

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