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hi I'm a qpr fan and felt i had to write on your board. just reading your comments futher down the board about breaking his legs!!!!!! disgusting!!!!! lets hope your wheels don't fall off like they did after the last time you played us!

I fully agree with you, we have are full share of idiots on this site. Having said that, i also think a player diving and cheating to get another player sent off is also disgusting! What are your feelings on the subject?

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2 i belive not the point could have been hundred saying it! never read a comment like that on any message board shocking!!!!

Well you must be very naive because I've seen far far worse many times before. I don't for one minute condone the post and if you report it I shall take the appropriate action.

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diving is not on but ladesma is slowly learning the english game. can can tell to things rangers fans don't like is there own players diving and playing in the corner of the pitch with 2 minutes to go when leading!! we actually boo are players when they do that

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hi I'm a qpr fan and felt i had to write on your board. just reading your comments futher down the board about breaking his legs!!!!!! disgusting!!!!! lets hope your wheels don't fall off like they did after the last time you played us!

Sorry, but I when I read that 'leg breaking' post I got the impression that it was written humourously? And I think you'll find that the wheels didn't fall off; we just had our hubcaps nicked. :cough: Wembley :cough: ;)

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diving is not on but ladesma is slowly learning the english game. can can tell to things rangers fans don't like is there own players diving and playing in the corner of the pitch with 2 minutes to go when leading!! we actually boo are players when they do that

Didn't hear any booing today ;) You weren't leading though admittedly...

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