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My First Time At Ninnian Park

Guest wheres your caravan??

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It is one club a swear i would NEVER!!! revisit ever again. I value my life & want to live for my family. I hate the place & some of the fans with a passion & i am part Welsh as well (My mothers mum was Welsh).

I would never recomend anyone to go to Ninian Park.

After last seasons visit to Bardiff I said I would never go again after watching a 9 year old Bardiff fan make knife slitting motions across her throat to the City fans. As we got off the coaches and walked towards the entrance there were 3 Bardiff fans drinking cider right in front of a copper who, when I pointed it out to him just shrugged his shoulders. I will be at the game, I just cannot stay away! It will be a hostile atmosphere , as it always is but one of the best games for atmosphere.
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If last season is anything to go by, you can expect to lose about 6 hours of your life - on a coach, in mway services, queuing up for a shandy ( :closedeyes: ), in an empty ground (twice) - during which time you will question what the ******* hell you are doing!

BUT, upsides include taunting the guy who's a bit soft in the loafer (as mentioned) - who loved it last year and will be there again no question - and, some quality singing / chanting and bouncing from our boys - including my personal favourite, a chorus of 'your support is ******* ****' at 1.30pm. Don't go there and sit - unless you have to - get amongst it!!

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Guest wheres your caravan??

it sounds i cant wait!!

i said i would like a terraced ticket when they asked so i pressume i will get one!!

who throw the missiles then the welsh in the same stand as us or from the stand to our left??

is anybody getting the coach from Taunton??

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I've been to Ninian Park 5 times and have seen 5 City victories!

Always a superbly tense atmosphere with loads of great chants etc.

The last time I went was a 1-3 victory when Scotty Murray scored two corkers - they were chanting 'Argentina, Argentina' continually at us until the entire away support burst into 'Belarus, Belarus' back at them - fantastic!

Loads of stuff will come over the fence at you - coins, bottles of dubious liquid etc etc. I've even seen a sharpened umbrella come over like a javelin when we won 0-3 there in the Bobby Taylor days!

Police and stewards don't seem that interested in stopping anything and the 1,000 strong reception committee waiting outside for us aint too clever or nice.

Still - always a top day out - great atmosphere and tribalism galore! Just what footy should be like!



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what would the consequence be if we burnt a welsh flag?

i would love to see the reaction from the cardiff boys!!

I think you'd find that the nice members of the Hedlu rush over helpfully and start swinging their battons around in order to beat it out.

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I went there for the first time last year, It could have been city's last game there so wanted to experience it again. I experienced some welsh chavs politely welcoming us to Cardiff then they even gave me some money. The toilets wasn't up to much but beggars can't be choosers. The OB were very nice and wanted to get very touchy feely with me, I thought they were very upfront considering it was the first time I met them but oh well. On my departure it pelted down with snow and the welsh chavs waved me off and wished me a safe journey home. Must say I was delighted with how well behaved there fans were. There dress sense leaves a lot to be desired though.

But really I didn't find it intimidating at all really. The OB are all over the place so not a lot of chance of anything kicking off really. Got my ticket already. Always good to be able to stand on a terrace. Something I want to enjoy whilst I still can.

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