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John Akinde


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Just though I would congratulate John for a great performance. Cosidering his age, and his situation (moving up 3 leagues!) I thought he was Great!!!

Strong, fast, decent touch. Oh, and a goal.

Was a constant threat and can pick up good positions as he showed with his goal. Really great strength and hold up play and a thourough deserver of Man of the match.

Well done John, the future looks bright!

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Certainly looked a lively lad.

Only problem is if he really is that good after coming from non league what must

our academy lads be thinking?

I agree and it proves you don't have to go out and spend 2.5 million either. He did more in one half than NM has done all season. He is the type of player we need, he always seemed to want the ball. Well done JA

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Fair play to him was very bright and showed a nice touch.

Fed up and quite bored of the digs at Maynard though (not so much people on here more having someone go on and on about him behind me) how many balls have we given to Maynard like the one Akinde got in the second half? He showed what he could do V Doncaster if we actually play the ball in front of him instead of expecting him to do what Dele does and shrug off 3 players.

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I agree and it proves you don't have to go out and spend 2.5 million either. He did more in one half than NM has done all season. He is the type of player we need, he always seemed to want the ball. Well done JA

Just a touch harsh! Akinde did very well, his goal was a tap-in but he put it away which is all that can be asked. He's obviously big and strong, but he's quick as well. Not convinced from tonight that his touch is (at the moment) as good as others seem but certainly an enormous positive. Trundle was superb too.

As for Maynard, thought he had a decent enough half actually - I was willing Sproule to actually get to the byline and fiz the odd ball across the edge of the six yard box. He had a couple of really nice touches, but his partnership with Adebola's not really got going yet. Still plenty of time though.

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this is exactly the same as what i thought with Trundle last year when Adebola arrived

he never got the right service but Trundle looks the more likely to create his own chances or set others up

than the lightweight Maynard who has really let me down after I rated him as the best striker in league 1 since we were in there.

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I agree and it proves you don't have to go out and spend 2.5 million either. He did more in one half than NM has done all season. He is the type of player we need, he always seemed to want the ball. Well done JA

Akinde made a great start as an impact player thrown into a situation where he had nothing to lose.

Trundle though was the player who really inspired the comeback with a succession of dangerous crosses, and something is seriously wrong if we cannot accommodate a player of such outstanding skill.

If you're going to pick a Man of the Match on the second half performance, and there was no choice tonight after the abysmal first half, then Trundle was clearly that man.

No need for praise of Akinde to go hand in hand with the writing off of Maynard -the solution to our goalscoring problems may well be to play them both, as long as a place can be found for the mercurial Trundle as well.

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Fair play to him was very bright and showed a nice touch.

Fed up and quite bored of the digs at Maynard though (not so much people on here more having someone go on and on about him behind me) how many balls have we given to Maynard like the one Akinde got in the second half? He showed what he could do V Doncaster if we actually play the ball in front of him instead of expecting him to do what Dele does and shrug off 3 players.

I don't think people are having a go at him (well I'm not anyway), but he is the wrong sort of player that we needed. We need someone who goes looking for the ball, as well as score and that is exactly what JA did tonight. I hope JM comes good but he will have to improve alot.

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John Akinde:


Him and Trundle changed the game

In the right place at the right time for his goal

And generally looked very lively and hungry for the ball

Got a tad of pace on him as well :innocent06:


well said ive seen him play a thew times for the reserves and when he came on knew he would be trouble for the away teams defence

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'He did more in one half than NM has done all season.' My thoughts exactly! he has a lot more about him than maynard.

Nicky Maynard was brought in to stick the ball in the back of the net. end of. I think Akinde showed what we've been missing and I would love it if he replaced adebola... aint going to happen though unfortuneatly!

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Thought Akinde did very well, can't understand the digs at maynard though, he was our best player in the first half long with Wilson, my thoughs would be in 45 minutes he did far more than Adebola has for the majority of the season, and it looks like unlike adebola he actually has some ariel ability, and soem pace, and more skill than a brick on the ball.

Adebola was once again absolutely bloody useless tonight, akinde looked twice the player Adebola isn't.

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Thought Akinde did very well, can't understand the digs at maynard though, he was our best player in the first half long with Wilson, my thoughs would be in 45 minutes he did far more than Adebola has for the majority of the season, and it looks like unlike adebola he actually has some ariel ability, and soem pace, and more skill than a brick on the ball.

Adebola was once again absolutely bloody useless tonight, akinde looked twice the player Adebola isn't.

ha ha i quite like adebola

i think akinde looks potentially a complete long term replacement for big dele.




good work rate

miserable first touch

brilliant he got a goal on debut and MOM (although maybe shudda been trunds).if he can score a few more goals than dele then I'm sure we could be lookign at a Akinde & Maynard strikeforce for a few years to come. happy days

Great debut big John!

p.s how tall is he he loooked really tall?

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plain stupid comment, pathetic

So tell me what's stupid and pathetic about my comment. Besides 1 league goal in 9 starts, what else have NM really contributed to. He is a light weight up front, he's never on the end of any of these so called tap in's and he don't go looking for the ball unlike JA who only cost us a fraction of what NM did. If NM was an academy player he would have been dropped along time ago, but because he cost so much money he's been given every chance.

I would definately start at Sheffield Utd with the and JA and tell them to get stuck into there defence, and also find a starting place for LT, he ran them ragged up there last season.

So less of the plain stupid comment, pathetic give me your reasons for keeping him in the side, not just one line comments!!!!

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So tell me what's stupid and pathetic about my comment. Besides 1 league goal in 9 starts, what else have NM really contributed to. He is a light weight up front, he's never on the end of any of these so called tap in's and he don't go looking for the ball unlike JA who only cost us a fraction of what NM did. If NM was an academy player he would have been dropped along time ago, but because he cost so much money he's been given every chance.

I would definately start at Sheffield Utd with the and JA and tell them to get stuck into there defence, and also find a starting place for LT, he ran them ragged up there last season.

So less of the plain stupid comment, pathetic give me your reasons for keeping him in the side, not just one line comments!!!!

2 league goals actually :whistle2:

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So tell me what's stupid and pathetic about my comment. Besides 1 league goal in 9 starts, what else have NM really contributed to. He is a light weight up front, he's never on the end of any of these so called tap in's and he don't go looking for the ball unlike JA who only cost us a fraction of what NM did. If NM was an academy player he would have been dropped along time ago, but because he cost so much money he's been given every chance.

I would definately start at Sheffield Utd with the and JA and tell them to get stuck into there defence, and also find a starting place for LT, he ran them ragged up there last season.

So less of the plain stupid comment, pathetic give me your reasons for keeping him in the side, not just one line comments!!!!

Look beyond the end of your nose and you would notice that we don't create many of these "tap-ins" for Maynard to finish because our wingers rarely get past their full backs and the passing from midfield rarely goes anything but sideways or backwards. Until Johnson finds a way to incorporate Noble and/or Trundle into the side none of our forwards are going to break the back of the net regularly - and that includes Akinde regardless of how well the lad showed up last night. We just don't seem to possess the quality on a consistent basis to get good service into our forward line. On the rare occasions that we have got the ball to Maynard in the box so far this season I have noticed that he nearly always works the keeper.

Noble MUST start playing in my opinion. The lad is a goal threat and can play a good forward pass and both of those attributes have been lacking in the vast majority of our central midfield play this season - in fact, Noble's goal in the 12 minutes he had last night was our FIRST goal from central midfield in eleven matches so far this season. That is an appalling record in my view.

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Thought Akinde looked like Adebola with pace. Personally think he replaced the wrong striker, Maynard alongside him may well be the way forward. Two hungry young strikers with pace. That'd be a first in the Johnson era.
My thoughts exactly, It would provide us with a pacy forward line and will encourage other players to keep the ball down but would still provide us with the areial threat that Johnson so dearly loves. Akinde and Maynard is the way forward. Just got to find room for Trundle now.
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I was pleased for Akinde - he looked quick and sharp from the moment he came on. He helped to rouse the home fans and create an atmosphere which was a major contribution in itself.

The reason that Akinde had the opportunity to score his goal is that he was on the end of the best cross from the wing seen at AG this season. Fair play to him - and to McAllister for supplying yet another assist.

Maynard has had no such service. It irritates me that some people are so ready to write off Maynard as a bad signing. He's a young player carrying a huge weight of expectation due to the fact that he's the "fox in the box" that we've been missing for so long. Yet as a team, we've created little or no opportunity for him to succeed. I'm convinced that if we deliver quality service to Maynard - of the sort created for Akinde's goal - then Maynard will flourish. No doubt, those who are presently indulging themselves knocking him will then rush to get his name and number on their shirts.

Akinde was awarded MOM but in truth, Trundle was the rightful winner. He came on to play on the left wing and proved what can happen when someone gets wide, stays wide, takes on the full back and gets crosses in. Trunds created the threat that has been missing for much of the season. Plymouth didn't know how to deal with him, they were stretched and they panicked.

We got out of jail last night. Congratulations to John Akinde - I hope that it's the first of many for us. But FFS let's drop the criticism of Maynard it's unproductive and in my view, unwarranted.

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Firstly Akinde was great.

Secondly(and it is obviously a personal opinion), I thought Maynard had his best 45 mins for us last night. He worked hard, was winning some physical battles, and slid a beauty of a ball through to Adebola, that Dele completely fluffed.

But generally he looked a lot hungrier last night.

The reason for the comparison between Maynard and Akinde is obvious. It can't be about football - because they are TOTALLY different players - you might as well compare Maynard to McAllister.

Its all about money.

(Here it goes slate away)Maynard cost 2.25m, Akinde £145k+add ons.

It really is that simple. For those of us that have supported City for a long time £2.25m is an ASTRONOMICAL amount of money to spend on 1 player.

Yes, its small(ish) beans in terms of quality strikers in the CCC, but not for a club like ours.

UNDOUBTEDLY, he has GREAT potential, but so does Akinde, and he cost £2m less. I just feel that a lot of people(myself not included), expected Maynard to hit the ground running and to have already been in double figures by now. Probably the worst thing he could have done to fuel this fire was to score his hat-trick against Antwerp on his debut - perhaps had he not done so he might not have the doom-mongers on his back already.

MAYNARD WILL COME GOOD - No doubt about that whatsoever. Its just that he is completely different to Akinde. I just think that Maynard will always be one of the strikers that we will be moaning about for 89 minutes a game for not getting involved, but still pop up to net the winner(i.e. an apparently lazy striker), whereas Akinde will be the striker - all hustle and bustle, a style of which we at City seem to love.

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