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Give Post A Chance


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Can't speak for anyone else but my answer to your question is emphatically no. As a reader all I expect is that reporting is accurate and based on adequate research. It helps also if reportage is distinguished from opinion. I certainly have no objection to the press criticising legitimately. If a reporter thinks a team has played badly or the club has done something wrong he or she should say so. Distorting or cherry picking the evidence is another thing altogether, and not something that is restricted to the EP by any means.

My idea of a fine sports journalist is David Conn of the Guardian. Thoroughly researched, knowledgable, critical where appropriate, giving credit where it is due.

Spot on.

I find it extremely hard to believe that the Evil Post keep accidentally painting our club in a bad light. It's happened too many times for it to be anything other than bias in my opinion.

As for the whole "it's commercial suicide" bit, yeah, it is, and it's already cost them regular high value adverts from at least two local companies. Perhaps the people writing the headlines and continually making these mistakes are not thinking with their business brains and instead thinking with their football allegiances.

It's also worth pointing out that whatever allegiances are on the sports desk, several of the stories that have pissed me off in their biased manner have been in the front of the paper and nothing to do with them. Does anybody care to post the list of clubs supported by the news editorial staff and management?

Bottom line is, that due to the longstanding unfair treatment of my club it will take an awful lot of unbiased, accurate and interesting reporting for me to consider giving them the benefit of the doubt.

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I find the whole interview at the same time defensive and accusatory. Threatening comments about defamation hardly help.

The Evil Post, in their usual Daily Mail-like world (they're both owned by the same publishers), aren't interested in listening to the views of others and are merely interested in perpetuating lies and their own stereotypes.

Most of the journos who write for it are old-fashioned Tories, and whilst there may not be any inherent bias in there with regards to the football (I don't believe the list of 'supported teams' entirely...), clearly they're happy to continue to see us as the vandals, the racists, the thugs, the working-class scum who come from south of the river, as opposed to the more prosperous north.

I'll continue to find my news from independent sources and not put money in their pockets.

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My issue with the EP stemmed from the coverage of the Swansea trouble several years back with their front page plastered with mug shots but when the 'family club' are involved in any trouble they get a report buried on page 36.

It's the news room staff and main editors who have the Gas bias.

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I find the whole interview at the same time defensive and accusatory. Threatening comments about defamation hardly help.

Most of the journos who write for it are old-fashioned Tories, and whilst there may not be any inherent bias in there with regards to the football (I don't believe the list of 'supported teams' entirely...), clearly they're happy to continue to see us as the vandals, the racists, the thugs, the working-class scum who come from south of the river, as opposed to the more prosperous north.

I'll continue to find my news from independent sources and not put money in their pockets.

I didn't see EP journos as Tories (not a crime though s it?) - just crap and lazy in the main..

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Just out of interest...

I don't think today's article could be described as a knocking piece. We looked at both clubs with the idea of seeing how the credit crunch is affecting supporters. It was a City fan who volunteered the suggestion that it's the current style of football that's putting people off travelling to away games. Rovers away support is also down, that's in the paper today.

If the article today was in isolation, you could argue there's some sort of agenda. But I can see several other threads on this board -and maybe you'll tell me these are regular moaners, I don't know - suggesting all is not well in the camp.

Problem is , Steve, that the article refers to city support being down due to the style of football.... not- " we spoke to one city supporter who intimated that he MIGHT not go away so much because of the style of play"..... kind of puts a different spin on it don't you think? arguing from the particular to the general, naughty naughty....

Does seem to be a negative spin on things city i must say, makes better press does it?? Alienated a lot of city fans ( including me), that much i know.

I wonder, do you get these complaints from Rovers supporters??



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The editor in chief Mike Norton, the big boss, is a rovers fan. Would you, by doing your job want to offend the boss? I'm sure (sometimes) stories are suppressed or not investigated properly.

On the list of staff, was Chris Swift ommited ? as I swear he is a Rovers fan.

Kirsty Pugh was alloted the job of covering Rovers proposed stadium development, she painted a really good environmentaly picture and paid little regard to the local residents. She was subsequently employed by Rovers, As reward?She is a diehard Rovers fan.

The evening post will print stories it thinks will sell papers, wether it is good or bad for Bristol.There are numerous cases where they have started and fueled debate by misrepresenting something by a bold headline, misquote or using figures to paint a different picture.

I recall in the 80s they ran an article about City attendances falling (shock) and Rovers increasing on the previous year (hoorah). The reason Rovers increased was the new figures were for all matches (inc away) and City's was down only because of that inclusion, the previous year was home attendances only.

To sum up they print rubbish to sensationalize stories and to hell with the circumstances, instead of championing the cause of Bristol as a whole.They love it when it goes wrong.

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My issue with the EP stemmed from the coverage of the Swansea trouble several years back with their front page plastered with mug shots but when the 'family club' are involved in any trouble they get a report buried on page 36.

It's the news room staff and main editors who have the Gas bias.

I recall a few years back same story of story at Reading, no trouble at the game, but the paper felt the need to plaster the police escort from the station to the ground all over the front page and if I remember rightly the only incident at the game was the Lavin incident.

Between that and the other forementioned, I stopped buying it years ago like many others.

To be honest though, what's the need for newspapers these days with the joys of the internet? only paper I look at these days is the Metro if I'm getting a train anywhere.

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I recall a few years back same story of story at Reading, no trouble at the game, but the paper felt the need to plaster the police escort from the station to the ground all over the front page and if I remember rightly the only incident at the game was the Lavin incident.

At that game there WAS trouble, before, during and after.

You lot are lucky to be able to knock the evening post, we havent had it in deepest Somerset for 5 years now.

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Most of the journos who write for it are old-fashioned Tories, and whilst there may not be any inherent bias in there with regards to the football (I don't believe the list of 'supported teams' entirely...), clearly they're happy to continue to see us as the vandals, the racists, the thugs, the working-class scum who come from south of the river, as opposed to the more prosperous north.

I've noticed that the Tories don't like it when their own core support - i.e. the fox and stag hunting Toffs - come in for a bit of criticism for what they call 'sport'. For my part, I continue to see the Tory blue bellies - that write for the Daily Mail, Daily Express and Bristol Evening Post etc - as inbred Toffs that claim to be better than us 'Oik' football supporters.

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Yes, and I raised this at the meeting. In fairness, I focussed more heavily on their overall reporting of this topic, which I know at the time caused a great strain between the Club and the paper. With regards to my comments, my memory has it that I gave a balanced comment about condemning their behaviour but commenting on their harsh sentence and the court using the players to make an example for society. However, the paper just ran my comment that I felt sorry for them. This would not have been too much of a problem if the editors comment hadn't told readers to not feel sorry them. My anger about the players' behaviour was total at the time the news broke, but had dissipated over the months that led up to the trial, and my comment. I felt somewhat hung out to dry; knowing that the judgment was unexpectedly harsh and bearing the brunt of accusations from supporters for not joining in the public condemnation.

But you know what edson, you learn lessons in life all the time and it takes two to communicate. Since then, on the few occasions I've been asked, I've tended to write out comments before speaking with reporters so that they can use an accurate quote that I'm happy with.

I don't think it's healthy to go around full of anger and bitterness about past events. Strong and passionate words were said at the meeting, I listened to the answers and made a judgment. Life's too short, it's history and I'll move on to the next chapter.

In the end journalists write whatever they want.

My experience is that if they would like to quote you the wording is your's and they can't disagree with you finalizing it.

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In the end journalists write whatever they want.

My experience is that if they would like to quote you the wording is your's and they can't disagree with you finalizing it.

I'm not sure that Sweden has the same class system as here in England. The newspaper owners are 'upper class' and I doubt they have any real interest in football other than seeing football as a sport where they can make money by reporting negatives to sell their newspapers to gullible working people. This is how the Daily Mail reported the European Cup final 2008 - not for the fantastic achievement of two English football clubs meeting in the final in Moscow - but for trouble in London.......


Source: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...l%3Den%26sa%3DG

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I agree with Steve Mellen.......the reporting is 'Tosh'.

I stopped buying the rag a couple of years ago and whenever I observe it's 'reporting' online or in quick glimpes at the newsagents nothing inspires me to purchase it, the opposite in fact.

It's poor. My opinion, so I choose not to buy it.

Fair play to Steve Mellen for trying to put his view across, in conversation though with him in the past, I am not convinced that he fully understands - or chooses to understand - the situation that exists.

I sit in The Dolman Stand, it's a name I'm proud of.

ps Obviously since the meeting the EP has still not got it right, strange.

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Last comment for today

As I said at the Trust meeting, there is no bias against City. Commercially it makes no sense, sales-wise it makes no sense, and I think anyone who thinks any newspaper would deliberately set out its stall against the team performing best in its area should consider why we'd want to do that.

There's a difference between a general bias, and individual stories that could have been handled better.

yeah this steve guys seems a pretty reasonable chap, cut him some slack

and buy his newspaper, its not his fault its full of crap stories that make you look like the bad guys all the time

think of the positives - it makes a good liner for the cat litter tray

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Newspapers sensationalise and twist things all the time. This is hardly a new occurance. You lot are being a bit precious about it.

Anything written by anybody has an agenda, including every single post on this message board. If you don't like the tone of a newspaper then you don't buy it, end of story.

It amuses me that Red Goblin has a problem with newspapers being owned by wealthy magnates. But I presume that he reads the Morning Star which does not have an agenda...definately not....

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Guest bothered

Get your heads out of your collective backs1des.

Rovers have had plenty of "bad" coverage, ie the fan who got taken to court for threatening Jed Pitman, the incident with a player who allegedly assaulted someone, along with a number of sport editorials criticising the Rovers board for lack of communication with the fans etc.

Lets face it, you lot are incredibly fickle and feel the world is against you. "The tea lasy at the EP is a Gashead" "so is the cleaner" shock horror, it's a Bristol paper. They have confirmed on this thread that 2 sports journalists are City fans although you keep glossing over that.

Get over yourselves.

Let's not forget Roger Malone who was Red through and through as well as a number of local MP's, one of which unveiled a City shirt when turning down a Stadium development plan in the 90's.

You lot will only be happy when you have a front page cover and 8-page pull out section every weekend. The Evening Post can't win.

Same old City, thinking you deserve some sort of priority.

Get over yourselves.

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Get your heads out of your collective backs1des.

Rovers have had plenty of "bad" coverage, ie the fan who got taken to court for threatening Jed Pitman, the incident with a player who allegedly assaulted someone, along with a number of sport editorials criticising the Rovers board for lack of communication with the fans etc.

Lets face it, you lot are incredibly fickle and feel the world is against you. "The tea lasy at the EP is a Gashead" "so is the cleaner" shock horror, it's a Bristol paper. They have confirmed on this thread that 2 sports journalists are City fans although you keep glossing over that.

Get over yourselves.

Let's not forget Roger Malone who was Red through and through as well as a number of local MP's, one of which unveiled a City shirt when turning down a Stadium development plan in the 90's.

You lot will only be happy when you have a front page cover and 8-page pull out section every weekend. The Evening Post can't win.

Same old City, thinking you deserve some sort of priority.

Get over yourselves.


I like your ironic choice of user name.

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I think City are experiencing a second season syndrome. Last season the away support was fantastic and put some Premier League clubs to shame. This season there's been a drop off and there are a number of factors associated with that.

I think the story about the Rovers mascot is tosh, if anyone's interested. And he doesn't even look like a pirate. Plus piracy is a crime. There's the real story, they're promoting ocean-based crime.

Steve with all due respect we're on an international break and there's nothing going on sports wise.... i know i'm a sports journo myself but this article is terrible. It's based on fact that away attendances and one blokes opinion. The article didn't go into any reasons why.... "at a glance" away fans numbers are down. To even try and compare an attendance at Bramell Lane when we are on the verge of the Premier League on a sunny April Saturday to a grim October Saturday after winning once in 3 matches as people everywhere are really feeling the pinch is purely ridiculous. So i can't back you at all on this article and to balance it there should be Rovers attendances and then it wouldn't be seen as a dig.

BUT - I also understand how difficult it is working in local media, having worked across the bridge we always used to get accused of supporting the Swans over Cardiff which is just ridiculous.... there was just way more scandal happening at Ninian Park. So I feel for you guys but i don't think you've done yourself any favours with this article.

All the best

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Just to underline my doubts. A couple of quotes:

Steve pointed out that the whole paper was cheering on Bristol City in the play-offs, and even some of those with an allegiance for Rovers were upset

and later:

On the topic of bias towards the blue few, Steve explained that there were no Bristol Rovers supporters on the sports desk.

Or is he suggesting they only employ people who support a local football team in every other department but the sports desk?

As I said, what a load of guff.

On the topic of bias towards the blue few, Steve explained that there were no Bristol Rovers supporters on the sports desk.

Now that I know is very untrue, My good lady works for the Evil post, and I have gone out with her on a few works doo's now, to know that most of the sports desk is Gas Head's. She works on the property section, and the Gas Heads there are always laughing that there fellow gas heads run City down, and thats from the horses mouth. I only read the Evil post as get it for free, but does make me laugh, most of it is on here day's before

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I take on board the points about the fan article, maybe it could have done with some more quotes. It was never designed to be a vox pop though, just a chat with someone who could give an insight into away travel.

I'd reiterate that neither Andy Stockhausen or Chris Swift supports Bristol Rovers, and there are no Rovers fans on this desk. Clearly some people know my own staff better than me though!

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I'm sorry, but after reading that interview I find no reason to change my negative opinion of the evening post's coverage of City.

Having only yesterday read (online) the article suggesting that City's brand of football is damaging away attendences (ignoring Rovers' diminishing home gates to the bargin) I am then expected to believe that their is no bias what-so-ever basically because the editor say so? Will their be an article adding balance, where a critical eye is cast over Rovers' quality of football due to the lack of people attending the Memorial Ground this year? I very much doubt it.

Take a look at yourself. Either you are playing dumb in an attempt to distance yourself from a problem you know exists (and are clearly unwilling to deal with) or you are being honest and seemingly have no control over the football reporting that is carried in the Evening Post. I'm not really sure which is worse tbh.

As a side note; When living in Leeds for a period of time my dad would from time to time send me collections of City match reports and articles taken from the Evening Post (he is now an ex-reader due to the bias he detected) in the post, and it is tellig that (without promting I must add) my Ipswich Town supporting flat mate commented several times that he couldn't understand the imbalanced levels of respect shown. This was actually the first time i'd heard the suggestion (and this was quite a while back), previously having simply bought and read the paper without casting a critical eye over the baance at work (I didn't read Rovers' articles). I then made an effort to and was slightly upset at what I found.

And on another point;

The story after the first match this season that commented on Nicky Maynard's alleged 'goal drought' (despite the lad had only been part of the club for a week and played one game)? What the hell was that about? Negative reporting of a nothing story once again, even in the face of a City opening day victory and Rovers defeat. If Ricky 'most-well-paid-player-in-Rovers'-history' Lambert had failed to find the net that first weekend would your sports desk have picked up on that? I very much doubt it.

Your either well meaning and stupid, or deceptive and partisan; either way I have less respect for you now than prior to your interview.

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Spot on, Samo.

I'd also like to add that whilst this week we've read that apparently "GJ is under the most pressure during his time as City boss" where were the comparable stories about similar pressure on Trollope during Rovers' run of 2 wins in 27?

Simple, they weren't there.

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I take on board the points about the fan article, maybe it could have done with some more quotes. It was never designed to be a vox pop though, just a chat with someone who could give an insight into away travel.

That would be fine, were the reporter not to conclude that "in short, a significant number of City fans no longer feel they are being given value for money on the road", based on a chat with one fan and without doing any substantive research to back that 'fact' up.

This thread is titled 'Give Post A Chance'. How about your paper gives Bristol City a break and stops spinning things in such a negative way. Then you might just be given that chance, eventually.

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I take on board the points about the fan article, maybe it could have done with some more quotes. It was never designed to be a vox pop though, just a chat with someone who could give an insight into away travel.

I'd reiterate that neither Andy Stockhausen or Chris Swift supports Bristol Rovers, and there are no Rovers fans on this desk. Clearly some people know my own staff better than me though!

Clearly some people cannot accept when they're wrong. I'm sure Stockhausen doesnt sleep on a Bristol Rov*rs duvet and have flag on his bedroom wall, but the fact is, he loves em.

Or have I got this football culture thing all wrong and its acceptable now to cheer on and sing songs for any old team on the box?

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No, it's sadly not a crime - at the moment. Until that day...

....the Tories did commit much crime and serious corruption under Margaret Thatcher's leadership. The crime for which they must be punished is for creating the economic conditions for our club to plummet from the first to the fourth division in successive seasons from 1980-83. The witch Margaret Thatcher and her following did much harm to this country but being the ruling Government during the time of our worst demise was their worst offence that must not go unpunished.

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