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Through Thick 'n' Thin

cider head

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Just watched the city world norwich preview putting aside the norwich and lita chat GJ talks about our support and i guess saturday no matter who is in the side we ALL need to make some noise and try and lift the lads as we need a result saturday!!

Time to test the Through thick 'n' thin theory!!!!

Adam baker: what about the fans finally, you went over to the eastend after the last

home game and thanked them for their support (GJ nods yes) but it's a whole stadium you want

behind you from 1 minute to 95.

Gary johnson: um yeah i certainly wasn't snubbing the other three sides because they give us great support as well but it was just that group of lads there during our real poor first half against plymouth even at 2-0 down were still singing, and, and were still giving us hope if you like, that there was something could come out of the game and you know if we can get that round all four sides and i know when people are upset, we all are at 2-0 down, nobody likes to do that! BUT! the lads there have got something, and they have come back in the past, umm and i wanted to thank them as it really was in advirsity that they kept going and i keep saying, every year i keep saying it, one day you know there will be a time when ALL SUPPORTERS will 100% support that group of players that are on the field THROUGH THICK 'N' THIN and that means if a miss placed pass or a missed opportunity of a goal or something or someone trips over the corner flag or whatever it is umm they need to just keep encouraging them as we don't want them getting worse from that moment, we want them getting more and more ambitious in their play, more um looking forward to making their mistake right ''do you know what i mean''? and it is such a big thing for players, to hear,, a wave of positive support, now maybe we have not said that in a little while, i don't know, maybe people are getting fed up, but there are people judging from some fantastic letters i've had and you know when people are disappointed when the support is not quite as high as it should be, when we need it most and that is quite often when the lads ain't quite got going, but they will and they can turn it around but we need to do it as a club not just as a team and i think we got a club to do that and i think most of our supporters understand that

and i appreciate it!!

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Been away for a week and i see the question of `support` is never far from the top.

Interesting to hear Garys point of view, but i think to expect everybody to applaud anything that happens on the pitch, however, bad it might be, is asking a little too much.

While i don`t condone the actions of individuals in the Williams at the Plymouth game i do feel that, as paying customers, we do have a right to voice our disapproval if things arn`t going right on the pitch. After all, you wouldn`t repeatedly go back to a restaurant that continuously served a poor standard of food on the hope that one day they would get it right.

The team will always get my support, they have done for over 30 years, but as i`ve grown older i guess i`ve paid more attention to whats actually happening on the pitch as oppose to just taking in the atmosphere and enjoying the `day out`. The money to keep coming back doesn`t come any easier to find either, but whilst you may decide to find another restaurant, i have no intention of finding another club.

Also, while Gary may well be urging the fans to keep the atmosphere going to give the players a lift, it does work the other way too and i`m afraid the 1st half against Pylmouth was the perfect example. There`s only so much encouragement you can give before despair starts to set in, i think i had my head in my hands for the last 10 minutes of the 1st half.

Thats all gone now and , for me, it all starts again this saturday with a clean slate and an upbeat frame of mind and the knowledge that surely we can`t play as bad as that for 2 succesive home games :fingerscrossed:


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After all, you wouldn`t repeatedly go back to a restaurant that continuously served a poor standard of food on the hope that one day they would get it right.


Not to dismiss your other comments - which are all good - every week is a clean slate - but the mental image of customers in a sh*t restauarant, worn-down from repeatedly awful meals, sat there with arms in the air singing 'we always believe' to the chef and waiting staff is priceless!

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Its not as if the other stands don't sing and chant but Johnson is bound to hear the EE more than any other stand simply because of the acustics in there. The sound hits the low roof and bounces out onto the pitch.

Plus he recently had a confrontation with a couple of blokes of Williams and therefore won't have very affectionate feelings towards the majority of fans in there.

The Atyeo makes every effort to get behind the lads but with the high roof the noise made in there disapears outwards and upwards and gets lost. The same can be said for the Dolman.

You will always get the ones that boo and complain when City are struggling. You have the same type of fans at every club all over the country but they just show there frustration in a different but negative way. They probably feel miffed that they've paid 20 odd quid just to be disapointed.The majority of fans do try to lift the players as far as I can tell.

Johnson would do well to thank all the fans at AG not just the few who the big advantage of being in a low roofed stand.

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Attitude begets attitude and effort needs to come from those on the pitch too. To lose a game where you are simply outclassed but tried your best ( Wolves ) is one thing but to lose simply because most of the team is woeful ( Sheff Utd. ) is unnacceptable. Respect is a two way street and whilst the team need to know we as fans are right behind them if they are trying their best, they also need to fear our displeasure if they fail to show 100% commitment. I do enjoy GJ's rousing "The fans are our 12th man etc" speeches but maybe the club ought to back it up a bit with some sort of voucher or reward scheme for those games where the crowd has been on top form but the team have failed us badly?

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the playes have had 2 weeks to improve on their performance at Sheffield Utd. Lets hope they have learnt from their mistakes and turn things around. Its much easier to get a positive reactiön from the crowd when the players are performing than when they are low in confidence and making mistakes.

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Its not as if the other stands don't sing and chant but Johnson is bound to hear the EE more than any other stand simply because of the acustics in there. The sound hits the low roof and bounces out onto the pitch.

Plus he recently had a confrontation with a couple of blokes of Williams and therefore won't have very affectionate feelings towards the majority of fans in there.

The Atyeo makes every effort to get behind the lads but with the high roof the noise made in there disapears outwards and upwards and gets lost. The same can be said for the Dolman.

You will always get the ones that boo and complain when City are struggling. You have the same type of fans at every club all over the country but they just show there frustration in a different but negative way. They probably feel miffed that they've paid 20 odd quid just to be disapointed.The majority of fans do try to lift the players as far as I can tell.

Johnson would do well to thank all the fans at AG not just the few who the big advantage of being in a low roofed stand.

Gary johnson: um yeah i certainly wasn't snubbing the other three sides because they give us great support as well but it was just that group of lads there during our real poor first half against plymouth even at 2-0 down were still singing, and, and were still giving us hope if you like, that there was something could come out of the game and you know if we can get that round all four sides and i know when people are upset, we all are at 2-0 down, nobody likes to do that.

Doesnt it say that he wasnt snubbing the other three sides?? I think Gary Johnson has explained why he came over to the East End. Its a time now ALL fans need to get behind the team. The players have had a 2 week break and I'm sure they are fired up and ready to go for tomorrows game against Norwich!

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The end result of support is not about what Gary wants, or what certain groups of fans want. Its about entertainment. BCFC for thousands of individuals is a form of entertainment. If the team tactics or selections do not entertain or provide a winning atmosphere then crowds will not attend or they will show their displeasure at the ground.

Gary can ask for support, give directives as to how we should support, sing and react, but thats not his job. His well paid job is to produce a winning team that entertains, wins matches and gets us promoted. The singing and increased happy fans will follow.

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Interesting to hear Garys point of view, but i think to expect everybody to applaud anything that happens on the pitch, however, bad it might be, is asking a little too much.

Why?? Do you think when a player makes a mistake they don't know that they made a mistake?? All players make a mistake, but negative support only increases the likelyhood of more mistakes - because your having a go when the players confidence is at a low point.

We have a honest bunch of players, why not sing/support LOUDER when they make a mistake?? or we go a goal down?

Its easy to support when things are going well and to be honest thats not when the players need it, its when things are not going to plan is when its needed!!

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Why?? Do you think when a player makes a mistake they don't know that they made a mistake?? All players make a mistake, but negative support only increases the likelyhood of more mistakes - because your having a go when the players confidence is at a low point.

We have a honest bunch of players, why not sing/support LOUDER when they make a mistake?? or we go a goal down?

Its easy to support when things are going well and to be honest thats not when the players need it, its when things are not going to plan is when its needed!!

I'd agree with that.

Players must have the freedom to make mistakes without fear. If they don't have that freedom, they won't improve.

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Entertainment is just a part of the experience, not the whole thing. The football club is a part of life, not the be all and end all, but a part of it and supporting it means just that - support.

I think Johnson's remarks were aimed at those who don't understand that, but it'll fall on a great many deaf ears I'm afraid.

Its about human nature at the end of the day. Some people's glass is half empty while the others are half full. Those that moan and slag off the City players when things ae going wrong are entitled to do so. After all they pay their money the same as everyone else.

The ethics of how they choose to express themselves is what is under debate. Its all very well taking the high morale ground and claiming to cheer even louder when the team is play crap but the reality is that many fans let Johnson (or whoever the manager is) and the players know that what they are producing is not good enough. It called expressing your frustration.

I'm not sayiing that its right or wrong but I'll admit that when certain players repeatedly whoosh the ball forward or consistantly can't find a team mate then I get frustrated and feel that they should know that.

I and many others support the team by buying a ST, turning up and cheering the lads on. But if I want to let the players know that I feel I'm being short changed then I will. That said, I can say hand on heart that I've never booed a City player. Gave them stick - yep, plenty of times.

When the team is playing well all of AG gets behind them. When the team is struggling to be a team then some of AG will express their frustration.Thats the way its always been and will remain so.

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Why?? Do you think when a player makes a mistake they don't know that they made a mistake?? All players make a mistake, but negative support only increases the likelyhood of more mistakes - because your having a go when the players confidence is at a low point.

We have a honest bunch of players, why not sing/support LOUDER when they make a mistake?? or we go a goal down?

Its easy to support when things are going well and to be honest thats not when the players need it, its when things are not going to plan is when its needed!!

It isnt about making mistakes Riaz, as per my previous post, It's about highly paid players and managers realising what a matchday means to your average joe. Probably about £80-£90 per game. and in some away games 17-18 hr days. Great when things are going well on the pitch, great even when mistakes are being made. Not great or acceptable when being beat is down to not enough effort or desire on the pitch. The players do not have a devine right to our support simply for pulling the shirt on. Partisan, vocal and intimidating for the opposition our support needs to be but GJ and the players have to do their bit especially when things are going badly.

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If I can remember the Plymoth game,the crowd did boo them off at half time,but when he brought on Noble and Trundle the atmosphere was back.Then the team was supported.can you expect 15,000 supporter to sing to a team when they are 2.0 down and playing long ball football.I don't mind the fact that GJ didnt thank us because the real heroes of the comeback came over and clapped us,that was noble and trundle.They were probably punished for that(like mcindoe talking to the paper).So i don't expect them to start Saturday.

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Guest too hot to handle
Attitude begets attitude and effort needs to come from those on the pitch too. To lose a game where you are simply outclassed but tried your best ( Wolves ) is one thing but to lose simply because most of the team is woeful ( Sheff Utd. ) is unnacceptable. Respect is a two way street and whilst the team need to know we as fans are right behind them if they are trying their best, they also need to fear our displeasure if they fail to show 100% commitment. I do enjoy GJ's rousing "The fans are our 12th man etc" speeches but maybe the club ought to back it up a bit with some sort of voucher or reward scheme for those games where the crowd has been on top form but the team have failed us badly?


Why not introduce a scheme where by the fans get to vote on how much effort the players put in, and that's the proportion of their sallery they get paid that week, and those that cannot force their way into the team don't get paid at all.

And the more noise a fan makes, the cheaper his / her ticket...

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It was about as funny as the aids virus.

Thing is, it's the type of dribble you expect from people on here.

"Here comes the Gary Johnston cant do no wrong gang" you truley are a sad bunch.No oppinions only what gary says,Gary saved us 2 years ago.We shall be forever in his debt.Some of us on this forum have the balls to question his sometimes questionable tactics.Thats what forums are for.

You should set up a forum called " I want to suck GJ d**k"Get a life you sheep.

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"Here comes the Gary Johnston cant do no wrong gang" you truley are a sad bunch.No oppinions only what gary says,Gary saved us 2 years ago.We shall be forever in his debt.Some of us on this forum have the balls to question his sometimes questionable tactics.Thats what forums are for.

You should set up a forum called " I want to suck GJ d**k"Get a life you sheep.

Is this one a clever play on words as well or one of your well constructed efforts?

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"Here comes the Gary Johnston cant do no wrong gang" you truley are a sad bunch.No oppinions only what gary says,Gary saved us 2 years ago.We shall be forever in his debt.Some of us on this forum have the balls to question his sometimes questionable tactics.Thats what forums are for.

You should set up a forum called " I want to suck GJ d**k"Get a life you sheep.

You're a Rovers fan aren't you?

Thing is, you label people "sad" yet you're a grown man who writes like a child. Poor you.

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