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Good Ol' Multicultural America

The Man In Black

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Sorry folks, I've got to correct myself. There is, currently, massive controversy with regard to Obama's US birth. Some say he was born in Kenya and that his Hawaii USA Birth certificate is a forgery.




Gobster, hes gotta be US born to run for president, and it will have been checked out. Otherwise Arnie would have run for termin...sorry president. :innocent06:

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Gobster, hes gotta be US born to run for president, and it will have been checked out. Otherwise Arnie would have run for termin...sorry president. :innocent06:

Looks like it's now time for people to blame Obama instead of Bush for the world's problems. You're guilty of it as well bucksred, not an attitude against America but an attitude against Russia. How would you have coped as Uncle Joe Stalin with Hitler's mechanized hoards at your door? :rofl2br:

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Oh Bucks, we've been over this many a time over the years. Can I be bothered again? Not really. Oh go on... I'll put my view in simple terms: it's true I don't like the US govt. I think they're a nefarious bunch of empire builders. They've simply killed millions of people in the last 50 years. There's always an excuse: sometimes it's communists latterly it's terrorists. They've supported murdering dictators and invaded small islands. I don't believe they're interested in promoting 'freedom', they support undemocratic regimes as well as 'democratic' ones. The US is interested in one thing only: US interests. In this respect, they're no different from any other state. They just happen to be the worst example in the modern world. I mean come on, comparisons with the short term invasion of Russian into Georgia to protect people who consider themselves Russians is absurd.

On another small point, I'm not sure where you get the notion from that Chavez is some how undemocratic. He's been elected into office through a fully functioning democracy - that's what the US wants isn't it? No. It wasn't long ago that Hamas was democratically elected in Palestine -what happened? No, US democracy comes with an important proviso - you do as the US tells you.

I know you like to describe me as anti-American (as well as all the other convenient labels), well that needs to be put in context. I'm only anti-American insomuch that I'm anti-imperialistic, anti-murder, anti-regime change from outside, anti-hypocrisy, lies etc. In short, if the US hadn't done what it's done in the last 50 years, I wouldn't have a problem with them - it's that simple.

In truth, the only thing I find more frightening than US hegemony is Chinese - now there's a country that doesn't give a shit.

Yes their actions are motivated primarily by self interest, but if it is not the job of the Us government to consider the US first then who's is it ? all decisions in politics are bast on realism rather than ideals and it's a bloody good thing too, it's not nice and it may not be morral but it is necessary. Whenever idealists get in power in any country it is always a disaster, because ideals don't live in the real world, and then they usually end in voilent actions. Realism isn't always nice but it does live in the real world and accepts that things cost money and unless you are going to get something back then why spend the money in the first place ? Why should the US put down monsters like Mugabe etc, when they will get nothing in return ? it would make absolutely no sense to do so, and would only serve to harm the US with no long term gains.

All governments are and frankly should be motivated mainly by self interest, it does mean that we will screw over the rest of the world but oh well, thats life, the strong survive and the weak wither and die, frankly most of the time a lot of countries are incapable of doing it for themselfs, sub saharan africa has shown that it is almost totally incapable of governing it's self without raping and stealing everything in sight while blaming european imperialism for their failings while other areas of the world prosper. It's about time the third world took some responisbility for it's self and stoped blaming everyone else for their failings, there are very, very few truly poor nations on the planet, even in the poorest countries their despotic rulers live in luxury that western polititians could only dream of, while forsaking their people, useing their countries wealth wisley all but the poorest countries, could live in reltive wealth. We give them vast sums of money, of which the US contributes more than anyone, as well as funding the UN almost entirely off it's own back, and they piss it away on presidential palaces.

Frankly i beilieve it's about time that the Europeans as a whole showed a bit more gratitude to the US, without them *unacceptable word* germany would have dominated the continent for a very, very long time as without the US economic and military support, nobody could have stopped the germans, not even the Russians. And even after the war when the germans were crushed the US poured billions upon billions of dollars which they never got back into completely re-building western Europe. The pretty much fund the UN on thier own, while other coutnries use it to snipe at the US. I can't say i have any problem with imperialism as frankly apart from a few exceptions most countries were better when under imperial rule especially British imperial rule, and i honestly believe that we should eb actively seeking to place the majority of sub saharan africa under UN imperial rule, until they decide to run their coutnries with some degree of civility.

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Frankly i beilieve it's about time that the Europeans as a whole showed a bit more gratitude to the US, without them *unacceptable word* germany would have dominated the continent for a very, very long time as without the US economic and military support, nobody could have stopped the germans, not even the Russians.

I give thanks to my Grandfather as an RAF man that helped bomb the crap out of Germany. I think it's about time that Europeans showed a bit more gratitude to us British and the Russians for smashing the Germans. The Russians did stop the Germans - give thanks to Uncle Joe Stalin as well for leading the Russians against the Germans that were doing this to civilians in areas occupied by Germans......

A regular German Army soldier poses with a hanged nurse.......


German soldiers pose for yet another souvenir photo, to send back to their families in *unacceptable word* Germany....


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I give thanks to my Grandfather as an RAF man that helped bomb the crap out of Germany. I think it's about time that Europeans showed a bit more gratitude to us British and the Russians for smashing the Germans. The Russians did stop the Germans - give thanks to Uncle Joe Stalin as well for leading the Russians against the Germans that were doing this to civilians in areas occupied by Germans......

A regular German Army soldier poses with a hanged nurse.......


German soldiers pose for yet another souvenir photo, to send back to their families in *unacceptable word* Germany....


to the Brits, I agree, they should indeed show more gratitude. I think you'll find many many Europeans have very different perceptions of Uncle Joe, the Red Army and the Russians, due to the fifty year occupation, and destruction of their countries systems Gobster. Swapped *unacceptable word*'s for Reds. and Russia/USSR was more than capable of atrocities both on their own (collectivization of farms led to a famine in the Ukraine in the twenties), and one million Red Army generals, officers, and men were eliminated in 1937 due to Stalins paranoia. A similar number died in the gulags post WW2, their crime being taken prisoner by Germany, due to Soviet leaders ineptitude, in the early days of the war. To survive murderous *unacceptable word* death camps, only to spend 12 years in a Soviet labour camp, sharing with former enemies, must be a supreme insult. Also dare I mention Katyn, the massacre of 15,000 of our ally, Poland's, officers and intelligencia, seized during Russia's illegal occupation of Poland in September 1939, in alliance with *unacceptable word* Germany, denied for decades by the Russkies, but finally Gorbachev admitted to it in 1991. I don't think there will be many takers for Russian liberation somehow. ask ANY Pole. Plenty in Dursley/Cam to ask.

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to the Brits, I agree, they should indeed show more gratitude. I think you'll find many many Europeans have very different perceptions of Uncle Joe, the Red Army and the Russians, due to the fifty year occupation, and destruction of their countries systems Gobster. Swapped *unacceptable word*'s for Reds. and Russia/USSR was more than capable of atrocities both on their own (collectivization of farms led to a famine in the Ukraine in the twenties), and one million Red Army generals, officers, and men were eliminated in 1937 due to Stalins paranoia. A similar number died in the gulags post WW2, their crime being taken prisoner by Germany, due to Soviet leaders ineptitude, in the early days of the war. To survive murderous *unacceptable word* death camps, only to spend 12 years in a Soviet labour camp, sharing with former enemies, must be a supreme insult. Also dare I mention Katyn, the massacre of 15,000 of our ally, Poland's, officers and intelligencia, seized during Russia's illegal occupation of Poland in September 1939, in alliance with *unacceptable word* Germany, denied for decades by the Russkies, but finally Gorbachev admitted to it in 1991. I don't think there will be many takers for Russian liberation somehow. ask ANY Pole. Plenty in Dursley/Cam to ask.

A bad situation for the people of Poland in 1939, stuck between 2 superpowers both of whom wanted to blot out Poland. You make no mention of the millions of Polish Jews and Gypsies that the Germans rounded up and killed during their occupation of that country. Also, I didn't know it wasn't common knowledge that it was the Russians that killed the Polish officers at Katyn? Plenty of German newsreels recorded the unearthing of the bodies. Poles ended up fighting for the Red Army, Germans and for us in WW2 - did you know that?

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Our shamefull appeasment of the Russians by halting our advances is a stain on our history. Patten was killed because he was about to tell all about how he was stopped from advancing into Germany, so that the Russians had a free hand. Sure we went in eventually, but too late to stop the shameless Soviet landgrab.

I'm not gratefull to the Yanks, their slow and forced entry into the war (Don't forget Japan, followed by Germany declared war) put us and the Russians on the back foot through 39-41. Without the Yanks we would have still won the war, the Germans couldn't of countered the countless forces of the commonwealth and the red army, although I'm not sure if we'd of had much success in dislodging the Japanese in many areas of asia - Their naval power was far stronger than that of the Germans for starters.

All the yank entry into the war did was stave of a red europe, rather than half of one. They also did very well for themselves through the "lend lease" scheme.

I'm more gratefull to the selfless sacrfice of our Indian, Canadian and Austrailian allies.

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Our shamefull appeasment of the Russians by halting our advances is a stain on our history. Patten was killed because he was about to tell all about how he was stopped from advancing into Germany, so that the Russians had a free hand. Sure we went in eventually, but too late to stop the shameless Soviet landgrab.

I'm not gratefull to the Yanks, their slow and forced entry into the war (Don't forget Japan, followed by Germany declared war) put us and the Russians on the back foot through 39-41. Without the Yanks we would have still won the war, the Germans couldn't of countered the countless forces of the commonwealth and the red army, although I'm not sure if we'd of had much success in dislodging the Japanese in many areas of asia - Their naval power was far stronger than that of the Germans for starters.

All the yank entry into the war did was stave of a red europe, rather than half of one. They also did very well for themselves through the "lend lease" scheme.

I'm more gratefull to the selfless sacrfice of our Indian, Canadian and Austrailian allies.

There were 3 types of victories gained for the 3 main powers. Russia gained land (Eastern Europe), America gained money (from lease lend), Britain gained respect - my grand parents said they would rather have had money as they had to live in a bankrupted Post War Britain. :whistle2:

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There were 3 types of victories gained for the 3 main powers. Russia gained land (Eastern Europe), America gained money (from lease lend), Britain gained respect - my grand parents said they would rather have had money as they had to live in a bankrupted Post War Britain. :whistle2:

and some of us paid a terrible price for helping the mother country with money, provisions, troops and materiel in that period. And we had the delights of facism (The Afrikaans in SA in 1948), and worse communism (Every god-Damn say since 1966) inflicted on us. my countrymen are still paying a daily butchers bill for a Communist politburo "running" it. 3/4 of its people starving, the second highest AIDs rate in the world, over a million percent inflation, and the "Socialist" leadership lives in style, not one Western Leader can match, indeed Stalin and Hitler didnt have as much as that evil bastard Mugabe and his Communist trained and inspired ZANU PF has. His security is better than George W's!!

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and some of us paid a terrible price for helping the mother country with money, provisions, troops and materiel in that period. And we had the delights of facism (The Afrikaans in SA in 1948), and worse communism (Every god-Damn say since 1966) inflicted on us. my countrymen are still paying a daily butchers bill for a Communist politburo "running" it. 3/4 of its people starving, the second highest AIDs rate in the world, over a million percent inflation, and the "Socialist" leadership lives in style, not one Western Leader can match, indeed Stalin and Hitler didnt have as much as that evil bastard Mugabe and his Communist trained and inspired ZANU PF has. His security is better than George W's!!

Mugabe is no Communist/Stalinist, he was using help from Communist countries - under the cover of 'being a man of the black African oppressed people' to destabilize Rhodesia. Mugabe was using Communist ideology as a front to gain control of that country. Believe it or not, I know a few former Zimbabwean farm owners - nice ordinary hard working people with no edge to them at all and I thus know what happened in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia. At least you're out of the situation and can live to tell the tale and maybe help put Zimbabwe right when Mugabe is dead and buried. It's all in you Bucksred as I know it could be your vocation in life to help your former countrymen and women put their/your country straight when Mugabe finally croaks.

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