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Good Ol' Multicultural America

The Man In Black

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A quote from a voter from the country made up of immigrants:

"He's from Africa or something. I don't even know where he's from. I know he grew up here, but he's not from here. I think American presidents should be from America."

Barack Obama definately satisfies the criteria to run for President of the USA as he was born in the USA: Born August 4, 1961 Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

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And to think that US foreign policy is roughly aligned to brow-beating other countries into being mini-Americas. What a fate for the world. Ignorance here we come.

The best President the USA never had..... Big Chief Sitting Bull.... :winner_third_h4h: .....


Big Chief Sitting Bull is most notable in American history for his role in the major victory at the Battle of the Little Bighorn against Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer and the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment on June 25, 1876, where Sitting Bull's premonition of defeating the Yankee Doodle Blue Belly cavalry became reality. :worship2:

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Does America claim to be multicultural? I'm not so sure. From that article though that girl said "I like McCain because I can say his name, so I'll probably vote for McCain."

We claim to be multi cultural, and i think we're probably the most multicultural whatever that means of any country out there, but we can't stand each other. Just the other day I was listening to some anti Polish discussion amongst some black kids in the library... Even victims of racist b***ocks seem to have no tolerance here.

In every country there are thickos, wow even in America who knew eh?

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And to think that US foreign policy is roughly aligned to brow-beating other countries into being mini-Americas. What a fate for the world. Ignorance here we come.

Could be worse. could be Francois Mitterand, Gerhard Schroeder, Fidel Castro, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Aminjehad, Chavez, Osama bin Laden, Jorg Haider, Vladimir Putin, King Il Soung, Galtieri, but hey, lets all bash America, cos its cool and trendy and really really rad to have a go at america, cos it gives you real bad ass street cred, in your collectives, and intellectually inhibited regions where all things American are bad, and anything remotely anti American is cool. God, you lead sad lives you really do.

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Could be worse. could be Francois Mitterand, Gerhard Schroeder, Fidel Castro, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Aminjehad, Chavez, Osama bin Laden, Jorg Haider, Vladimir Putin, King Il Soung, Galtieri, but hey, lets all bash America, cos its cool and trendy and really really rad to have a go at america, cos it gives you real bad ass street cred, in your collectives, and intellectually inhibited regions where all things American are bad, and anything remotely anti American is cool. God, you lead sad lives you really do.


Ah... the usual Bucks nonsense - all bluster and no argument or reasoning whatsoever.

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Guest MaloneFM
Ah... the usual Bucks nonsense - all bluster and no argument or reasoning whatsoever.

Umm...I sort of agree with Bucky. Only without the ranting and swivelling eyes. The all Americans are fat and stupid jibe is getting very old now.

Tick the boxes that apply.

All Muslims are terrorists, the Irish are all stupid, politicians are all liars and thieves and as for my mother in law...fat?

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Umm...I sort of agree with Bucky. Only without the ranting and swivelling eyes. The all Americans are fat and stupid jibe is getting very old now.

Tick the boxes that apply.

All Muslims are terrorists, the Irish are all stupid, politicians are all liars and thieves and as for my mother in law...fat?

Yes but with Bucks, any criticism of the US is conveniently swept under 'oh it's just cool' carpet, whereas from past experience he's bangs on at great length about evil Russians and cowardly Europeans. Surely, criticism can be levelled at the US just the same as anywhere else? After all, this is the same US, who from a position of preachy, moral sanctity promises to spread 'liberty' 'justice' etc. In my opinion, if you set yourself up as the moral champion of the world then quite frankly you've got to be expect to be held to account.

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but hey, lets all bash America, cos its cool and trendy and really really rad to have a go at america, cos it gives you real bad ass street cred, in your collectives, and intellectually inhibited regions where all things American are bad, and anything remotely anti American is cool. God, you lead sad lives you really do.

:noexpression: What about Geronimo - a native American with real street cred - the most Red of the American Red Indians? Geronimo was the most legendary and feared of all the Apache warriors. He was known as a chief but he wasn't. He was a very powerful medicine man and shaman that could foretell the future - I wish he was around now to help me with my lottery numbers :tumbleweed: ......


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Ah... the usual Bucks nonsense - all bluster and no argument or reasoning whatsoever.

As opposed you your own blind prejudices. ALL those names and regimes mentioned are a whole lot more unpleasant and dangerous than your trendy bete noire the USA. Your supposedly morally, intellectually superior twaddle was, is doing and will always make the world a fkn dangerous place. and your blind hatred of all this US governmental system ignores one very convenient fact. Its a functioning democracy. and yes hick town inbreds get to vote over there, but there again religious fundamentalists, racist bigots, political fanatics, corrupt plutocrats, and corrupt parties get to rig votes, Stea...sorry run elections, and corrupt regimes starve millions round the world, and its always Uncle Sams fault, always. Yeah right.

And these "liberators", & "heroes", get your moral vote over that of the US.

Like I said. Get a life all you morally bankrupt, intellectually stunted, bigotted people. no USA, no freedom for any of us in the world, where ever the fk you come from. People in Iran, N Korea, Zimbabwe, Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, Russia, China look to the USA to help them find freedom, cos aint no one else going to do it now is there?.

You may fkn hate it in your ivory tower in which the USA is Great Satan, and Fidel and Chavez , Hamas, Hezbollah, and Aminjehad's Iran too, are heroes of the revolution, for having a go at said US, but I hate to really disappoint all you Ami hating, morally suspect, democratically challenged politically correct rag bag of causes, that a whole lot more people aspire to the American way than don't, because people get a chance, whereas under the ways of most countries in the world, they aint got a cat in hells chance.

And all politicians are #######s, not just your pet hate George W Bush.

Chavez, and Castro don't have an opposition, and Aminjehad has no support among secular Iranians, just among the religious fanatics. whereas every four years as we know Uncle Sam has to have an election, and unlike a whole group of nations, UK, France Italy, Spain & Germany included, the President can only serve two terms, and unlike most African regimes where they fiddle elections/constitutions to retain power, he has to go and write his memoirs.Try to use your intelligence. you actually have some, reading your posts over the years, unlike mosta your braindead buddies. Prove you aint a sheep like all the other pathetic anti American rabble.

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:noexpression: What about Geronimo - a native American with real street cred - the most Red of the American Red Indians? Geronimo was the most legendary and feared of all the Apache warriors. He was known as a chief but he wasn't. He was a very powerful medicine man and shaman that could foretell the future - I wish he was around now to help me with my lottery numbers :tumbleweed: ......


and a true warrior. Apaches serve in the US forces today in languages, signals and tracking roles.

lottery Numbers you say........

They will be 2...sorry sorry Gobster going to keep for myself :innocent06: , so I can become a dirty capitalist swine, ans ensure you keep your moral integrity intact. After all I'm all bluster and bull. I'm beyond saving. :closedeyes::innocent06:

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Guest MaloneFM
Surely, criticism can be levelled at the US just the same as anywhere else?

Indeed so Daggers. As with anyone else with a disasterous foreign policy and a president who has to visit other parts of the world being smuggled in and out like a rare painting.

Having met more than one American they are very kind people and nieve. Introspective. I think the stupid and fat labels than are paraded over and over again by Mr Clarkson and suchlike remind me of Bernard Manning in his venomous heyday.

They did give us Bruce Springsteen (NEVER have a go at the boss in my company) Walt Disney and Chris Rock.

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Yes but with Bucks, any criticism of the US is conveniently swept under 'oh it's just cool' carpet, whereas from past experience he's bangs on at great length about evil Russians and cowardly Europeans. Surely, criticism can be levelled at the US just the same as anywhere else? After all, this is the same US, who from a position of preachy, moral sanctity promises to spread 'liberty' 'justice' etc. In my opinion, if you set yourself up as the moral champion of the world then quite frankly you've got to be expect to be held to account.

Is it by God? Where is the evidence for that. I have long criticized the US invasion of Iraq. American policy towards Saudi Arabia is founded on naked self interest, ignoring manifest faults there. I think they are wrong to try and isolate Cuba, specially seeing as all her allies have failed to impose the same sanction, on said state. Any comment on Mother Russia's invasion of Georgia, and please spare me any vomit inducing arguments about US involvement. I can assure you, they were not encouraged by the US, for precisely the reasons of Putin's sabre rattling the invasion risks thereof. Any comment on his aggression? No? wonder why?

As for France, appeasement in the 30's, moral corruption before, during and after WW2, and Algeria, since, rules them out of any moralizing about the US. Mitterand in particular has a very cynical human rights moral records dealings in Africa particularly

Quite frankly any German lecturing either Britain or the US is preposterous, given the German century past, deeply morally compromised in WW1, *unacceptable word* Germany, Ethnic Cleansing, Aggressive Warfare, Mass murder, Crimes against humanity. The fact that the STASI were as bad over control of the population, no, make that better than the Gestapo. Their moral record over Brown and Red Crimes against humanity has been to brush them under the carpet, unless forced not to has been poor. and any country where the would be Chancellor (and Foreign minister)has hidden members of a criminal gang who's entire existance was to bring the democratic state down, well that shows utter moral corruption. That rules them out. didn't one of en say a thousand years would pass and Germany's guilt would not be erased. spot on whoever said it. It wont be. Only Serbija has got close so far in a much smaller way

Italy, 40 odd governments and counting since WW2, making France look stable, changing sides in two wars, having a vicious Fascist & communist system creating instability and the fact they used poison gas against Abyssinia (Ethiopia to those too young to know its old name), the last such act by a European state, precludes them.

Oh yeah, Europe and Russia are both definitely morally better than the US.

They've had Mai Lai, and many such incidents, but they always come to the surface and get dealt with, no matter how it gets dragged to the surface. Unlike Russia, Germany, France, Italy, & Spain. The difference? there is a tradition of democracy in the UK and US, there is no such thing in the others, yet. when they do, they may be able to comment. Until then. forget it

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As opposed you your own blind prejudices. ALL those names and regimes mentioned are a whole lot more unpleasant and dangerous than your trendy bete noire the USA. Your supposedly morally, intellectually superior twaddle was, is doing and will always make the world a fkn dangerous place. and your blind hatred of all this US governmental system ignores one very convenient fact. Its a functioning democracy. and yes hick town inbreds get to vote over there, but there again religious fundamentalists, racist bigots, political fanatics, corrupt plutocrats, and corrupt parties get to rig votes, Stea...sorry run elections, and corrupt regimes starve millions round the world, and its always Uncle Sams fault, always. Yeah right.

And these "liberators", & "heroes", get your moral vote over that of the US.

Like I said. Get a life all you morally bankrupt, intellectually stunted, bigotted people. no USA, no freedom for any of us in the world, where ever the fk you come from. People in Iran, N Korea, Zimbabwe, Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, Russia, China look to the USA to help them find freedom, cos aint no one else going to do it now is there?.

You may fkn hate it in your ivory tower in which the USA is Great Satan, and Fidel and Chavez , Hamas, Hezbollah, and Aminjehad's Iran too, are heroes of the revolution, for having a go at said US, but I hate to really disappoint all you Ami hating, morally suspect, democratically challenged politically correct rag bag of causes, that a whole lot more people aspire to the American way than don't, because people get a chance, whereas under the ways of most countries in the world, they aint got a cat in hells chance.

And all politicians are #######s, not just your pet hate George W Bush.

Chavez, and Castro don't have an opposition, and Aminjehad has no support among secular Iranians, just among the religious fanatics. whereas every four years as we know Uncle Sam has to have an election, and unlike a whole group of nations, UK, France Italy, Spain & Germany included, the President can only serve two terms, and unlike most African regimes where they fiddle elections/constitutions to retain power, he has to go and write his memoirs.Try to use your intelligence. you actually have some, reading your posts over the years, unlike mosta your braindead buddies. Prove you aint a sheep like all the other pathetic anti American rabble.

Oh Bucks, we've been over this many a time over the years. Can I be bothered again? Not really. Oh go on... I'll put my view in simple terms: it's true I don't like the US govt. I think they're a nefarious bunch of empire builders. They've simply killed millions of people in the last 50 years. There's always an excuse: sometimes it's communists latterly it's terrorists. They've supported murdering dictators and invaded small islands. I don't believe they're interested in promoting 'freedom', they support undemocratic regimes as well as 'democratic' ones. The US is interested in one thing only: US interests. In this respect, they're no different from any other state. They just happen to be the worst example in the modern world. I mean come on, comparisons with the short term invasion of Russian into Georgia to protect people who consider themselves Russians is absurd.

On another small point, I'm not sure where you get the notion from that Chavez is some how undemocratic. He's been elected into office through a fully functioning democracy - that's what the US wants isn't it? No. It wasn't long ago that Hamas was democratically elected in Palestine -what happened? No, US democracy comes with an important proviso - you do as the US tells you.

I know you like to describe me as anti-American (as well as all the other convenient labels), well that needs to be put in context. I'm only anti-American insomuch that I'm anti-imperialistic, anti-murder, anti-regime change from outside, anti-hypocrisy, lies etc. In short, if the US hadn't done what it's done in the last 50 years, I wouldn't have a problem with them - it's that simple.

In truth, the only thing I find more frightening than US hegemony is Chinese - now there's a country that doesn't give a shit.

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and a true warrior. Apaches serve in the US forces today in languages, signals and tracking roles.

lottery Numbers you say........

They will be 2...sorry sorry Gobster going to keep for myself :innocent06: , so I can become a dirty capitalist swine, ans ensure you keep your moral integrity intact. After all I'm all bluster and bull. I'm beyond saving. :closedeyes::innocent06:

Blimey bucksred, keep it real - this is a football forum - some of the replies you've given to me and fka dagest suggest you've some underlying issue very far removed from what we are debating.

It was the native American Navajo Indian code-talker teams that were used to relay radio and phone messages in their native dialect during combat operations. The method was fast and indecipherable to enemy eavesdroppers. At the time of World War II, the Navajo language was understood by fewer than 30 non-Navajos. The code was never broken by the Japanese, and its security has been credited with contributing significantly to the seizure of Iwo Jima in 1945. Approximately 400 Navajo code-talkers served with the six U.S. Marine divisions during the war.

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God only knows what I've started here.... I was just pointing out that a country that calls itself the 'land of the free' in their own anthem and take much credit for advancing race politics is still, in places, very very far behind the times.

I have no particular beef with the place, just wanted to point out how some of their own citizens don't really seem to appreciate their own history.

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As opposed you your own blind prejudices. ALL those names and regimes mentioned are a whole lot more unpleasant and dangerous than your trendy bete noire the USA. Your supposedly morally, intellectually superior twaddle was, is doing and will always make the world a fkn dangerous place. and your blind hatred of all this US governmental system ignores one very convenient fact. Its a functioning democracy. and yes hick town inbreds get to vote over there, but there again religious fundamentalists, racist bigots, political fanatics, corrupt plutocrats, and corrupt parties get to rig votes, Stea...sorry run elections, and corrupt regimes starve millions round the world, and its always Uncle Sams fault, always. Yeah right.

And these "liberators", & "heroes", get your moral vote over that of the US.

Like I said. Get a life all you morally bankrupt, intellectually stunted, bigotted people. no USA, no freedom for any of us in the world, where ever the fk you come from. People in Iran, N Korea, Zimbabwe, Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, Russia, China look to the USA to help them find freedom, cos aint no one else going to do it now is there?.

You may fkn hate it in your ivory tower in which the USA is Great Satan, and Fidel and Chavez , Hamas, Hezbollah, and Aminjehad's Iran too, are heroes of the revolution, for having a go at said US, but I hate to really disappoint all you Ami hating, morally suspect, democratically challenged politically correct rag bag of causes, that a whole lot more people aspire to the American way than don't, because people get a chance, whereas under the ways of most countries in the world, they aint got a cat in hells chance.

And all politicians are #######s, not just your pet hate George W Bush.

Chavez, and Castro don't have an opposition, and Aminjehad has no support among secular Iranians, just among the religious fanatics. whereas every four years as we know Uncle Sam has to have an election, and unlike a whole group of nations, UK, France Italy, Spain & Germany included, the President can only serve two terms, and unlike most African regimes where they fiddle elections/constitutions to retain power, he has to go and write his memoirs.Try to use your intelligence. you actually have some, reading your posts over the years, unlike mosta your braindead buddies. Prove you aint a sheep like all the other pathetic anti American rabble.

Impressive stuff! I wholeheartedly agree.

Its a shame that you don't employ some of your obvious debating talents in other area's of the forum instead of the usual personalised insulting stance that you usually take.

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Impressive stuff! I wholeheartedly agree.

Its a shame that you don't employ some of your obvious debating talents in other area's of the forum instead of the usual personalised insulting stance that you usually take.

bucksred can sometimes be quite ferocious in his often blind support for America - the Americans have made some serious and costly mistakes with their foreign policies post WWII. The biggest mistake the USA made in my lifetime was in supporting the wrong side in Vietnam - the South was totally corrupt and the North was led by a great leader with a lot of respect for the USA up until the time the USA backed the French against the Vietnamese people. Before I was born the Americans became hated in Cuba for the way they were supporting mafia interests in Havana and for their backing of the despised Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. The USA even ordered our own Government and the French to withdraw from Egypt during the Suez crisis. An awful lot of people are questioning the role the USA is currently playing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel.

This might surprise bucksred, but even the greatest Red leader of all - Joe Stalin - had massive respect for the USA's industrial might and leadership: "I want to tell you from the Russian point of view," Soviet leader Joe Stalin declared at the Tehran Conference in December 1943, "what the President and the United States have done to win the war. The most important things . . . are machines . . . . The United States . . . is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines . . . we would lose this war."

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bucksred can sometimes be quite ferocious in his often blind support for America - the Americans have made some serious and costly mistakes with their foreign policies post WWII. The biggest mistake the USA made in my lifetime was in supporting the wrong side in Vietnam - the South was totally corrupt and the North was led by a great leader with a lot of respect for the USA up until the time the USA backed the French against the Vietnamese people. Before I was born the Americans became hated in Cuba for the way they were supporting mafia interests in Havana and for their backing of the despised Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. The USA even ordered our own Government and the French to withdraw from Egypt during the Suez crisis. An awful lot of people are questioning the role the USA is currently playing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel.

This might surprise bucksred, but even the greatest Red leader of all - Joe Stalin - had massive respect for the USA's industrial might and leadership: "I want to tell you from the Russian point of view," Soviet leader Joe Stalin declared at the Tehran Conference in December 1943, "what the President and the United States have done to win the war. The most important things . . . are machines . . . . The United States . . . is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines . . . we would lose this war."

A Case-in-point ? The Studebaker US6 Truck ,which made a massive contribution in Russia's Great Patriotic War (World War II to us) , Even the formidable Katyusha Rocket Launcher, the famous "Stalin's Organ" were mounted on these vehicles.

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but even the greatest Red leader of all - Joe Stalin -

Contraversial statement that. Stalin was responsible for approx 2.5m deaths of his own people. A paranoid despot who Saddam Hussien must have modeled himself on. He conducted purges of his own party, murdered many of his most brilliant generals because he thougth they may rise up against him - a decision that cost the Russians dear just a few years later in the battles against another paranoid despot Adolf Hitler.

Peasants in rural russia were starving whilst Stalin and his lackies lived in luxury. Stalin was a mad bastard. Greatest Red leader? I don't think so.

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Guest MaloneFM
Peasants in rural russia were starving whilst Stalin and his lackies lived in luxury. Stalin was a mad bastard. Greatest Red leader? I don't think so.

Christ this is painful....Robinson makes a decent point!

(sorry can't put you were ri*ht as it makes you mental)

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Contraversial statement that. Stalin was responsible for approx 2.5m deaths of his own people. A paranoid despot who Saddam Hussien must have modeled himself on. He conducted purges of his own party, murdered many of his most brilliant generals because he thougth they may rise up against him - a decision that cost the Russians dear just a few years later in the battles against another paranoid despot Adolf Hitler.

Peasants in rural russia were starving whilst Stalin and his lackies lived in luxury. Stalin was a mad bastard. Greatest Red leader? I don't think so.

The war with Germany may have been lost without Joe Stalin - no doubt about that. Read Stalin Order 227 "Not a step back!" Ни шагу назад! An outline of this order is given at the URL below.....


Just to get the topic back on track with "good ol' multicultural America".......looks like Red Army leader Joe Stalin will be helping count the American Presidential votes.......


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A Case-in-point ? The Studebaker US6 Truck ,which made a massive contribution in Russia's Great Patriotic War (World War II to us) , Even the formidable Katyusha Rocket Launcher, the famous "Stalin's Organ" were mounted on these vehicles.

What I really really want is not an American Studebaker US6 Truck but an American Shelby GT500 Mustang - I understand that Ford in Australia are converting them to right hand drive? Drool on this one in BCFC Red........


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In truth, the only thing I find more frightening than US hegemony is Chinese - now there's a country that doesn't give a shit.

God almighty you actually do have a brain. and we finally agree on something.They are a terrifying threat. They have been in Africa for some twenty years, and their breathtaking cynicism is quite a sight to behold. ask my fellow countrymen.

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God almighty you actually do have a brain. and we finally agree on something.They are a terrifying threat. They have been in Africa for some twenty years, and their breathtaking cynicism is quite a sight to behold. ask my fellow countrymen.

Thank you the forum's most patronizing poster.

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China isn't a worry. Their forces are 20 years behind western standards, and when the "credit crunch" hts them, as it is starting to, there is going to be serious issues. They struggle with the population now, how would they cope with millions of uneducated peasants, now without work, roaming major Cities?

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Barack Obama definately satisfies the criteria to run for President of the USA as he was born in the USA: Born August 4, 1961 Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Sorry folks, I've got to correct myself. There is, currently, massive controversy with regard to Obama's US birth. Some say he was born in Kenya and that his Hawaii USA Birth certificate is a forgery.




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