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One For The Goblin


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Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following statistics?

29 have been accused of spouse abuse

7 have been arrested for fraud

19 have been accused of writing bad cheques

117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

3 have done time for assault

71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

4 have been arrested on drug-related charges

8 have been arrested for shoplifting

21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year

Which organisation is this?

It's the 635 members of the House of Commons, the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

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Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following statistics?

29 have been accused of spouse abuse

7 have been arrested for fraud

19 have been accused of writing bad cheques

117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

3 have done time for assault

71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

4 have been arrested on drug-related charges

8 have been arrested for shoplifting

21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year

Which organisation is this?

It's the 635 members of the House of Commons, the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

:dancing6: What's new? :whistle2: Oliver Cromwell addressed the House of Commons some 355 years ago with the following, 20th April 1653 Oliver Cromwell's address to the Long Parliament.....

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God's help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do; I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place; go, get you out!

Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!

"Cromwell Dissolving Parliament" Engraved by G T Payne after a picture by Benjamin West.....


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:dancing6: What's new? :whistle2: Oliver Cromwell addressed the House of Commons some 355 years ago with the following, 20th April 1653 Oliver Cromwell's address to the Long Parliament.....

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God's help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do; I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place; go, get you out!

Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!

"Cromwell Dissolving Parliament" Engraved by G T Payne after a picture by Benjamin West.....


Well quoted, Red Goblin, but I think the original statistics actually related to the U.S.House of Representatives rather than the House of Commons.

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Well quoted, Red Goblin, but I think the original statistics actually related to the U.S.House of Representatives rather than the House of Commons.

That may be so, but our shower of shite aint a whole load better. Indeed most European politicans are as bad. I'm with Gobbers, a lesson needs teaching.

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Well quoted, Red Goblin, but I think the original statistics actually related to the U.S.House of Representatives rather than the House of Commons.

I wouldn't know about the U.S. House of Representatives. The Gas supporting Tory Boy Jeffery Archer was sent to prison for fraud. Then there was the Thatcherist Tory MP - circa 1990 - that was found dead with a lighting flex around his neck and an orange stuffed in his gob - a very odd set of circumstances indeed. Our current Labour administration are on their knees to the European Union - as their Tory predessessors were before them - and probably taking back handers and bribes. Selling their country down the river for a 'mess of pottage' as Oliver Cromwell would say. Where's that referendum on the Lisbon Treaty that Gordon Brown-noser promised us ???!!!!!!! :noexpression:

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