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The Booing Of Ebooooue


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With the publicity of Emanual Eboue's treatment at the hands of Arsenal "fans" and how it can effect a players performance, should we stop so called city "fans" doing the same to Lee Johnson knowing that this will not help the player confidence long term?

You can get removed from the ground for a number of reasons, should fans be removed from Ashton Gate for booing one of the own team or giving him abuse?

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should fans be removed from Ashton Gate for booing one of the own team or giving him abuse?

Depends on the situation. When Gerry Gow thumped team mate Bobby Gould during a game some fans cheered good old Gerry and booed Gould. If a player makes a series of rash challenges and is sent off needlessly and/or gives away a pen when better options were available I would expect some booing of that player.

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With the publicity of Emanual Eboue's treatment at the hands of Arsenal "fans" and how it can effect a players performance, should we stop so called city "fans" doing the same to Lee Johnson knowing that this will not help the player confidence long term?

You can get removed from the ground for a number of reasons, should fans be removed from Ashton Gate for booing one of the own team or giving him abuse?

only if you want attendences of 2-3k a week

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With the publicity of Emanual Eboue's treatment at the hands of Arsenal "fans" and how it can effect a players performance, should we stop so called city "fans" doing the same to Lee Johnson knowing that this will not help the player confidence long term?

You can get removed from the ground for a number of reasons, should fans be removed from Ashton Gate for booing one of the own team or giving him abuse?

Fans have paid for their right to air their views. I know it sounds cliche but players are paid enough money to take some critisicm from supporters.

But if abuse is offensive (e.g Racist chanting) towards player then yes fans should be ejected from the ground and banned from future games.

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To put it bluntly no, and it's an absurd idea to do so.

Playing football is these people's jobs, and if they are seen to be doing a piss poor job then customers have every right to have a go. Footballers lead a charmed life earning more in a few weeks than most do in a year so they can stop their complaning and either suck it up or **** off and get a job in the real world liek the rest of us.

If i c**k up at work i get crap from customers, it's a fact of life, but when i do something well i don't get customers standing up applauding and cheering my name, so the sooner footballers grow up and get a pair the better to be honest.

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To put it bluntly no, and it's an absurd idea to do so.

Playing football is these people's jobs, and if they are seen to be doing a piss poor job then customers have every right to have a go. Footballers lead a charmed life earning more in a few weeks than most do in a year so they can stop their complaning and either suck it up or **** off and get a job in the real world liek the rest of us.

If i c**k up at work i get crap from customers, it's a fact of life, but when i do something well i don't get customers standing up applauding and cheering my name, so the sooner footballers grow up and get a pair the better to be honest.

Well Said

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Us booing players is us complaining about the way they are going about their job.

If we were in a shop and we were given an absurd service, we would complain. Booing is our way of complaining.

I haven't booed yet though. :noexpression:

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Eboue is not liked by the fans because they are fed up of his pantomine tricks of diving, feigning injury and trying to get other players booked all the time. When he was initially injured ( yes, he wasnt play acting this time), he was replaced on the wing for a few weeks by a certain Theo Walcott who is the complete opposite type of player, and gets down to doing the job how it should be done.

To see him come on for an injured Nasri was bad enough, to see him play on the left wing was distressing, to see him actual play like he did was infuriating. To see him go off was :dancing2: but I don't think the average Gooner expected 95% of the crowd to join along booing him off.

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should fans be removed from Ashton Gate for booing one of the own team or giving him abuse?

How about we go all out and fit electrodes to our seats, then with a press of a button ZAPPPPP everyone cheers and claps.

I don't agree with boing our own players it's non productive, but on the other hand I don't want to be surrounded by people who have no oppinion other than the party line so to speak.

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To put it bluntly no, and it's an absurd idea to do so.

Playing football is these people's jobs, and if they are seen to be doing a piss poor job then customers have every right to have a go. Footballers lead a charmed life earning more in a few weeks than most do in a year so they can stop their complaning and either suck it up or **** off and get a job in the real world liek the rest of us.

If i c**k up at work i get crap from customers, it's a fact of life, but when i do something well i don't get customers standing up applauding and cheering my name, so the sooner footballers grow up and get a pair the better to be honest.

fair play!!!! excellent post. i get sick of these players moaning because they get stick. if its personal abuse then okay thats too far. but if someone is just criticising their performance then take it like a man and prove them wrong. they get paid enough, we pay a fortune for our tickets so we are entitled if we feel they arent earning their small fortune to let them know. players are under more scrutiny for their performances now than ever and i feel its due to their massive wages which in turn increases expectancy. and who's fault is that??

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To put it bluntly no, and it's an absurd idea to do so.

Playing football is these people's jobs, and if they are seen to be doing a piss poor job then customers have every right to have a go. Footballers lead a charmed life earning more in a few weeks than most do in a year so they can stop their complaning and either suck it up or **** off and get a job in the real world liek the rest of us.

If i c**k up at work i get crap from customers, it's a fact of life, but when i do something well i don't get customers standing up applauding and cheering my name, so the sooner footballers grow up and get a pair the better to be honest.

Excellent post Spud......well said Brialliant!!

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I guess that people are entitled to their opinion as they are paying custumers (also football is all about opinions). If they are happy and enjoying themselves the can cheers, sing clap. If their unhappy they should be able to show it in ways of booing or cristising the player, mangers, chairman, kitman or tea lady!.

Personally I think we shouldn't boo the player, we should get behind them and support them when their playing well/poor/made a mistake/done something good. you hope if they cared for the club this would give them belief when their confidence is low if they know the fans are always on their side.

I know we pay money to support this club and we have they right to say and do what we feel but at the end of the day we choose to support this club and wh should support it through all the good time & bad time and intrust the board/manager/players.

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Absolutely stupid of them to boo him. He had just came back from a injury so wasn't exactly in the rhythm of things and then they go and boo him. Every game he now goes into they may not see the best of him because he will be scared of making a mistake and being booed again

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To put it bluntly no, and it's an absurd idea to do so.

Playing football is these people's jobs, and if they are seen to be doing a piss poor job then customers have every right to have a go. Footballers lead a charmed life earning more in a few weeks than most do in a year so they can stop their complaning and either suck it up or **** off and get a job in the real world liek the rest of us.

If i c**k up at work i get crap from customers, it's a fact of life, but when i do something well i don't get customers standing up applauding and cheering my name, so the sooner footballers grow up and get a pair the better to be honest.

I always think this is a poor comparison (although I don't know what you do for a living).

When I screw up at work, the customer complains. He doesn't start screaming abuse at me and question my parentage. He also doesn't do it with another 16,000 people egging him on, then spend the next six months on a website criticising me as an individual (consumer complaint blogs etc only identify companies, not the person).

In the event that a customer does express dissatisfaction through swearing, booing, or public criticism of an employee's abilities, I would not expect my company to shrug its shoulders and say it's okay because he's a paying customer. In a bar, if you abuse the barstaff you yet kicked out.

The "customer" argument fails to accept that criticism is more extreme and personal in football than almost any other job. I don't think abusive fans should be banned, but I think this because football is a passionate game and part of the point is to use your emotion. This will naturally result in groans of disbelief etc, as well as chanting and cheering. Remove one forcibly and you remove the other.

However, I think fans should personally choose not to boo (especially during games) because it's stupid and doesn't work, as can be shown by eboue, etc. I've seen City fans in recent times booing 18-yr-olds or shouting for them to be subbed. That's quite simply moronic, and can not possibly help the team to improve.

So to answer the original question, no they shouldn't be banned. But negative behaviour is not analogous to customer complaints and does not help the team, so boo-boys are still idiots.

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If football continues to market itself as a product and that product is poor then supporters should have the right to complain. If they want to do that by booing players or the team then they should be able too. Following City is not a cheap pastime anymore. I can't see many responses being received from the club management if fans write to them following an insipid home display asking for a refund.

It might not make any difference to the players or the team but if it makes fans feel better then good for them.

I would draw the line at victimisation of a player and given that Lee Johnson attracts a lot of negative comments on the forum there will always be the suspicion that there is more than just the criticism of a bad performance should he get booed.

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If football continues to market itself as a product and that product is poor then supporters should have the right to complain. If they want to do that by booing players or the team then they should be able too.

It might not make any difference to the players or the team but if it makes fans feel better then good for them.

The fact that something's a product doesn't give you a right to choose absolutely any method of criticism. If you buy a faulty car you can take it back or ask for it to be fixed. You can't call the guy who sold it to you a **** (as in you're not legally or morally entitled to).

And my point is that it's stupid because it obviously does make a difference to the players.

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