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And You Think Parking Is Difficult Now


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As you've mentioned me in your reply I'd better respond. Would a true anarchist really support Government? My idea of an anarchist is someone that would overthrow a Government and definately would not support its tax raising policies aimed at those often least able to pay. I support Communist/Stalinist policy in so far as I'd like to see our Toff ridden and anti-democratic national and local Government transported from Avonmouth docks to a Siberian Gulag in order to learn the meaning of real work in minus 40 degrees centigrade of frost. :winner_third_h4h: I do not support the failures that are our anti-democratic and anti-football local and national Governments - does that really make me a Communist/Anarchist or someone displaying some common sense?

Having re-read my post, I'd like to apologize for the overtly aggressive tone. I enjoy your posts and feel the forum would be poorer without them.

But your beliefs are still wildly contradictory and inconsistent. To reject ideas on the basis that they harm the most vulnerable would require the rejection of an idea such as anarchy which would allow accumulation of wealth andpower in the hands of those most able to manipulate and control others. To call our system class-ridden on the basis of a policy requires evidence that said policy will benefit such a class. I don't see how it would.

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Don't be fooled folks, having to pay to park a car outside your own house is nothing to do with solving traffic/parking problems - it's just another means to raise money...


How can fleecing the motorist/residents for even more money actually help traffic/congestion. We all know the money raised won't get re-invested into public transport. You only need to look at your car tax to realise that only a tiny percentage of that gets put back into communting and the supporting infrastructure.

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Guest MaloneFM

What happened to that light railway then?

Anyone been to Butlins at Minehead? Seen the monorail? Chuck up a few pillars down the middle of the M32 and bye bye traffic jam.

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A scheme that will hit the most vunerable in society. How anyone can seriously think this scheme is fair, or a step forward is beyond me.

I gotta laugh mind, I wonder if Ole will be calling the naysayers "selfish" when his house price falls further, due to no one wanting to move somewhere with such a stealth tax.

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Having re-read my post, I'd like to apologize for the overtly aggressive tone. I enjoy your posts and feel the forum would be poorer without them.

But your beliefs are still wildly contradictory and inconsistent. To reject ideas on the basis that they harm the most vulnerable would require the rejection of an idea such as anarchy which would allow accumulation of wealth andpower in the hands of those most able to manipulate and control others. To call our system class-ridden on the basis of a policy requires evidence that said policy will benefit such a class. I don't see how it would.

No need to apologize to me and fair shout for writing your opinion. My beliefs may seem wildly contradictory and inconsistent to you but it's a fact that our one party Police camera state Lib-Lab-Con political system is controlled by Toff elitists. Toffs are frightened of Communism and would risk the lives of millions to repel it just so that they can hold onto power and their country estates. Is that not the true political situation in this country? Anyway, my fellow Bristolians - whether rich or poor - should not have to pay to have their car parked outside their house when inbred Toff 'blue-blood' elitists do not have to pay to have their cars parked outside their country mansions.

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A scheme that will hit the most vunerable in society. How anyone can seriously think this scheme is fair, or a step forward is beyond me.

I gotta laugh mind, I wonder if Ole will be calling the naysayers "selfish" when his house price falls further, due to no one wanting to move somewhere with such a stealth tax.

I'd have thought having a better chance of parking outside your own home would increase the desirability of a property.

From an entirely selfish point of view I think it's a great idea. Perhaps my better half might get back home on the bus and start making my tea at an earlier time if all these single occupancy car drivers aren't clogging the centre every single day.

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How can fleecing the motorist/residents for even more money actually help traffic/congestion. We all know the money raised won't get re-invested into public transport. You only need to look at your car tax to realise that only a tiny percentage of that gets put back into communting and the supporting infrastructure.

:dancing6: At least you can see the true nature of the parking permit idea in that it's to raise more revenue from already hard pressed motorists. The excuse for introducing parking meters in the 1960's was to raise revenue for underground carparks - and....just where are these underground carparks to keep Bristol's streets free from parked cars ????!!!! :noexpression:

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How does this hit the most vulnerable? Car owners??

Bristolian car owners are most vulnerable and have now been targetted with a new 'parking permit' stealth tax. It's not enough for Lib-Lab-Con local government plutocrats to erect speed tax cameras all over Bristol for use to raise money from motorists. Now they're hitting motorists with a stealth tax to be paid for parking your own car outside your own house. Remember also that Bristol's motorists pay almost the dearest petrol/diesel prices in the world thanks to all the tax per litre of fuel.

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I'd have thought having a better chance of parking outside your own home would increase the desirability of a property.

From an entirely selfish point of view I think it's a great idea. Perhaps my better half might get back home on the bus and start making my tea at an earlier time if all these single occupancy car drivers aren't clogging the centre every single day.

The center will continue to clog up untill the south bristol ringroad is sorted. At present the only way to get from one side of Bristol to the other is to go through the center, or at least near it.

I wonder if the council will use this money to provide cheaper bus travel, and who knows, a decent transport system? They won't of course. They'll mug off local residents and see the problem go elsewhere, like it did in Bath.

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The center will continue to clog up untill the south bristol ringroad is sorted. At present the only way to get from one side of Bristol to the other is to go through the center, or at least near it.

I wonder if the council will use this money to provide cheaper bus travel, and who knows, a decent transport system? They won't of course. They'll mug off local residents and see the problem go elsewhere, like it did in Bath.

I just find it amazing that since 1941 the Bristol Council has been using Hitler's bombing offensive as an excuse not to get the trams back up and running throughout Bristol. Hitler's been dead for 63 years and in that time Bristol's rush hour traffic has become an ever increasing nightmare. Drew Peacock (post 38 in this thread) wrote that the German bombing of Bristol destroyed the electric tram power supply as well as a lot of the tracks.

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As you've mentioned me in your reply I'd better respond. Would a true anarchist really support Government? My idea of an anarchist is someone that would overthrow a Government and definately would not support its tax raising policies aimed at those often least able to pay. I support Communist/Stalinist policy in so far as I'd like to see our Toff ridden and anti-democratic national and local Government transported from Avonmouth docks to a Siberian Gulag in order to learn the meaning of real work in minus 40 degrees centigrade of frost. :winner_third_h4h: I do not support the failures that are our anti-democratic and anti-football local and national Governments - does that really make me a Communist/Anarchist or someone displaying some common sense?

I empathise with your views, comrade, and would happily like to see most of the idiots running this country deported to Siberia, but I think in just about every society in history it doesnt take the victor long before they are swimming in a sea of incompetent administrators sipping champers and doing very nicely. Stalin may have sent the tsarists to Siberia, but when you send millions of other people there just because you don't like them, or their family members then that isnt really playing fair.

How about this one then - my missus went to our doctors yesterday and was sent to a portakabin that has been there for 11 years, when it was fitted as a temporary measure. The doctors have now after 11 years of being turned down, gotten planning permission by south glos council to build an permanent extension on the same land the portakabin sits on! How much time effort and money has been wasted on useless idiots to come up with that? And don't forget - Garden is an annagram of Danger!

I think I am off to do hideous acts to someone now....


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It's not hard to work out. Pensioners, the disabled ect ect. Are they supposed to rely on our wonderful and cheap bus service?

Re. disabled people - reserved bays will be provided, at no extra cost. Re. pensioners - for the sake of £40 a year (less than 5% of the typical cost of owning a car), they will find it easier to park nearer their house. But I agree, it's the less well off pensioners who have to use Bristol's woeful bus service that are in a much worse position.

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I empathise with your views, comrade, and would happily like to see most of the idiots running this country deported to Siberia, but I think in just about every society in history it doesnt take the victor long before they are swimming in a sea of incompetent administrators sipping champers and doing very nicely. Stalin may have sent the tsarists to Siberia, but when you send millions of other people there just because you don't like them, or their family members then that isnt really playing fair.

How about this one then - my missus went to our doctors yesterday and was sent to a portakabin that has been there for 11 years, when it was fitted as a temporary measure. The doctors have now after 11 years of being turned down, gotten planning permission by south glos council to build an permanent extension on the same land the portakabin sits on! How much time effort and money has been wasted on useless idiots to come up with that? And don't forget - Garden is an annagram of Danger!

I think I am off to do hideous acts to someone now....


There's a lot of Cold War anti-Soviet rhetoric about Comrade Stalin. Joe Stalin was also responsible for sending hundreds of thousands of captured German soldiers to the Siberian Gulags as well. German soldiers that my Grandfathers' generation then didn't have to face in battle. The photographic proof of captured Germans being paraded by Stalin's Red Army through the streets of Moscow circa 1943/44 before being sent to the Gulags.....



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congestion in bristol is horrendous

what we need is a decent reliable and affordable public transport system first then when that is in place and people have an alternative to the car

then we can introduce penalities design to reduce car use

I propose that we upgrade bristol's provision of bus shelters

here is an excellent example of a modern bus shelter


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And less than 1/4 of those people were to be seen again.

Yep, and none of those German losers or any other German losers captured by our own British forces were ever seen repairing the damage they'd done to Bristol's tram network with their bombing of our City. :whistle2: At least Joe Stalin had the sense to keep the Germans captured in the Stalingrad area behind to repair all the damage they'd done to Stalingrad.

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Yep, and none of those German losers or any other German losers captured by our own British forces were ever seen repairing the damage they'd done to Bristol's tram network with their bombing of our City. :whistle2: At least Joe Stalin had the sense to keep the Germans captured in the Stalingrad area behind to repair all the damage they'd done to Stalingrad.

and murder them

stalin = evil freddy mercury

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There's a lot of Cold War anti-Soviet rhetoric about Comrade Stalin. Joe Stalin was also responsible for sending hundreds of thousands of captured German soldiers to the Siberian Gulags as well. German soldiers that my Grandfathers' generation then didn't have to face in battle.

Cracking stuff! A defence of Stalin's Gulags within a debate about parking - it could only be OTIB - by FAR the best forum the world has ever seen!!

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The captured German soldiers that illegally invaded Russia and wrecked Russia were expected to rebuild Russia. Some did return to Germany in the 1950's after completing their rebuilding tasks. All's fair in love and war.

Poor innocent Russia, who invaded Poland and Finland before the Germans invaded. It's a shame Patton never got his way, and we liquidated the Soviet Union the moment the Germans surrendered.

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Cracking stuff! A defence of Stalin's Gulags within a debate about parking - it could only be OTIB - by FAR the best forum the world has ever seen!!

In the absence of Uncle Joe Stalin I will take command of the funding and rebuilding of Bristol's tram network. Lib-Lab-Con councillors and their Toff political instructors must report for work at 8am sharp on Monday morning together with warm clothes and pick axes. They will be tasked with the rebuilding and financing of Bristol's tram system as destroyed by their German European Union allies. Their lot will not be easy but the end result of easier access for Bristol's Red Army to Ashton Gate on matchdays will be well worth their toil and sweat. :dancing6:

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As far as I'm concerned displaying one simply gives an overt indication of the number of local people against the scheme. When it is pushed through anyway, despite local opinion being against it, the Council cannot say they have implemented it with the support of, or in the best interests of, the locals. I wouldn't be swayed to vote for a particular political party because someone had a poster in their window 'telling me to' and this is no different.

If you want to talk about SELF, then you are the selfish one because this scheme would make life easier for YOU despite an apparent majority being against it.

But the whole crux of your argument is that everyone is against it. Says who? I don't recall the results of the survey being published. I've agreed with you that the posters are everywhere in my previous post but that statement applies to seeing the posters about ten times in a couple of streets, that doesn't actually mean anything like a majority, just that they stick out. If two people in one street kept elephants that would be a lot of elephants for Southville but would still remain a small minority.

Not only that but how many people who are against it are simply against it on the basis of cost but agree with the idea in principle? If that is the case and they've given that sort of feedback in the questionaire to the council then it's quite feasible that the council have got the impression that it's acceptable to proceed with the idea if the cost alone is a point of further negotiation. To suggest that whatever number it is that are against it, are against the rule, not just the cost, is even more assumption on your part.

As for turning this round to suggest I'm being selfish, well that's pretty laughable, how have I been selfish by BELIEVING that it'd be a fairer place if everyone had a fair right to park where they live? That makes no sense at all, you've tried to turn my words back on me but it just doesn't work, people who stick up posters CAMPAIGNING to maintain inequality for their personal gain (you admit it's not community action) are selfish, holding a personal belief in a fairer way affects no one, so how is it selfish exactly?

By the way, I didn't even return my council questionnaire about this issue as I hold the same view of our council as everyone else, so please don't release all your ill-feeling about this council decision on me, if it happens I'll be pleased but it's got nothing to do with me, I didn't even have to stick up a poster.

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In the absence of Uncle Joe Stalin I will take command of the funding and rebuilding of Bristol's tram network. Lib-Lab-Con councillors and their Toff political instructors must report for work at 8am sharp on Monday morning together with warm clothes and pick axes. They will be tasked with the rebuilding and financing of Bristol's tram system as destroyed by their German European Union allies. Their lot will not be easy but the end result of easier access for Bristol's Red Army to Ashton Gate on matchdays will be well worth their toil and sweat. :dancing6:

Bit of a fascist approach.

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Bit of a fascist approach.

Do you want Bristol's parking and traffic problems alleviated or not? It's an aspect of 'Command Economy' and if we continue to rely on our local and national Lib-Lab-Con corrupt politicians then Bristol's tram network will never be rebuilt. For what it cost for the Cabot Circus to be built Bristol could have had the tram network rebuilt. The council has had 67 years to get the tram network back up and running - a man's lifetime - and they've failed. The first rebuild phase should be a tramline installed from Bristol centre to Ashton Gate.

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Do you want Bristol's parking and traffic problems alleviated or not? It's an aspect of 'Command Economy' and if we continue to rely on our local and national Lib-Lab-Con corrupt politicians then Bristol's tram network will never be rebuilt. For what it cost for the Cabot Circus to be built Bristol could have had the tram network rebuilt. The council has had 67 years to get the tram network back up and running - a man's lifetime - and they've failed. The first rebuild phase should be a tramline installed from Bristol centre to Ashton Gate.

And your solution is to impose a fascist dictatorship to get the work done, just as Stalin's was.

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And your solution is to impose a fascist dictatorship to get the work done, just as Stalin's was.

Enlighten me edson - how do you propose to get Bristol's tram network rebuilt? Read the article in the link as below given by other posters. Bristol's light railway start date 1998 - completion date 2003 !!!!! What have the politicians done with the money earmarked for this tram project? Quaffed vintage champagne with it? :noexpression:


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