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Guest part-timer

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Guest part-timer

My first post on the Forum, hello.

I am the classic part-timer as despised by some of the forum. I picked up the City habit at school and followed them on and off for ten years. In '94 I moved back to Bristol and bought a season ticket in the Dolman, moving to Atyeo in '98, then I left again after 2000. Tony Pulis, :laugh: Ever since I watch city on teletext, and venture out for a couple of home games a season and the cup finals (2000 and 2003). I check the city results weekly, I buy the merchandise. I get down to the gate at most five times a season. Am I a worthless part-timer? Does a club need floating fans like me?

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This argument has been banded about often enough, but I think its just a forum expression of the old "pecking order", in that some feel superior by attending all games, then you have the season ticket holders who attend all home matches and a few away games, then you have those who attend most home games, then some who go to some home games and then you have those who go to one or two and then those who might go to one every other year or so. Last you have the non-attendees.

Personally I don't gives a monkey's. We're all City fans even those who don't physically go to the gound. This forum is for all of us to discuss the club, not to accuse others of not being as committed to the sacred bull as others.

Every fan's input is welcome and those who think it isn't ought to get their heads out of ther anuses.

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I agree with FCT, some people are unable to attend all game's due to circumstances and some by the fact that they "have another life". I generally welcome the input of the part-timer as they can have a more objective view at time's.

What I dislike are the people who never go, or haven't been for years see a few highlights on TV and feel they can dismiss the team or individual players based on that. :@ :@

Those final comments are obviously aimed at locals who could attend, NOT those who live many miles away who have no options, all of whom I admire greatly. :laugh::dunno:

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Floating fan is just about right,partimer is not.

Partimers are those "fans" who claim to be loyal supporters and turn up every home game when things are going well but disappear when things are going pear shaped.They can't be arsed to watch City play B'nsley in the 2nd Rd of the FA Cup but make every effort to watch S'hampton,QPR and Argyle at AG.They like the glory train... :@

By your own admission you are a floating fan and thats ok with me. Every club can use the extra revenue.Your opinions about the team and who should play where though' cannot be taken very seriously as you haven't seen the team play...

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Guest robintat
My first post on the Forum, hello.

I am the classic part-timer as despised by some of the forum. I picked up the City habit at school and followed them on and off for ten years. In '94 I moved back to Bristol and bought a season ticket in the Dolman, moving to Atyeo in '98, then I left again after 2000. Tony Pulis, :laugh: Ever since I watch city on teletext, and venture out for a couple of home games a season and the cup finals (2000 and 2003). I check the city results weekly, I buy the merchandise. I get down to the gate at most five times a season. Am I a worthless part-timer? Does a club need floating fans like me?

Of course you're not worthless..we all have lives to lead other than city and as much as we'd all like to go to every game home and away its not always possible to fit work around fixtures or financially possible to go.Carry on supporting in any way you can!
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Partimers are those "fans" who claim to be loyal supporters and turn up every home game when things are going well but disappear when things are going pear shaped.They can't be arsed to watch City play B'nsley in the 2nd Rd of the FA Cup but make every effort to watch S'hampton,QPR and Argyle at AG.They like the glory train...
That reminds of a conversation I overheard at Swindon. There was this fella who said he might be going to Luton away but only if we got results against Swindon and Plymouth and still had something to play for.

Like you said, all these part-time fans are interested in is the glory train and they can't be arsed to go to Luton away if it is a meaningless fixture.

Part-timers, eh? Who needs 'em?

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Guest Kojak

That's an interesting dilemma.

I think most regularly attending fans of a football club are pleased when the stay away's put in an appearance on the terraces, it often show that the team is doing well and is creating a level of interest in the local communities.

The regulars though, can often sometimes feel aggreived if, for example, there's a big game on and many of the regulars without season tickets, have trouble getting their usual tickets.

For example I've been to every Swindon home game this season and I usually buy my ticket on the Friday before the game to ensure that I get my usual spot in the Town End and it ties in well with how I am paid. When your lot came down a couple of weeks ago, the TE was sold out in days and I couldn't get a TE ticket for 3 weeks before the game and I ended up sat with the stiffs in the Arkells.

Now Initially I was thinking great ! a full house, plenty of money for the club and it's bound to be an electric atmoshpere with the number of away supporters coming down. Unfortunatley it didn't turn out like that. The "big game" supporters had taken up a large number of the regular TE fans tickets, the result being that many of the noisiest and most vocal supporters were displaced into various other areas of the ground which had the effect of diluting the atmosphere and decreasing the noise levels.

This is the sort of thing that makes the regulars slightly resentful......well me anyway. :@ however that's not to say that those who aren't regular attendee's aren't welcome. Just think about where you intend to get tickets for, before you but them ie. If you don't stand and sing, then don't buy a ticket for the noisiest part of the ground because you'll only be displacing someone who does want to make some noise.

aye thanks you.............

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Would you rather us have 10000 or so attendences every week, maybe 13000 max in and out and even at big games we never get more OR would you rather us have part-timers that will help us sell out over half of the Millenium stadium for a LDV final?

AND these fans to come and sell out the gate for the big games in Div2 and i expect if we go up these fans will come to a lot of the Div 1 games.

Then if we get to The Prem we could easily sell out a 30,000 stadium in my opinion, why because of these fans.

I would love for them to come week in week out every game, however the attractiveness of watching City play Luton is no where near as good as that of City V Plymouth. I can understand why they only go to selected games and in a way I don't blame however I just can't help myself from going, after really poor performances and lazy displays from the team I always vow, you gotta be joking if I'm going all the way to dumps like Luton etc to watch that rubbbish however it comes to and i just can't help it.

Anyway drifting from the point there. These fans give us that extra revenue they obviously still support the team so what everyone has against them I don't know. At then end of the day having them is better than not having them thats something No-one with any sense can argue against.

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This issue is irrelevant. Quality football, and City doing well will always bring out more supporters..always has, and always will. So long as the die hards get priority for cup games etc, who the ##** cares.

Living up here means I only come down when a decent team, wether well supported or a side doing well comes, or a local derby is on. Why does it matter?

Fair play to those who week in week out, go to the Gate, and away, but none of us are any less Cider-Reds-no matter how many games we go to.

The the fact that this is one of the biggest, and best forums proves that there are a lot of us about...and it makes us the club we are, and the supporters we are....

We're all Cider-Reds for life.........nuff said.

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Welcome..not suprised you drifted off after Pulis :dunno: i felt like drifting off the suspension bridge :P

Your input is as valid as anyones.

Number of years watching/games per season attended does not,imho,allow anyone on here to tell anyone else that their views are more worthwhile. :Sleep12:

Sorry,came over all pompous for a minute :laugh:

Enjoy the forum,and if you go on most other forums i think you'll find that ours rules..... :dunno:

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Floating fan is just about right,partimer is not.

Partimers are those "fans" who claim to be loyal supporters and turn up every home game when things are going well but disappear when things are going pear shaped.They can't be arsed to watch City play B'nsley in the 2nd Rd of the FA Cup but make every effort to watch S'hampton,QPR and Argyle at AG.They like the glory train... :@


Ever since I watch city on teletext, and venture out for a couple of home games a season and the cup finals (2000 and 2003).

and your words mean he is a part-timer (by your definition). I bet the couple of home games were Swindon/QPR rather than Stockport/Wycombe!!

I don't agree with your definition, even if you choose to ignore it. Everyone's welcome at BCFC games. The more the merrier. If glory seeking is what brings people out then so be it.

I do think that people who attend regularly should get first call on tickets for popular games but that's a different issue.

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Hi and welcome.

Only one quickie point.

In your post heading, the undelining was 'curse of the small club'.

I think it's a curse if indeed curse is the right word, of every club.

It just gets emphasised at smaller clubs when there is a larger than average attendence at certain games.

If you look at the gates at clubs like Man Ure or Liverdole in the early stages of cup games, especially against lower division sides, you'll find a much lower attendence.

No-one ever seems to accuse these sides of having 'part-time' fans.

Enjoy your stay here :laugh:

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That reminds of a conversation I overheard at Swindon. There was this fella who said he might be going to Luton away but only if we got results against Swindon and Plymouth and still had something to play for.

Like you said, all these part-time fans are interested in is the glory train and they can't be arsed to go to Luton away if it is a meaningless fixture.

Part-timers, eh? Who needs 'em?

The fella you overheard was talking to me.

He said he posts on the forum, but I forget what he said his username was. Robbo something or other, I seem to recall he said.

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He said he posts on the forum, but I forget what he said his username was. Robbo something or other, I seem to recall he said.

I went to Luton... :laugh:

But.....away matches are a different matter.Its often much more difficult to get to them if you live in the Bristol area as I do.I have never critised anyone for not going to away matches and I admire those that go to all or most of them.

Partimer applies to those who don't go to AG when things are not going well but turn up in their droves when it is.

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The more the merrier. If glory seeking is what brings people out then so be it.

I do think that people who attend regularly should get first call on tickets for popular games but that's a different issue.

Agree with Chivs on this one, particularly about the tickets. Anyway, we're all glory seekers in that we want to ride on a wave of euphoria created when City achieve great things. It's just we've had more troughs that crests! Today's part-timer can be tomorrow's diehard fan, and even if not then it's the part-timers who turn the LDV finals, FA Cup ties against Prem teams etc into the crucial money-spinners that help this club compete. Over a lifetime, most of us have differing periods of commitment because of what life throws up with family and work etc, but that doesn't change how much of a fan we are or how much we love the club.

On some definitions I'm a part-timer and a glory hunter, since by the end of the season I'll have only attended three matches in the past 12 months - and they will have been Carlisle at the Millennium Stadium (just about within the year!), Leeds Utd in the pre-season friendly and our last league game against Blackpool when we will win promotion! I did fly over for the Wrexham game and Tinman's testimonial evening and actually got as far as junction 3 of the M4, but had to turn back and jet back to New York for work reasons, so I guess that doesn't count!

Never thought I'd have to label myself a glory-hunting part-timer! :laugh:

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RedTop - No one who supports City could ever be described as a glory hunter - save that tag for the guys in the office who suddenly revealed their support of Chelsea at the start of this season.

Supporting City is a labour of love with far more lows than highs. For many of us that's part of the fun - I have low expectations of the club and am pleasantly surprised when we do well, whereas your average Man utd 'fan' is weeping into his beer at the prospect of them finishing third in the Prem.


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