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The Royal Family

Mr Popodopolous

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The Royal Family.

What with the credit crunch, and rapidly detiorating economic situation, after The Queen passes away, is it time we got rid? I mean it's not exactly a ringing endorsement for modern multicultural "class is no longer a factor" Britain, is it?

Beyond the Queen it isn't great.

The Queen is an unelected head of state in what is supposed to be an electoral democracy. She's a German descended Toff from a German aristocratic lineage - the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas. Having written that, I much prefer the Queen as head of state to the likes of Lib-Lab-Con one party police state/ European Union known liar activists such as Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown etc.

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So we keep 'em then Gobbers?

I really don't know. If we became a Republic like the USA we'd risk getting the likes of George Bush as President. There again we could get someone of the calibre of former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to lead us out of the mire. The last time England became a Republic - as under Oliver Cromwell - most of Europe wanted to fight us - and we beat them. :englandsmile4wf: We could become a 'friendlier' Republic as in the mould of modern day France or Germany - probably the better option rather than making Charles King.

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Interesting .

Back in 1999 we in Australia held a referendum as to whether the Her Majesty should remain Queen of Australia or whether we should start to make tracks towards the goal of establishing an Australian Republic.

All the talking heads and smart-arse commentators advocated a change :indeed the media was wall-to-wall Republican, yet what happened ?

The status quo was thoroughly endorsed by the Australian people :the republican cause was resoundingly beaten and a Constitutional Monarchy we remain.

True, the Prime Minister of the time, John Howard ,was a Monarchist and the beaten Republicans claimed that he skewed the way the questions were put: but the fact remains that Elizabeth II reigns here still.

My own thoughts are that it is one thing to advocate the abolition of particular institutions:- anyone can do it- but not nearly so easy to come up with viable and safe replacements

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If you get rid of the Royal family it is one further step on the road that is turning England into just another identikit European country that happens to be called England.

The Queen - as our unelected head of state - signed the European Union Lisbon Treaty last summer in virtual secrecy thus condemning England to being yet another 'identikit European Union country'. The Queen should have refused to sign it as there is no clear mandate from the English people for it nor did Gordon Brown give us the vote on the Lisbon Treaty as he promised.

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The Queen - as our unelected head of state - signed the European Union Lisbon Treaty last summer in virtual secrecy thus condemning England to being yet another 'identikit European Union country'. The Queen should have refused to sign it as there is no clear mandate from the English people for it nor did Gordon Brown give us the vote on the Lisbon Treaty as he promised.

Very tame views by your usual standards RG. I would have thought that you'd would have been a staunch republican.

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Okay, so like the country, this board is mostly pro Royal?

That is a good point about Australia, but from what I read a few weeks ago, the Republican movement there is looking more likely.

Then, you have the fact that 0.6% of the population, the aristocracy I think, own 69% of the land in Britain. At the very least, make them redundant!


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All hail President Blair.

Yeah that one line makes up my mind to keep the monarchy. It doesn't matter really who's the head of state but apparently the royals bring in more money than it costs so what's the harm of keeping them?

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Very tame views by your usual standards RG. I would have thought that you'd would have been a staunch republican.

I am a staunch English Republican, but like His Excellency Oliver Cromwell I don't trust Scottish politicians or even our own English Toff inbred politicians. If we didn't have the German descended aristocrats as heads of state we'd have had two Scotsmen in succession as heads of state of England - war mongering Blair and 'finance expert' Brown. :noexpression: We might all have to emigrate to Australia soon and make it an English Republic in the sun. :winner_third_h4h:

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I am a staunch English Republican, but like His Excellency Oliver Cromwell I don't trust Scottish politicians or even our own English Toff inbred politicians. If we didn't have the German descended aristocrats as heads of state we'd have had two Scotsmen in succession as heads of state of England - war mongering Blair and 'finance expert' Brown. :noexpression: We might all have to emigrate to Australia soon and make it an English Republic in the sun. :winner_third_h4h:

And you would be very welcome. The main draw-back is that it's such a bloody long way from Ashton Gate.

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And you would be very welcome. The main draw-back is that it's such a bloody long way from Ashton Gate.

Thank you Sir, my Uncle went to Australia circa 1970 on the £10 assisted passage scheme. He couldn't get a job in Bristol but became a rich man in Australia having been given the opportunity of a good job. Australia was and still is a "young man's" country - but I ain't too young anymore. :whistle2: Long live Australia as the land of opportunity for the Bristolian oppressed/dispossed. :dancing6:

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