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We're An "unfashionable Side"

Barrs Court Red

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so wher do you think the likes of reading are at the moment? i would say that they are pretty fasionable in the ccc. Their new stadium has done wonders for them being able to attract players,although the fact that they are on the outskirts of london helps,but the fanbase thing doesnt hold much water in thier case.

gotta pick you up on the 40,000 at the gate nogbad,it was a little over 38,000 an the east end was heaving in my recollection.No chance of a p*** at half time!!

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Guest Red Nee Tot
If we're unfashionable what the hell does that make bristol rovers (apart from a laughing stock)?

Exactly the same -- Unfashionable. Nothing wrong in that.

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Guest Red Nee Tot
An unfashionable laughing stock with a club song despised and ridiculed the length and breadth of Great Britain ( in fact the whole World).

........ a camp pirate for a badge.

..........and they're crap. :yes:

Things don't look too good for the gas. :D:city:

Well reading your statement -- At least Rovers are acknowledged and known ( "in fact the whole world" ). Must be up there with The Milan's,Man Utd & Real Madrid according to you then.

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so wher do you think the likes of reading are at the moment? I would say that they are pretty fasionable in the ccc. Their new stadium has done wonders for them being able to attract players,although the fact that they are on the outskirts of london helps,but the fanbase thing doesnt hold much water in thier case.

Reading's population, I reckon, is about half that of Bristol. This puts us on about equal footing in terms of catchment, no? (given Reading has 1 football league club).

Obviously we haven't got a new stadium yet, but if we get this and then go up with it we can draw a lot of paralells with them.

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And an "unfashionable" club we will remain, if every time we attract new supportors they get abused as often is the case on this board. Or another example being that the Chairman is busting a gut trying to get a new stadium and many on here again quake at the thought of progress.

I really couldn't give a stuff what Mr Robbie Savage thinks of Bristol City, I'm more concerned of the inferiority complex that many City fans have. I am pretty sure we have achieved much more than many thought possiable, thats why I read "we are punching above our weight" and the like. City has achieved what it has in the last couple of years through, hard work, good man management, skill and no little belief. And most of all has by and large deserved everthing it has achieved.

We could all name a list of football teams whose achievements, which it is not unreasonable to expect that we could match. But if we listen to what the football establishment thinks of this club we might as well pack up now. Keep getting behind the team and keep wanting excellance, don't be afraid of it. Be realistic by all means but don't hold the club back by acepting second best.

There endith the first lesson....please leave a donation in the tray on your way out.

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According to Robbie Savage (May have been Salako if not) on the Big League on Sky.

Maybe this reflects why we seem to miss out on players, especially perhaps loan signings from big clubs like Arsenal.

Thoughts? I tend to agree, while some of our own seem to think we're a big club, the fact is we've done nothing of note since the 70's so can see why people outside of the area take little notce of City.

Fashion is for the pretentious materialist narcissists, what kind of metrosexual blusher wearing drip would link a football club with Fashion? Oh yea, Robbie Savage. :laugh:

Maybe Robbie is confusing Fashion with Success, if so he's an even bigger #### than i thought.

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According to Robbie Savage (May have been Salako if not) on the Big League on Sky.

Maybe this reflects why we seem to miss out on players, especially perhaps loan signings from big clubs like Arsenal.

Thoughts? I tend to agree, while some of our own seem to think we're a big club, the fact is we've done nothing of note since the 70's so can see why people outside of the area take little notce of City.

We got a very strong solid team and should have a look at the young flair that in five years time will double our crowd and fill the new stadium.

That's what scouting is about.

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I don't see any problem in being an un-fashionable club. If people really consider clubs like Birmingham city and Reading as ''fasionable'' than i really am shocked. The championship is full of has been clubs IMO striving to get back to where they were a few years ago and the majority of them are failing miserably (Ipswhich Norwhich Coventry etc etc).

After last seasons great sucess i think the majority of non-city fans across the country consider us to be an average championship team on the same level as the likes of Preston Burnley Cardiff etc etc. Shorly three years ago the plan was to be like a Preston or Burnley or have i missed something?

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In terms of the national perception of our football club Robbie Savage was spot on - I don't know why people get so touchy about it. We are a mid table to play off seeking Championship club getting crowds of around 16K. It hardly classifies us as some sort of massive club and it doesn't really qualify us to use Barcelona's "more than a football club" logo does it? We may be unfashionable but as long as we are progressive there is nothing to be embarrassed about. There are plenty of other clubs in the West Country who don't even make it as far as "unfashionable" - they are out and out "backwater".

As I understand things the Big League Weekend programme generally had nothing but positives to say about us - that is what we should be concentrating on and be happy about at the moment. We are getting noticed and for the right reasons. The media are being forced to accept that we are more than a flash in the pan who would get found out in our second season and most, bar a few insular London hacks who wouldn't even credit us if we won the Champions League, have been gracious enough to say so.

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Fashions come and go. Once the most fashionable clubs were Blackpool Preston and Huddersfield, none of which you would call fashionable now. These were followed by the likes of Derby, Forest, and Leeds, who although still have some draw, aren't in the "Big Boys" league. Football has change alot over the past 20 years and the cycle of clubs peaking and falling has to a certain extent ended because money has taken over in Football.

Robbie Savages comment weren't, to my mind, derogatory but a reflection on where we stand at the moment in the world of football. That said our stock is rising and if we keep playing attractive football and continue to have some success with that our reputation will grow. And the fans at AG can help raise that profile by making our home games a cauldron of noise. If we can impress big names in the game by supporting those wearing those Red shirts then the quality loans will follow

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From what I saw of Robbie Savage on sky sports, it seems we as a club more so than a team are seen as the back water bunch as many have said punching above our own weight but I think he did drop a few hints that as a footballing side we are gaining the respect of teams in that division. I think a lot of people look at Bristol City without realising how big both the city of Bristol and the history of this club is. Perhaps we never encountered that phase in a clubs history where they really come into the limelight. Perhaps this is because our time is still to come. Keep the faith sooner or later we will be recognized as both a formidable club and team.

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And an "unfashionable" club we will remain, if every time we attract new supportors they get abused as often is the case on this board. Or another example being that the Chairman is busting a gut trying to get a new stadium and many on here again quake at the thought of progress.

I really couldn't give a stuff what Mr Robbie Savage thinks of Bristol City, I'm more concerned of the inferiority complex that many City fans have. I am pretty sure we have achieved much more than many thought possiable, thats why I read "we are punching above our weight" and the like. City has achieved what it has in the last couple of years through, hard work, good man management, skill and no little belief. And most of all has by and large deserved everthing it has achieved.

We could all name a list of football teams whose achievements, which it is not unreasonable to expect that we could match. But if we listen to what the football establishment thinks of this club we might as well pack up now. Keep getting behind the team and keep wanting excellance, don't be afraid of it. Be realistic by all means but don't hold the club back by acepting second best.

There endith the first lesson....please leave a donation in the tray on your way out.

Well spoken that man.

There are limits to every teams ability to progress but with a positive attitude this club could really become a force.

If you have low asperations then you achieve little. Look at our city council, run by small minded local politicians

who are scared shatless to make decisions to push our City forward for fear of upsetting a minority.

It's no wonder people think of us as a small place in Wales.

Aim high and think big and we'll achieve something.

COME ON LET'S GO FOR IT, what are people frightened of failure ?

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Reading's population, I reckon, is about half that of Bristol. This puts us on about equal footing in terms of catchment, no? (given Reading has 1 football league club).

Obviously we haven't got a new stadium yet, but if we get this and then go up with it we can draw a lot of paralells with them.

Reading used to get about 7 or 8 thousand tops at Elm Park. We ARE a far bigger club than them IMO. Places like Derby are real football towns, Reading isnt.

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We are a team on the up and i think are time as a big team will come as i think were building towards it. I think we will be a bigger club then Derby soon and i think once in the premier will we do alot better then they did.

Great post mate. I was going to say the same.

Let's hope we are both right.


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so wher do you think the likes of reading are at the moment? i would say that they are pretty fasionable in the ccc. Their new stadium has done wonders for them being able to attract players,although the fact that they are on the outskirts of london helps,but the fanbase thing doesnt hold much water in thier case.

gotta pick you up on the 40,000 at the gate nogbad,it was a little over 38,000 an the east end was heaving in my recollection.No chance of a p*** at half time!!

I know what the official gate was parkender, but it was widely accepted at the time that there were several thousand more than that packed into the ground, hence my statement that the actual gate was 40,000 plus.

I watched City from the Kop at Anfield once in the 70's and the swaying of the crowd in there that day was nothing compared to the surges in the East End for that home match. Even the Enclosure was constantly surging towards the dug outs.

So officially you're right but at the time the gate was thought to be about 41,000.

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  • Admin
In terms of the national perception of our football club Robbie Savage was spot on - I don't know why people get so touchy about it. We are a mid table to play off seeking Championship club getting crowds of around 16K. It hardly classifies us as some sort of massive club and it doesn't really qualify us to use Barcelona's "more than a football club" logo does it? We may be unfashionable but as long as we are progressive there is nothing to be embarrassed about. There are plenty of other clubs in the West Country who don't even make it as far as "unfashionable" - they are out and out "backwater".

As I understand things the Big League Weekend programme generally had nothing but positives to say about us - that is what we should be concentrating on and be happy about at the moment. We are getting noticed and for the right reasons. The media are being forced to accept that we are more than a flash in the pan who would get found out in our second season and most, bar a few insular London hacks who wouldn't even credit us if we won the Champions League, have been gracious enough to say so.

A fan of another club on a different forum did try labelling us "two season wonders" ;)

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It's currently Fashionable to be Unfashionable

Red is the new black :D

I think the way it is looked at outside of Bristol is that we are quite a distance from the major well known footballing cities of England. London is the main place that attract footballers because of the lights/glamour etc. Same with Manchester in a way. Birmingham is getting that way too.

Bristol has this media stigma of being wurzel country, out of the way and a bit behind. How many times do you hear on the radio/TV people going oooarrrr and tractor driving when Bristol/Somerset is mentioned etc.

As far as the media/football sides are concerned, BCFC is a team full of scruffy players wearing wellies, straw for hair and all looking for Aunt Sally. :farmer:

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Red is the new black :D

Bristol has this media stigma of being wurzel country, out of the way and a bit behind. How many times do you hear on the radio/TV people going oooarrrr and tractor driving when Bristol/Somerset is mentioned etc.

I think that Bristol is a backwater in football terms, but certainly not in other areas - its widely regarded as a top business and retail location, as well as being one of the best places to live - thats why rents and property prices are higher than most other locations.

As touched upon earlier in this thread, if we had been blessed with businesslike Council officials instead of a succession of anti commerce tree huggers we would be even more succesful as a city.

As for the accent, how many times does the media portray a thick person as a Brummie, or a clever person as a jock? - neither are correct, the same as Scouse thieves, black muggers or Cockney wide boys - anyone who thinks a Bristolian goes to work in a tractor has no idea about the size of the place.

Somerset is pretty rural in the main of course.

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Guest ashtonyate

Its all down to perception how we are viewed and if you look at the both Clubs of Bristol their record is very poor so it no wonder how we are viewed.

I think we are the biggest City in England never to have a Premier League side, for most of our lives we have both been Third Division teams.

I wonder where it went wrong because in the early years we were up there with the best a Cup final in 1909 Fatty Wedlock England International yet it all went pear shape.

Hopefully the good times may come back we are heading slowly in the right direction but history has a habit of repeating itself.

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We're an unfashionable side because as AY alludes to, we have spent just four seasons in top flight football out of the 108 seasons since we joined the football league. Let's face it, most of our history has been spent as lower league strugglers.

It will take years in the top flight to be given credence as a fashionable side, with good cup runs thrown in too.

I have no doubt that we are going in the right direction but it 's not going to happen overnight.

Getting a mention now and then and a bit of respect from some football pundits for the attractive, flowing football we can play is going to have to suffice for the time being.

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