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What The Chairman Said At The Norwich Q&a

thatcham red

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Find out what the Chairman is currently thinking.............


Regarding the comment about the 0871 number, folks might want to use a website called 'say no to 0870' - just type in the 08 number and there's a good chance they will have an alternative STD.

I use it all the time - usually get a switchboard and they put you where you want to go - the 0871 222 6666 has an alternative number shown.

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Interesting reading, cheers for that. Who on earth verbally abused him at the Wolves game then? I know we were 1-0 down but that's just madness.

that was the other bloke who forked out 5 quid hanging on line for 2 away tickets. :noexpression:

they should in all seriousness scrap the 0871 number.. it reminds me of a nasty little stealth tax by this rotten gov't. totally unnecessary, raises a pathetic few bob but really annoys the crapper out of people. :disapointed2se:

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Find out what the Chairman is currently thinking.............


What I found interesting was Steve's comments on standing at away games. I appreciate that everybody stands behind the goals now, even at Premier League level, but I find it surprising that Steve seems resigned to this fact and told people to try to swap seats within the stand to ensure a good view, rather than encourage everybody to remain seated at all times. When you consider that this involves us sorting it out amongst ourselves (his words), in other clubs stadiums, which are often a lot stricter than AG about sitting in the right place, and the standing up issue, it's no wonder that fights break out, and I just feel that the correct answer here would have been to always sit in the right seat, and comply with ground regulations. I know that it will never happen, and I don't want it to, as I love standing at away games, but rules, as they say, are rules.

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What I found interesting was Steve's comments on standing at away games. I appreciate that everybody stands behind the goals now, even at Premier League level, but I find it surprising that Steve seems resigned to this fact and told people to try to swap seats within the stand to ensure a good view, rather than encourage everybody to remain seated at all times. When you consider that this involves us sorting it out amongst ourselves (his words), in other clubs stadiums, which are often a lot stricter than AG about sitting in the right place, and the standing up issue, it's no wonder that fights break out, and I just feel that the correct answer here would have been to always sit in the right seat, and comply with ground regulations. I know that it will never happen, and I don't want it to, as I love standing at away games, but rules, as they say, are rules.

And opinions are opinions! sounds like mr landsdown is with the people on this one. No stiff establishment clone here!

Note I wasnt there...not sure what was actually said. but it sounds reasonable that if people wish to stand they should head for the back and vice versa.

human communication can be a marvelous thing,regardless of allocated seating!

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Guest ashtonyate
The stadium name will be subject to who is prepared to pay for it

You can see it now. ' You coming down the Durex stadium tonight ? '

There is no harm having a shot stopper in your team

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In all seriousness, the fact that our new stadium will be named after a corporate sponser horrifies me


Kind of inevitable though wasn't it. If it is named after a sponsor hopefully it'll be like St Mary's which was the Friends Provident St Marys Stadium but everyone just referred to it as St Mary's and after a few years they were able to drop it.

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  • SC&T Board Members
Kind of inevitable though wasn't it. If it is named after a sponsor hopefully it'll be like St Mary's which was the Friends Provident St Marys Stadium but everyone just referred to it as St Mary's and after a few years they were able to drop it.

... and they therefore lost millions of pounds.

It's exactly for that reason that it's important for the club to refer to the new stadium at this stage as, well simply, "the new stadium" and not by any soubriquet that may be used in the future, especially by the media, in place of the commercial name.

The key as far as the suitability of the sponsor is concerned will be to try to find one that is both willing to pay the appropriate amount of money AND is a good 'fit' / 'sounds right'. Quite a challenge!

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I'm more concerned with being "merged" with the Atyeo. I somehow can't see that working.

I can, if those in the Eastend are given first chance to buy in a designated singing block behind the goal.

Once those fans have had an opportunity to buy, the tickets can be rolled out to fans from other stands, so those who want the Eastend atmosphere, but haven't moved because they prefer the sightlines from other stands, can buy the remaining seats in the singing block.

Other fans who want to be behind the goal but aren't as interested in the 'Eastend experience' can fill in around the singing block.

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I can, if those in the Eastend are given first chance to buy in a designated singing block behind the goal.

Once those fans have had an opportunity to buy, the tickets can be rolled out to fans from other stands, so those who want the Eastend atmosphere, but haven't moved because they prefer the sightlines from other stands, can buy the remaining seats in the singing block.

Other fans who want to be behind the goal but aren't as interested in the 'Eastend experience' can fill in around the singing block.

Sorry chap, but fans behind the goal in the Atyeo would have a right old moan if us Eastenders were seen to have first dibs on a new stand.

You system would work yes, I just can't see the club doing it.

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Sorry chap, but fans behind the goal in the Atyeo would have a right old moan if us Eastenders were seen to have first dibs on a new stand.

You system would work yes, I just can't see the club doing it.

There'd be room for them too.

Say you have 1,000 people in the Eastend. I'd guess around half of those are in there for the atmosphere, with a similar number in there to take advantage of the lower price.

Taking that as a rough guide, you'd have 500 or so taking up the seats in the designated singing block from the Eastend, and I'd say a further 600-800 from other stands who would like to join in once there's a new stand with good sightlines.

That should accommodate most who want to sing, with the rest filling in around the singing block. They could be placed as close as possible to the singing block, depending on whether they want to be involved or not.

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There'd be room for them too.

Say you have 1,000 people in the Eastend. I'd guess around half of those are in there for the atmosphere, with a similar number in there to take advantage of the lower price.

Taking that as a rough guide, you'd have 500 or so taking up the seats in the designated singing block from the Eastend, and I'd say a further 600-800 from other stands who would like to join in once there's a new stand with good sightlines.

That should accommodate most who want to sing, with the rest filling in around the singing block. They could be placed as close as possible to the singing block, depending on whether they want to be involved or not.

But the thing is, if you have the singing section behind the goal, people will still get tickets there just because it's how they're sitting now.

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But the thing is, if you have the singing section behind the goal, people will still get tickets there just because it's how they're sitting now.

I'm sure a few will, despite being told quite clearly that it's a singing section.

But providing enough genuine singers take up the seats, those who don't like it will soon ask to be moved along to the next block.

To my mind, it is absolutely vital that the mistakes made when the Atyeo was opened aren't repeated when we move to the new stadium. The club can see what's possible when those who want to create an atmosphere are allowed to get together, so it is in their interests to ensure it isn't diluted when we move.

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I'm sure a few will, despite being told quite clearly that it's a singing section.

But providing enough genuine singers take up the seats, those who don't like it will soon ask to be moved along to the next block.

To my mind, it is absolutely vital that the mistakes made when the Atyeo was opened aren't repeated when we move to the new stadium. The club can see what's possible when those who want to create an atmosphere are allowed to get together, so it is in their interests to ensure it isn't diluted when we move.

I'm not confident that those mistakes will be avoided. When it comes to tickets and their allocation, I find the club lazy, but then I guess this is down to staffing constraints.

It would be a nightmare if there isn't some sort of segregation because it'd be a crying shame if boisterous lads suddenly end up surrounded by families - For both parties.

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In all seriousness, the fact that our new stadium will be named after a corporate sponser horrifies me


I always think of Huddersfield when the subject of stadia names after a sponser crops up. Having it names after a company is one thing, but when Huddersfield built their new ground it was named The Alfred McAlpine Stadium, shortened to the McAlpine Stadium, but after the 10 year agreement expired was named the Galpharm Stadium. Presumably this has a limited agreement, and so one day, will be changed again. I really hope that, if we go down the route of officially naming the new ground after a company, it will always Ashton Gate, or the New Gate to the fans.

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... and they therefore lost millions of pounds.

It's exactly for that reason that it's important for the club to refer to the new stadium at this stage as, well simply, "the new stadium" and not by any soubriquet that may be used in the future, especially by the media, in place of the commercial name.

The key as far as the suitability of the sponsor is concerned will be to try to find one that is both willing to pay the appropriate amount of money AND is a good 'fit' / 'sounds right'. Quite a challenge!

I think long term, whatever the sponsor name is, many will just refer to the new ground as "ashton vale"

the lads I'm going with already do, and I think it's a term that will only grow in time, all stadiums will have a corperate name, but many fans will just refer to it as another non corperate name,

I think regardless of what the new ground is offically name, the fans will refer to it as Ashton Vale,

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I think long term, whatever the sponsor name is, many will just refer to the new ground as "ashton vale"

the lads I'm going with already do, and I think it's a term that will only grow in time, all stadiums will have a corperate name, but many fans will just refer to it as another non corperate name,

I think regardless of what the new ground is offically name, the fans will refer to it as Ashton Vale,

Many might i suppose but i would have thought that many many fans, myself included, would prefer it to still be called Ashton gate or ,as Kingpin says, the new gate. Is there not another part of the forum dedicated to this?

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I'm not confident that those mistakes will be avoided. When it comes to tickets and their allocation, I find the club lazy, but then I guess this is down to staffing constraints.

It would be a nightmare if there isn't some sort of segregation because it'd be a crying shame if boisterous lads suddenly end up surrounded by families - For both parties.

I agree it would be a nightmare, which is why I think it's very important that communications open as soon as possible, so the club knows the importance of getting it right for everyone.

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