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After all the bitching from a certain individual(s) that has been going on for some time now I thought the comments in todays WDP are a final vindication that re-opening the East End has been a very positive move and although impossible to quantify,has helped gain points over the season.

Direct quotes from GJ "They've been singing and bouncing around in there for the whole season" and "Our supporters in the East End led the singing against Southampton in our last home game and got people in the other stands going"."They orchestrated the whole thing and the atmosphere was brilliant,it's the fans playing their part and it definatley helps the players.

I don't think we need say anymore and no I'm not "Biggin Up" the East End just fed up of the constant bitchin when we should all be standing united at this crucial stage of the season.

Looking forward to Saturday when I'm sure the East End will once again orchestrate.

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After all the bitching from a certain individual(s) that has been going on for some time now I thought the comments in todays WDP are a final vindication that re-opening the East End has been a very positive move and although impossible to quantify,has helped gain points over the season.

Direct quotes from GJ "They've been singing and bouncing around in there for the whole season" and "Our supporters in the East End led the singing against Southampton in our last home game and got people in the other stands going"."They orchestrated the whole thing and the atmosphere was brilliant,it's the fans playing their part and it definatley helps the players.

I don't think we need say anymore and no I'm not "Biggin Up" the East End just fed up of the constant bitchin when we should all be standing united at this crucial stage of the season.

Looking forward to Saturday when I'm sure the East End will once again orchestrate.

I'll admit that I was very doubtfull when the 'open the EE' campaign was underway. I couldn't see it working and shared the view of the club at the time. I was not afraid to express my views on here and took some dreadfull personal abuse via this forum because of it. I was even threatened with violence on one occaision which re-inforced my views at that time.

Personally I'm delighted that the EE and the 'bouncearound' craze has taken off and brought much press attention to the club. No doubt that its had a positive effect on the players as both Sproule and Lee Johnson say in thier interviews on World. Long may it continue.

However, what I and some others take a dislike to is regular threads on here from Eastenders crowing and intimating that its all down to them as uber fans to create an atmosphere and that every other City fan in AG is some kind of dull and disinterested underling.

Facts are that the Wedlocks with its low roof is perfect for allowing the noise generated to spread out into the rest of the stadium. Noise generated in other stands simply disperses upwards with far less effect. Put the Eastenders in the Atyeo Stand and the same level of noise would not be so noticable.

Lots of fans in Dolman and Atyeo try very hard to create noise but with open design of the stands the noise goes up rather than out but those efforts are never acknowledged by those in the EE. At the end of the day we are all City fans and we all make an effort to create an atmosphere and thats just what happened at Reading.

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Guest RobbieTurner
I'll admit that I was very doubtfull when the 'open the EE' campaign was underway. I couldn't see it working and shared the view of the club at the time. I was not afraid to express my views on here and took some dreadfull personal abuse via this forum because of it. I was even threatened with violence on one occaision which re-inforced my views at that time.

Personally I'm delighted that the EE and the 'bouncearound' craze has taken off and brought much press attention to the club. No doubt that its had a positive effect on the players as both Sproule and Lee Johnson say in thier interviews on World. Long may it continue.

However, what I and some others take a dislike to is regular threads on here from Eastenders crowing and intimating that its all down to them as uber fans to create an atmosphere and that every other City fan in AG is some kind of dull and disinterested underling.

Facts are that the Wedlocks with its low roof is perfect for allowing the noise generated to spread out into the rest of the stadium. Noise generated in other stands simply disperses upwards with far less effect. Put the Eastenders in the Atyeo Stand and the same level of noise would not be so noticable.

Lots of fans in Dolman and Atyeo try very hard to create noise but with open design of the stands the noise goes up rather than out but those efforts are never acknowledged by those in the EE. At the end of the day we are all City fans and we all make an effort to create an atmosphere and thats just what happened at Reading.

Nobody should have to put up with threats of any kind because of their views. As you say we are City - we should stand together and applaude each other.

I do understand what you are saying about certain members of the EE. I myself have started going in the EE and giving my ST to my wife, and whilst I find it an amazing atmosphere and tremendous laugh in there, I must say that some of the views and way things are expressed by certain EE members leaves a lot to be desired on this forum that is.

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The Eastend has had an amazing positive effect on the atmosphere at the Gate that is very true and long may it grow and continue.

Let's go with that and take it forward and not descend into yet another 'which part of the ground is better than which' debate. After all we all want the same thing don't we.

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I'll admit that I was very doubtfull when the 'open the EE' campaign was underway. I couldn't see it working and shared the view of the club at the time. I was not afraid to express my views on here and took some dreadfull personal abuse via this forum because of it. I was even threatened with violence on one occaision which re-inforced my views at that time.

Personally I'm delighted that the EE and the 'bouncearound' craze has taken off and brought much press attention to the club. No doubt that its had a positive effect on the players as both Sproule and Lee Johnson say in thier interviews on World. Long may it continue.

However, what I and some others take a dislike to is regular threads on here from Eastenders crowing and intimating that its all down to them as uber fans to create an atmosphere and that every other City fan in AG is some kind of dull and disinterested underling.

Facts are that the Wedlocks with its low roof is perfect for allowing the noise generated to spread out into the rest of the stadium. Noise generated in other stands simply disperses upwards with far less effect. Put the Eastenders in the Atyeo Stand and the same level of noise would not be so noticable.

Lots of fans in Dolman and Atyeo try very hard to create noise but with open design of the stands the noise goes up rather than out but those efforts are never acknowledged by those in the EE. At the end of the day we are all City fans and we all make an effort to create an atmosphere and thats just what happened at Reading.

I don't recall any Eastenders crowing and claiming to be uber fans and although the design of the East End helps in terms of volume it isn't the only factor.I feel sure that if like minded supporters are able to congregate in any stand then an atmosphere can be created.

I used to sit in the Atyeo and it would sometimes be the devils own job to get anything going in there unless we were in a playoff game or 4-0 up.I would quite like the challange of the current East Enders swapping with the Atyeo for a game just to see what could be achieved,I think you may be surprised.

As you go on to say the atmosphere at Reading was great and this was in a stand with a open design similar to the Atyeo/Dolman.

The simple truth is that when the East End was originally closed to home fans the singing supporters moved to differant parts of the ground.It wasn't until it was opened again that those who wanted to make a noise could do so together in one stand.

As GJ has stated this has had a positive effect on the pitch and long may it continue,so although not claiming to be uber fans or any more special than someone who sits in the Williams and says nothing it is the East End that has been the catalyst for waking everyone from their slumber

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I'll admit that I was very doubtfull when the 'open the EE' campaign was underway. I couldn't see it working and shared the view of the club at the time. I was not afraid to express my views on here and took some dreadfull personal abuse via this forum because of it. I was even threatened with violence on one occaision which re-inforced my views at that time.

Personally I'm delighted that the EE and the 'bouncearound' craze has taken off and brought much press attention to the club. No doubt that its had a positive effect on the players as both Sproule and Lee Johnson say in thier interviews on World. Long may it continue.

However, what I and some others take a dislike to is regular threads on here from Eastenders crowing and intimating that its all down to them as uber fans to create an atmosphere and that every other City fan in AG is some kind of dull and disinterested underling.

Facts are that the Wedlocks with its low roof is perfect for allowing the noise generated to spread out into the rest of the stadium. Noise generated in other stands simply disperses upwards with far less effect. Put the Eastenders in the Atyeo Stand and the same level of noise would not be so noticable.

Lots of fans in Dolman and Atyeo try very hard to create noise but with open design of the stands the noise goes up rather than out but those efforts are never acknowledged by those in the EE. At the end of the day we are all City fans and we all make an effort to create an atmosphere and thats just what happened at Reading.

You have done your bit batting for the Dolman stand mind, but the Eastend is the only stand where fans behind you don't tell you to sit cause they cant see the game; those who want to sit, sit near the front and common sense prevails.

It is also where you don't have to sit in a particular seat and you can stand/sit and support with your mates and like minded fans who want to enjoy the match day exp their way and where-ever you want.

If there wasnt still restrictions on admission to the Eastend many, many more fans would go in there and it would be the first to fill up.

I have no problem with fans in any stand each to his/her own and yes we are batting for the same team.

It is a vast improvement on the crazy situation a few years back thanks to the club and CH and co who have made great strides forward.

Time for an end to pointless digs and fishing posts aimed at a stand where many fans are and more wish they were, and time to move on and join as one.

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I was not afraid to express my views on here and took some dreadfull personal abuse via this forum because of it.

As the old showbiz saying goes: "if the sound of booing makes you cry, don't play the panto villain".

Fair play to all those who have made the East End revival work. Time for their detractors - those who were fishing, winding up, calling it "an irrelevant sideshow", etc. - to admit they were wrong, give praise where it's due and, in some cases, grow up a bit.

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You have done your bit batting for the Dolman stand mind, but the Eastend is the only stand where fans behind you don't tell you to sit cause they cant see the game; those who want to sit, sit near the front and common sense prevails.

It is also where you don't have to sit in a particular seat and you can stand/sit and support with your mates and like minded fans who want to enjoy the match day exp their way and where-ever you want.

If there wasnt still restrictions on admission to the Eastend many, many more fans would go in there and it would be the first to fill up.

I have no problem with fans in any stand each to his/her own and yes we are batting for the same team.

It is a vast improvement on the crazy situation a few years back thanks to the club and CH and co who have made great strides forward.

Time for an end to pointless digs and fishing posts aimed at a stand where many fans are and more wish they were, and time to move on and join as one.

Amen to that

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As the old showbiz saying goes: "if the sound of booing makes you cry, don't play the panto villain".

Fair play to all those who have made the East End revival work. Time for their detractors - those who were fishing, winding up, calling it "an irrelevant sideshow", etc. - to admit they were wrong, give praise where it's due and, in some cases, grow up a bit.

We could be waiting a while for that admission and no one who sits in the East End wants praise just an acknowledgement that the East End being open has done so much to lift the atmosphere and enhance the matchday experiance of so many

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the Eastend is the only stand where fans behind you don't tell you to sit cause they cant see the game; those who want to sit, sit near the front and common sense prevails.

It is also where you don't have to sit in a particular seat and you can stand/sit and support with your mates and like minded fans who want to enjoy the match day exp their way and where-ever you want.

It is a vast improvement on the crazy situation a few years back thanks to the club and CH and co who have made great strides forward.


fao:cynic. These are the principles we are adhering to and anyone who shares the idealism is inclusive in it, current EE or not. It's not hierarchical it's simply defending our own interests.

The fear in the new ground is that this is all going to be blown out the water and the new AG becomes a morgue as the old one was for years before.

Southampton away last season was the most extreme example of the potential hazardous results if difference is not respected and catered for.

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I have no issue with that at all and I think the supporters in the East End (especially those instrumental in getting it opened in the first place) have been fantastic in their support and galvanising the rest of the ground.

I was pointing out that there is definitely tiny minority who have a distinct "us and them" attitude and Robbored was correct in pointing it out. As I say, it's a tiny minority who have no detrimental effect as they are rightly ignored or ridiculed.

I was at Southampton last season to witness that debacle and I understand what you are saying.

There are "tiny minorities" in all the stands who are right pain in the Arsenals who will moan and groan at anything and also think they are the dogs wotsits etc, etc but i.m.h.o RR has a thing with winding people up, particularly if they use the E.E. :disapointed2se:

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but i.m.h.o RR has a thing with winding people up, particularly if they use the E.E. :disapointed2se:

No I do not. Some people react aggressively to certain points of view that they do not a) understand or b) comprehend. They have a 'if you're not with us, then you are against us' attitude that is completely inflexible.

Simply because another poster has a different perspective does not deserve personal abuse and accusations that they are a 'wind-up' merchant. That said I do realise that many of these posters cannot engage in a reasoned debate and resort to attacks on the poster.

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The East End is fantastic at the moment and long may it continue. Fans do have to realise though that some people actually like to watch football rather than admire some fat bloke standing looking in the opposite direction with his arms in the air thinking he is what we all paid to come in to see.

I guess the answer is for different parts of the ground to be clearly earmarked for different types of fans. Back in the 70s I used to love it when we all raised our scarves for "+You'll Never Walk Alone" and well remember singing "In the Sheffield slums..." at Sheff Utd and having to run like hell to get back to the coaches (all good juvenile fun). We wll need the atmosphere created by young and enthusiastic singers, flag wavers etc but right now I like it in the Atyeo where we can sing and shout when there is something to sing and shout about and sit and chew our nails when it is tense......let's get 2-0 up earlier more often and you'll hear more from my section!

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As I've written a few times before, I proposed when chatting to Steve Lansdown a couple of years ago that City fans needed a spiritual home, a 'Kop' if you like, where the singers (and bouncers!) could congregate and bring the noise.

Steve L dismissed the idea, saying 'I think that's just a myth'. That was when Ashton Gate had about as much atmosphere as the Mem! :disapointed2se:

I'm glad to say that the fans got their wish and that we can all now be part of mythology.

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No I do not. Some people react aggressively to certain points of view that they do not a) understand or b) comprehend. They have a 'if you're not with us, then you are against us' attitude that is completely inflexible.

Simply because another poster has a different perspective does not deserve personal abuse and accusations that they are a 'wind-up' merchant. That said I do realise that many of these posters cannot engage in a reasoned debate and resort to attacks on the poster.

And how is that not another wind-up?

You say that there is a section of people who attack you because they are too thick to understand your position on the East End.

Well that will build a few bridges won't it.

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Back in the 70s I used to love it when we all raised our scarves for "+You'll Never Walk Alone" and well remember singing "In the Sheffield slums..." at Sheff Utd and having to run like hell to get back to the coaches (all good juvenile fun). We wll need the atmosphere created by young and enthusiastic singers, flag wavers etc but right now I like it in the Atyeo where we can sing and shout when there is something to sing and shout about and sit and chew our nails when it is tense......let's get 2-0 up earlier more often and you'll hear more from my section!

I also remember the packed East End during the 1970's glory years. It's a different generation now that are experiencing the delights of the East End acoustics and may they soon witness the delights of top flight football as we did.

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I'd just like to add that I was cynical about how adamant the East End campaigners were at the start of last season, and was worried it would cause a world of trouble.

How wrong I was. The atmosphere on match days is now phenomenal, and while the acoustics help it is for all the reasons that campaigners were coming out with two years ago.

To my mind this is a great example of a successful fans' campaign who made their point, didn't give up, and now the whole club is reaping the benefit. Well done to everyone involved, and I apologise for not being more supportive in the first instance (not that my opinion mattered much, but even so).

Looking forward to seeing you bouncing on Saturday.

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I don't understand what it has to do with roofs, acoustics and he says she says rubbish.

Its about a group of individuals who obviously and previously used to sit in the Atyeo, the Dolman or the Williams - come together to create a bit more of an atmosphere at the gate.

Fair play to them. They are the inspiration to me - the reason I want to go in the EE at every opportunity - and I guess the inspiration behind the new Park End initiative at the Atyeo end.

Long may it continue.

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There's a couple of posts in the stadium consultation thread which seems to indicate that some don't want to share an area behind the goal with anyone other than those that use the east end.

Seems some want an east end for existing east enders as supporters from elsewhere in the ground may detract from the atmosphere.

Robbored is right - there are some who consider themselves to be uberfans and it would be divisive if it weren't so childishly stupid.

Reading the points in this thread ''struggle to get an atmosphere going in the atyeo unless a play off or 4-0 up''

you need to think back to why some asked for the EE to be open, so like minded people can get on supporting the

team without annoying those who don't share the vociferous and loud type of support, a thread on ziderheads

asked the questions below when asked WOULD JOINING THE ATYEO AND EAST END? in a New stadium be a Bad idea?

seeing the make up of the stand at ashton gate at the moment it would be as it is a very different mix in the stand due

to inbedded season tickets and williams stand movers because of that stands prem seat revamp.....

1] Will Eastenders feel less free to be so vociferous and loud in front of families?


2] Will there be fan v fan altercations like at Southampton?


3] Will the two stands joining together end up with Support like Readings?


4] Will a lot of the really noisy Eastenders simply go elsewhere?


5] Will some noisy support go elswhere and simply give up getting behind the team?


6] Will there be the same energy and colour?


7] Will it be more new Atyeo or new better Eastend?

New Atyeo

8] Is this actually a really bad idea?

It's not perfect...

I am talking about mixing vocal fans of bristol city together who share the same interest not really mixing atyeo

or eastend, dolman stands together in the current state that won't work, i'm talking of starting from scratch, new stadium, oap and family areas created, stat annorack freaks and corporate areas created, vocal vociferous support areas created in a new ground but at ashton gate this is not possible due to how inbedded people are in to their season ticket seats, the forza thing should fight to get a area in the new stadium for like minded people and those of choice some vociferous supporters sit in the dolman/atyeo and sit in suffering scilence but won't go in the EE because of the view and facilities, bar etc, but like what we do and would join in if the stand was better suited,(this is why it is important to have a decent end and why we see the comments in the new stadium thread) now this is not joining stands with like minded and unlike minded it is sifting out the ones who want to join what we have now and then put it in an area of a stand in the new ground to get the mix of view and facilities right and building the same type fan base we have in the EE now, and those who want to be in there but the ticket system won't allow it,, now i don't see that as being up ourselves or better than anyone else just considerate to other fans who don't share our way of support and not getting upset sat in the middle of it............

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No I do not. Some people react aggressively to certain points of view that they do not a) understand or b) comprehend. They have a 'if you're not with us, then you are against us' attitude that is completely inflexible.

Simply because another poster has a different perspective does not deserve personal abuse and accusations that they are a 'wind-up' merchant. That said I do realise that many of these posters cannot engage in a reasoned debate and resort to attacks on the poster.

Who are these people? mainly or no doubt exclusivly from the E.E :fastasleep: your comments at a) and b) suggests they are thick and stupid.

That kind of gets you out of the personal abuse bracket as you don't actually say who these people are.

Not going to say much more about this as its going around in circles; Each to his/her own; have a nice day tomorrow I certainly will BRING ON THE CITY :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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You say that there is a section of people who attack you because they are too thick to understand your position on the East End.

I was too polite to put it so bluntly.

My point being that no matter what the difference of opinion is about some people just have to resort to unnecessary personal abuse. Its not as bad as it once was thanks to the new forum rules but it still goes on. The reason that its not so obvious is that I've started to use the 'report' button when I see it. Fair play to the mods, they do respond quickly on most occaisions.

I would have thought that it was possible to have a reasoned and mature debate about anything on an open forum but sadly that does not appear to be so.

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Guest ashtonyate

I think the atmosphere has improved with the results if we were 22 in the league I wonder how much bouncing there would be.

They are doing a good job at the moment but all the stands are doing there bit, remembering that a lot of fans are getting on a bit and needs to sit when watching football and do not want to sing all the game.

So with people stand in the EE it would not be a good place to watch from for a lot of fans and that must be remembered at away match and respected it peoples right to sit and watch the game.

I think one danger of having a large group of highly charged youngster is if they get a few bad apples in the group they could be used to cause trouble and this must be watched carefully and stamped out if it does happen.

Lets not have we are a better stand than yours it just divides the club up we all get behind the club in our own way

and lastly get rid of that megaphone or get a quieter one that you can hear outside the EE

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I think the atmosphere has improved with the results if we were 22 in the league I wonder how much bouncing there would be.

I'd imagine there'd either be a seige mentality or a comic element inserted ala Reading. Either way it would be a far more bearable prospect than prior to the EE being re-opened.

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This whole thread does not make pleasant reading. I don't post on here often despite being a regular reader, but felt compelled to in this case.

I am an EE season ticket holder, I love it in there and I would not chose to be nowhere else (personal view). It's not for everyone, and some people do appear to have negative views. However, I can also see why some people believe they can see a "better than you" attitude.

I don't think anyone could argue it has been a positive for our club, and over the past few weeks I have seen the whole stadium acting as one (a nice change!). For whatever reason, city fans seem to be enjoying the atmosphere at Ashton gate more. Long may it continue.

Threads like this (and other similar ones) just do not help anyone. All it does it act to bring down the unity that has recently grown.

We are all BCFC fans........

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Not sure why that's directed at me as I fully understand and endorse what you are saying (as I said in post #14) and I don't feel the need to think back about anything concerning the east end as the results are there to see. I hope the new stadium does give us a home end worthy of the name where like minded supporters can gather, as that will galvanise the stadiums support and atmosphere as it has at AG.

But I would reiterate that IMO there is a tiny minority of supporters with a divisive attitude and Robbored was 100% correct in saying it.

not directed at you just talking about the quote of '' definitely tiny minority who have a distinct "us and them" attitude''

and i think some come across that way as they defend what they are proud of i guess.

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