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The Natives Are Restless.......

Will Rollason

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Did we gain a point or lose 2? Meh. We battered 'em like a piece of cod but thats football. Anyway could be worse, check these two out for some proper gnashing of teeth and wrenching out of hair. Made I chuckle, big teams and all that.....



Well there's the classic glass half full or half empty question. Point gained for me, played reasonably well and avoided a massive banana skin. :yes:

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Guest MaloneFM

Are you suggesting Jesus is a moron? With yer smart mouth and book larnin' go on GIT!

A fine staw poll for this is the Twentystone show after the game. We win and its text messages with PREM HERE WE COME, it goes a bit tits or we can't break down a defence it's all Lee Johnons fault.

It's masochism at its finest.

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For me it's 2 points dropped, especially on the back of a wonderful result against Reading.

That said had we lost against Reading and won yesterday people would be satisfied, despite only picking up 3 points from the 2 games and not 4.

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Are you suggesting Jesus is a moron? With yer smart mouth and book larnin' go on GIT!

A fine staw poll for this is the Twentystone show after the game. We win and its text messages with PREM HERE WE COME, it goes a bit tits or we can't break down a defence it's all Lee Johnons fault.

It's masochism at its finest.

Quality. Crackpots only contact phone ins because only a crackpot would.

20pence filling with the same old texts for an hour...very lowgrade broadcasting

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For me it's 2 points dropped, especially on the back of a wonderful result against Reading.

That said had we lost against Reading and won yesterday people would be satisfied, despite only picking up 3 points from the 2 games and not 4.

Swings and roundabouts in this league.

I'm glad were facing decent teams now...when teams play at us, we perform better.

Now brum have lost and sheff u won, we need to win on weds...If we do well (3pts), it'll be looking very good for the run in.

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My favourite from Wolves site:

The Manager of our club

Said, " Lets not faff about, we were hopeless and did'nt deserve anything from the game. I don't have the answer to it "

Says it all for me, CLUELESS.

unfortunately reminds me of John Ward midway through our ill fated season 98/99, he owned that he didnt know what to do and was gone ( wrongly imo) soon after. Hope Mad Mick stays in place then, gives us hope.

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Its the message on Tropical Surfers football written by Basso. Its different isn't it?

What Malone said, do keep up :rolleyes:

Oh the FOOTBALL :tumbleweed: i've been looking for a tropical surfer thread about football.

Goalkeepers and theology, uneasy mix imo... ref David Iyke, Albert Camus.

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Are you suggesting Jesus is a moron? With yer smart mouth and book larnin' go on GIT!

Let's just say, someone had classic absent father issues, with a possible oedipal complex leading to delusions of grandeur.

A fine staw poll for this is the Twentystone show after the game. We win and its text messages with PREM HERE WE COME, it goes a bit tits or we can't break down a defence it's all Lee Johnons fault.

That's probably the most accurate assessment of some City fans I've heard. There's bloke who sits behind us in the Ateyo who moans about Lee Johnson no matter what. I thought he had a good game today, we couldn't break them down but we played ok, created chances, took the initiative - well, they weren't going to. I thought their bleached blonde defender was a rock all game.

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Did we gain a point or lose 2? Meh. We battered 'em like a piece of cod but thats football. Anyway could be worse, check these two out for some proper gnashing of teeth and wrenching out of hair. Made I chuckle, big teams and all that.....



We had loads of chances but Blackpool defended well and they could have beaten us 0-1 with one of their very few chances. It's just amazing how they managed to stop us scoring but they are desperate for points to avoid the drop.

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