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Disappointed In The Club


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If I had to bet on this I reckon there was no communciation mixup at all.

The police were filming the EE from the corner of the Dolman (i.e. from above). Large waving flags would have blocked their view so my money is that's the reason.

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A communication break down here and nothing sinister, We agreed not to put the flags on the netting vs cardiff as

we would be unable to get in there early enough to do it due to the time scale the police and the security office had

to get ready for the match, we said we would not be using the flags so they may well have taken it as we meant the

flags on poles as well as big george, just a mix up and the club did not ban it as they acted on what they thought the flag owners wanted ie: no flags out.

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In many ways an inconsequential event but nevertheless important enough by some to make the effort. My understanding, if this could be confirmed, just out of interest:

-The club were told "we" didnt want the flags, by which we meant George, the message from the club to the stewards was that we didnt want the flags, and they took that to include the ones on poles.

-Presumably the drum and flags are kept in the same place.

-BBR was told he could take the drum but not the flags.

-BBR confirmed we did want the flags on poles, thereby correcting the clubs apparent breakdown in communication.

-BBR was told by the stewards, not that we had said we didnt want the flags, but they had been told we couldnt have them.

So the breakdown in communication wasnt what BBR and co wanted, because he clarified that on the day, but the breakdown in communication was the message from the club that we didnt want the flags was filtered down to the stewards that we couldnt have them.

If that implausible but nevertheless possible explanation is accepted, it leaves the question as to why a simple call to whoever that message came from wasnt possible. I suppose it depends how much time there was - what time did BBR make the request for the flags?

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In many ways an inconsequential event but nevertheless important enough by some to make the effort. My understanding, if this could be confirmed, just out of interest:

-The club were told "we" didnt want the flags, by which we meant George, the message from the club to the stewards was that we didnt want the flags, and they took that to include the ones on poles.

-Presumably the drum and flags are kept in the same place.

-BBR was told he could take the drum but not the flags.

-BBR confirmed we did want the flags on poles, thereby correcting the clubs apparent breakdown in communication.

-BBR was told by the stewards, not that we had said we didnt want the flags, but they had been told we couldnt have them.

So the breakdown in communication wasnt what BBR and co wanted, because he clarified that on the day, but the breakdown in communication was the message from the club that we didnt want the flags was filtered down to the stewards that we couldnt have them.

If that implausible but nevertheless possible explanation is accepted, it leaves the question as to why a simple call to whoever that message came from wasnt possible. I suppose it depends how much time there was - what time did BBR make the request for the flags?

I went to pick up the flags (i walked in with the new pole i bought from home for the huge flag, so they knew i wanted the wavy flags, plus me and others are always the same ones to pick up the wavy flags) about 35 minutes before kick off, as they take a while to set up.

What ciderhead said is all right, just seems to be a simple miscommunication.

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In many ways an inconsequential event but nevertheless important enough by some to make the effort. My understanding, if this could be confirmed, just out of interest:

-The club were told "we" didnt want the flags, by which we meant George, the message from the club to the stewards was that we didnt want the flags, and they took that to include the ones on poles.

-Presumably the drum and flags are kept in the same place.

-BBR was told he could take the drum but not the flags.

-BBR confirmed we did want the flags on poles, thereby correcting the clubs apparent breakdown in communication.

-BBR was told by the stewards, not that we had said we didnt want the flags, but they had been told we couldnt have them.

So the breakdown in communication wasnt what BBR and co wanted, because he clarified that on the day, but the breakdown in communication was the message from the club that we didnt want the flags was filtered down to the stewards that we couldnt have them.

If that implausible but nevertheless possible explanation is accepted, it leaves the question as to why a simple call to whoever that message came from wasnt possible. I suppose it depends how much time there was - what time did BBR make the request for the flags?

I know we said we did not want to put the big flag out with the other flags on the netting due to risk of cardiff chucking stuff on them and lack of time so it could well have been thought that the flags on poles was part of it, pm north street as he had the convo about the flags with mike pratt.

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A communication break down here and nothing sinister, We agreed not to put the flags on the netting vs cardiff as

we would be unable to get in there early enough to do it due to the time scale the police and the security office had

to get ready for the match, we said we would not be using the flags so they may well have taken it as we meant the

flags on poles as well as big george, just a mix up and the club did not ban it as they acted on what they thought the flag owners wanted ie: no flags out.

agree it was just a balls up

there's nothing much more to say on this issue.

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This is all pathethetic, people spent good money on these flags and go to the bother to collect them and fly them all to add a bit of colour to the occasion, there can be no good reason as to why they would be banned for this one game, its probably a decision made by one jobsworth, i'm afraid the buck-passing and lack of correspondence by staff at BCFC is typical and the fact that as of yet nobody has had the decency to get back to you is a disgrace

Sorry wanted to let this thread finish as it's reached a conclusion and decent fans who put in a lot of effort have been big enough to accept that it's just a mix up and they've moved on which is great. That's a good attitude. But punnett I can't let this go. You've laid in to the club in this post and suggested it was a decision made by a jobsworth. It seems that it was actually a misunderstanding. Sure we all have those - I know I do. So just somebody getting the wrong end of the stick while trying to do their best. Ok I could let that go but you've then gone on to say what a disgrace it is that nobody had got back to them. Well hang on - staff who were working at AG on a Sunday probably finished their day's work and then went home - you posted your message 48 minutes before any usual office would open on a Monday morning!!! For god's sake give people a chance.

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