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Noble Radio Interview

Ross Verbals

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anyway, yes....as a matter of fact, I was in Java that Friday night to stupid a clock, as was Noble and Murray. I just so happen to be a friend (well, I wouldnt call it a friend) of the slapper he went home with that night, and I was speaking to her about it in town on the Saturday night

You call it crap? but its not, Noble is a known face in and around the bars round town, and loves his nights out. Nothing wrong with that, of course theres not....but cant they limit there nights out to Saturday nights after games, or days off?

Two nights out in a row Andy? Wish I could still do that.

Anyway - point is Noble did have a day off on the Saturday. He would have been told that he wasn't in the squad for Derby - like most players he doesn't travel when not playing and so it was a good chance for him to get battered, stay up late and lie in the next day.

Actually it would have been the best night of the week to do it because he wouldn't be training for another couple of days. Other players who did not travel may well have been out elsewhere or sat at home drinking bottles of wine and watching films then crashing late at night - maybe staying in the next day or maybe going shopping. Very few players travel away when not in the squad - Basso, Carey, Elliott included I imagine.

I notice you didn't have a go at Scott Murray for being out.

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I don't doubt for one minute that the manager has told the player himself exactly why he no longer features in his plans.

If the player wanted to he could easily relay that information to the fans ... I'm listening ...

Any player doing that would surely be disciplined.

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Who do you think you are talking to, he gave a valid viewpoint, and you talk to him like you know everything, so what if hes "only 12", he's a City fan and a Forum member, he has a right to post as much as you do, without getting insulted by people like you.

Another aspect is the fact that who knows who the current 12 year old posters might be in 30 years time? They could have been one of this club's greatest ever players, BCFC Manager, BCFC Chairman - who knows? When I was watching this club as a 12 year old we were beating the likes of Liverpool and Man U and I'm sure those days will return soon. :winner_third_h4h:

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Another aspect is the fact that who knows who the current 12 year old posters might be in 30 years time? They could have been one of this club's greatest ever players, BCFC Manager, BCFC Chairman - who knows? When I was watching this club as a 12 year old we were beating the likes of Liverpool and Man U and I'm sure those days will return soon. :winner_third_h4h:

I admire your optimism!

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I admire your optimism!

I never thought we'd be out of the top flight of English football for so long - but I remain optimistic of a return in the not too distant future. We're not that many league places off a return to the top flight now. One final push for glory !!!!!! :winner_third_h4h:

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Surely publicly slating him would decrease the chances of us getting money for him. He'll leave for nothing at the end of the season now (we assume) so why would he risk a public slanging match?

I don't mean now - of course its too late. He will leave for free whatever is said from now on.

I meant about 6 months ago when a club who were interested would have had to pay at least a tenner for him.

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I don't mean now - of course its too late. He will leave for free whatever is said from now on.

I meant about 6 months ago when a club who were interested would have had to pay at least a tenner for him.

But I fail to see how 6 months ago it'd have helped us get money by criticising him publicly!?!

If you're trying to sell your car you tell possible buyers about how great it is and why it's worth so much - you don't shout out to everybody about the dodgy breaks, poor engine and knackered exhaust do you?

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i just think... if he'd been given a decent chance he would have got his head down, i actually saw him out a couple weeks ago and he is genuinely a nice bloke who wants to play.. but is on the piss cus he aint been given another chance.. there was another reason he gave but i wont be going into that on here! may upset a couple of people.

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Two nights out in a row Andy? Wish I could still do that.

Anyway - point is Noble did have a day off on the Saturday. He would have been told that he wasn't in the squad for Derby - like most players he doesn't travel when not playing and so it was a good chance for him to get battered, stay up late and lie in the next day.

Actually it would have been the best night of the week to do it because he wouldn't be training for another couple of days. Other players who did not travel may well have been out elsewhere or sat at home drinking bottles of wine and watching films then crashing late at night - maybe staying in the next day or maybe going shopping. Very few players travel away when not in the squad - Basso, Carey, Elliott included I imagine.

I notice you didn't have a go at Scott Murray for being out.

I'm not really having a go at him for being out, I'm just saying that, in my opinion...if he wants to be part of the team, he would have been there to support his team mates. He's a young bloke, I'd never say they shouldnt go out.....just thought that he should have been up Derby thats all. Thats just my opinion...if he wants first team football, there are ways he can show it.

As for Murray, we all know he isnt going to feature in the first team again....well, maybe on the very rare occasion, and on top of that...what does he have to prove?

Again, I wish Noble luck, great player.....just feel a total waster who will never amount to anything other then a LEague One player because he loves his social life to much

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