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Trains To Brighton - NOT


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Don't know if this has been posted elsewhere but a word of warning to anybody heeding the government's advice & taking public transport to Brighton - don't bother ! There is no service this weekend between Three Bridges & Brighton or Preston Park - you have to go via a slow, stopping, replacement bus service.

If going via London they're quoting two & a quarter hours London to Brighgton alone.

See you all in the car park then....



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It may be possible to travel to Soton or Portsmouth and change there to reach Brighton.  08459 48 49 50 Nat Rail Enqs, or ask at Temple Meads enquiries.

I would advise against getting the train to Brighton at the best of times.

Last tgime I did it it was train to Portsmouth, another train to Southampton, train from there to Brighton Central then another train to the part of Brighton where the ground is, where there is only pub within about a half hour walk.

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