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A Very Interesting Conversation......


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I had a very interesting conversation with a City player that I know over the weekend.

The player in question surprised me with some comments, particularly in regards to Lee Johnson and his relationship with the gaffer.

I think there is some unrest in the camp, especially in the midfield department.

He made a very interesting comment about 4 Central midfielders battling it out for one midfield spot.

No doubts whatsoever that he wont be at City at the end of the season but it did make me think that it will still be a midfield of Lee J and one other next season - Not good enough.

I think some of the players are doubting GJ's ability to take this club any further.

Players playing out of position?

Another mid-table finish next season?

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I had a very interesting conversation with a City player that I know over the weekend.

The player in question surprised me with some comments, particularly in regards to Lee Johnson and his relationship with the gaffer.

I think there is some unrest in the camp, especially in the midfield department.

He made a very interesting comment about 4 Central midfielders battling it out for one midfield spot.

No doubts whatsoever that he wont be at City at the end of the season but it did make me think that it will still be a midfield of Lee J and one other next season - Not good enough.

I think some of the players are doubting GJ's ability to take this club any further.

Players playing out of position?

Another mid-table finish next season?

Well my nans hairdresser's nighbours cousins aunt whos best mates with a plumber who helped fix a sink at a blokes house who claims he knows Gary Johnson says we're signing Torres?

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I had a very interesting conversation with a City player that I know over the weekend.

The player in question surprised me with some comments, particularly in regards to Lee Johnson and his relationship with the gaffer.

I think there is some unrest in the camp, especially in the midfield department.

He made a very interesting comment about 4 Central midfielders battling it out for one midfield spot.

No doubts whatsoever that he wont be at City at the end of the season but it did make me think that it will still be a midfield of Lee J and one other next season - Not good enough.

I think some of the players are doubting GJ's ability to take this club any further.

Players playing out of position?

Another mid-table finish next season?

What else would you expect Noble to say?

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What else would you expect Noble to say?

Did he mention when he's likely to be fit enough to play for Yeovil again?

In fairness, the poster has rubbished noble in the past, so maybe it's not him. Trundle, Murray and also the manager come in for some stick. I gave up when I got to Nov 2008........

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I had a very interesting conversation with a City player that I know over the weekend.

The player in question surprised me with some comments, particularly in regards to Lee Johnson and his relationship with the gaffer.

I think there is some unrest in the camp, especially in the midfield department.

He made a very interesting comment about 4 Central midfielders battling it out for one midfield spot.

No doubts whatsoever that he wont be at City at the end of the season but it did make me think that it will still be a midfield of Lee J and one other next season - Not good enough.

I think some of the players are doubting GJ's ability to take this club any further.

Players playing out of position?

Another mid-table finish next season?

Spill the beans then, don't tell me they're not related.

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I'm not really aware of this posters previous posts, so just going on this one thread.....but any reason why you feel the need to give him so much abuse??

Those with the weakest arguments shout loudest; or in the case of happy-clappy City fans abuse the most.

There is a sensible question to be asked about Lee J's license to play more or less every week for 90 mins no matter how poor his performance and, not least the affect on other players in the team.

I really hope that I am wrong but I predict, based on previous form, that Gary J will not go for a quality creative mid-fielder player this off season and will sell either Skuse or Elliott.

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One player i spoke to 3 weeks ago was very uncomplementry about another first teamer but that happens in every walk of life. I am manager I'm my place of work and although everyone gets on really well they all slag each other off at some stage.

with this grammar - no wonder the country is falling to bits

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Those with the weakest arguments shout loudest; or in the case of happy-clappy City fans abuse the most.

There is a sensible question to be asked about Lee J's license to play more or less every week for 90 mins no matter how poor his performance and, not least the affect on other players in the team.

I really hope that I am wrong but I predict, based on previous form, that Gary J will not go for a quality creative mid-fielder player this off season and will sell either Skuse or Elliott.

What cracks me up is that people on here genuinely think the City players are that proffesional that when they talk to fans or whoever, they don't speak their minds. They are not David Beckhams or Steven Gerrards....they don't get scrutinised in the media for every little comment or mis-quote, and they don't have representives like Max Clifford who treat them like puppets and tell them what to say.

On top of that, Bristol isnt that big a place, its not London with all its up market clubs that only the A-Listers are allowed in, these players, when socialising, go to the same places as everyone else. A few drinks inside them, they spill anything

What annoys me with some people on here is that if someone posts something about what a player has said, or done...they get shot down and made out like they are liars!?! or that its a certain player just being "bitter"

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What cracks me up is that people on here genuinely think the City players are that proffesional that when they talk to fans or whoever, they don't speak their minds. They are not David Beckhams or Steven Gerrards....they don't get scrutinised in the media for every little comment or mis-quote, and they don't have representives like Max Clifford who treat them like puppets and tell them what to say.

On top of that, Bristol isnt that big a place, its not London with all its up market clubs that only the A-Listers are allowed in, these players, when socialising, go to the same places as everyone else. A few drinks inside them, they spill anything

What annoys me with some people on here is that if someone posts something about what a player has said, or done...they get shot down and made out like they are liars!?! or that its a certain player just being "bitter"

So these players, who are happy to spill the beans, and drink in the same places as everyone else don't get bitter? Especially after a few sherberts? Yeah right.

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What annoys me with some people on here is that if someone posts something about what a player has said, or done...they get shot down and made out like they are liars!?! or that its a certain player just being "bitter"

Of course, the fact that these sort of views back up your pessimism has nothing to do with it?

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So these players, who are happy to spill the beans, and drink in the same places as everyone else don't get bitter? Especially after a few sherberts? Yeah right.

I didnt say they don't get bitter....the question is, do they have a right to feel bitter?? what goes on behind the scenes, we don't know....and may never eally know the full facts. All we can go on is from what we see and witness with our own eyes.....and certain players in our team don't justify a starting position week in week out.

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I had a very interesting conversation with a City player that I know over the weekend.

The player in question surprised me with some comments, particularly in regards to Lee Johnson and his relationship with the gaffer.

I think there is some unrest in the camp, especially in the midfield department.

He made a very interesting comment about 4 Central midfielders battling it out for one midfield spot.

No doubts whatsoever that he wont be at City at the end of the season but it did make me think that it will still be a midfield of Lee J and one other next season - Not good enough.

I think some of the players are doubting GJ's ability to take this club any further.

Players playing out of position?

Another mid-table finish next season?

I have just been chatting to a city player i know....he thinks GJ is an amazing manager and 'Bristol Badger is a bit of a plonker!


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I didnt say they don't get bitter....the question is, do they have a right to feel bitter?? what goes on behind the scenes, we don't know....and may never eally know the full facts. All we can go on is from what we see and witness with our own eyes.....and certain players in our team don't justify a starting position week in week out.

But who is going to feel bitter about not playing left back?!

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Of course, the fact that these sort of views back up your pessimism has nothing to do with it?

I am neither a pessimist or a happy clapper...I simply say things on how I see it, its my opinion. I'm loving being a Bristol City fan these days, I'm grateful for what Johnson has done with this club....and I feel he is the right man for the job.

Its just the whole "Johnson love in" is quite sickly, anything thats said against him, or if anyone questions him....its immediately shot down by certain people on here.

My whole point in replying to this thread is that the chap that started it was simply putting accross something he had been told....yet he is immediately shot down, questioned...and even verbally abused by some people on here?? why? because "apparently" a player has said something about one of our players.......obviously Lee Johnson.

The only thing I will say to the original poster is this, it was a waste of time posting it anyway. A vast majority of the fans cant understand why a certain midfielder is untouchable....so I'm fairly certain the players think the same. We all have eyes, we all watch the games.

Everyone can see it, yet even the people who try to stick up for Lee Johnson cant offer a decent argument as to why he starts so much, and never gets subbed.

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I am neither a pessimist or a happy clapper...I simply say things on how I see it, its my opinion. I'm loving being a Bristol City fan these days, I'm grateful for what Johnson has done with this club....and I feel he is the right man for the job.

Its just the whole "Johnson love in" is quite sickly, anything thats said against him, or if anyone questions him....its immediately shot down by certain people on here.

My whole point in replying to this thread is that the chap that started it was simply putting accross something he had been told....yet he is immediately shot down, questioned...and even verbally abused by some people on here?? why? because "apparently" a player has said something about one of our players.......obviously Lee Johnson.

The only thing I will say to the original poster is this, it was a waste of time posting it anyway. A vast majority of the fans cant understand why a certain midfielder is untouchable....so I'm fairly certain the players think the same. We all have eyes, we all watch the games.

Everyone can see it, yet even the people who try to stick up for Lee Johnson cant offer a decent argument as to why he starts so much, and never gets subbed.

Oh please come on. There have been plenty of posts that explain this - why do you choose to ignore them? Disagree with them fine, but don't say no-one's ever posted an answer to your question.

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well done ANDY,theres a lot of people on here who should wake up.When I had a shop on North st the players used to come in regulary.When i got chatting to them they used to slag off the manager,who was Benny Lenartsson(excuse my spelling).They used to say he hasnt got a clue,he useless.

So I find it hard to believe that people on here think"we cant speak to him hes that superstar city player",they are not gods they are just good at football.

And why is it so unbelieveable that a city player is not happy and tells someone who asks him how he doing.

And is it so unbelievable that some of the players are moaning that a certain player is never dropped,no matter how they play.Yet they probably feel let down.

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Oh please come on. There have been plenty of posts that explain this - why do you choose to ignore them? Disagree with them fine, but don't say no-one's ever posted an answer to your question.

Sorry, must have missed these posts. Is it the fact he is a goal scoring midfielder?? oh wait a minute.....it must be the amount of assists he chips in with?? oh....wait.....his tough tackling??.....no.....how about the quality of his corners and free kicks......

I'm not ignoring anything, just please.....fill me in on what he brings to the table

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well done ANDY,theres a lot of people on here who should wake up.When I had a shop on North st the players used to come in regulary.When i got chatting to them they used to slag off the manager,who was Benny Lenartsson(excuse my spelling).They used to say he hasnt got a clue,he useless.

So I find it hard to believe that people on here think"we cant speak to him hes that superstar city player",they are not gods they are just good at football.

And why is it so unbelieveable that a city player is not happy and tells someone who asks him how he doing.

And is it so unbelievable that some of the players are moaning that a certain player is never dropped,no matter how they play.Yet they probably feel let down.

And so now we've gone from one player (preumably Noble), who would have an axe to grind anyway, to "some players are moaning". No doubt by tomorrow it will be the entire squad.

You are right though, there are a of people on here who should wake up and make informed opinions based on who/where and when the message came from.

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I had a very interesting conversation with a City player that I know over the weekend.

The player in question surprised me with some comments, particularly in regards to Lee Johnson and his relationship with the gaffer.

I think there is some unrest in the camp, especially in the midfield department.

He made a very interesting comment about 4 Central midfielders battling it out for one midfield spot.

No doubts whatsoever that he wont be at City at the end of the season but it did make me think that it will still be a midfield of Lee J and one other next season - Not good enough.

I think some of the players are doubting GJ's ability to take this club any further.

Players playing out of position?

Another mid-table finish next season?

This whole "the rest of the squad has issues with LJ being in the team week in week out" has been going on since we got promoted from League One to the CCC!

Alex Russell, in particular, (+ a few others) always used to bang on about the fact that players would be constantly moaning about LJ to each other! They never felt he fully justified his place in the team through merit and match performances! They all felt the same as some of the fans - if he wasn't GJ's son he probably wouldn't be playing!

In fact i remember that Alex used to constantly say that if you look at LJ's track record, he has always featured heavily for teams that his dad has managed (bar when they were at watford as LJ didn't make a first team appearance) yet when he played for Hearts he hardly featured at all!

Since Alex, i have had very similar comments from a few other players!

Now this isn't my view but like Bristol Badger, i am merely cascading what i have been told in the past! I don't post very often but have been reading the forum for years now! And yes i know that you may doubt my credibility but can't say i will shed any tears should people choose not to believe me!

I would not class myself as an LJ fan but i'm also not an LJ basher! I do feel that he has improved lots since he arrived at the club and he has been playing good as of late but it does worry me that 1 player can have such a disruption on the rest of the squad!

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