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A Very Interesting Conversation......


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Sorry, must have missed these posts. Is it the fact he is a goal scoring midfielder?? oh wait a minute.....it must be the amount of assists he chips in with?? oh....wait.....his tough tackling??.....no.....how about the quality of his corners and free kicks......

I'm not ignoring anything, just please.....fill me in on what he brings to the table

Ooh, sarcasm - how orignal. I'm sure you're perfectly capable of using the forums search facility - try it.

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This whole "the rest of the squad has issues with LJ being in the team week in week out" has been going on since we got promoted from League One to the CCC!

Alex Russell, in particular, (+ a few others) always used to bang on about the fact that players would be constantly moaning about LJ to each other! They never felt he fully justified his place in the team through merit and match performances! They all felt the same as some of the fans - if he wasn't GJ's son he probably wouldn't be playing!

In fact i remember that Alex used to constantly say that if you look at LJ's track record, he has always featured heavily for teams that his dad has managed (bar when they were at watford as LJ didn't make a first team appearance) yet when he played for Hearts he hardly featured at all!

Since Alex, i have had very similar comments from a few other players!

Now this isn't my view but like Bristol Badger, i am merely cascading what i have been told in the past! I don't post very often but have been reading the forum for years now! And yes i know that you may doubt my credibility but can't say i will shed any tears should people choose not to believe me!

I would not class myself as an LJ fan but i'm also not an LJ basher! I do feel that he has improved lots since he arrived at the club and he has been playing good as of late but it does worry me that 1 player can have such a disruption on the rest of the squad!

Ah yes, how predictable - it's now the whole squad. Bit sooner than I anticipated but still..

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Ooh, sarcasm - how orignal. I'm sure you're perfectly capable of using the forums search facility - try it.

Cheese i'm sure if sarcasm was used, it was learnt from you.

You referred to the bank of data available so why don't you produce it?

A pointless thread of course because LJ is certainly a divisive subject with two camps but I guess thats what forums are for.

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Cheese i'm sure if sarcasm was used, it was learnt from you.

You referred to the bank of data available so why don't you produce it?

A pointless thread of course because LJ is certainly a divisive subject with two camps but I guess thats what forums are for.

Why should I produce it? I've read it. Andy was saying no-one has written it - that's not true. He may not agree with it, it might not convince him - but to say it hasn't been said is simply not true.

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Ah yes, how predictable - it's now the whole squad. Bit sooner than I anticipated but still..

I'm pretty sure i only mentioned that a few other players had said they felt the same! A few isn't the whole squad in my eyes! But then again i could be wrong!

I guess the beauty of being related to a bristol city footballer is that you are privvy to information about the sqaud!

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I am neither a pessimist or a happy clapper...I simply say things on how I see it, its my opinion. I'm loving being a Bristol City fan these days, I'm grateful for what Johnson has done with this club....and I feel he is the right man for the job.

Its just the whole "Johnson love in" is quite sickly, anything thats said against him, or if anyone questions him....its immediately shot down by certain people on here.

My whole point in replying to this thread is that the chap that started it was simply putting accross something he had been told....yet he is immediately shot down, questioned...and even verbally abused by some people on here?? why? because "apparently" a player has said something about one of our players.......obviously Lee Johnson.

The only thing I will say to the original poster is this, it was a waste of time posting it anyway. A vast majority of the fans cant understand why a certain midfielder is untouchable....so I'm fairly certain the players think the same. We all have eyes, we all watch the games.

Everyone can see it, yet even the people who try to stick up for Lee Johnson cant offer a decent argument as to why he starts so much, and never gets subbed.

Vast majority of fans ?? Evidence please.

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I'm pretty sure i only mentioned that a few other players had said they felt the same! A few isn't the whole squad in my eyes! But then again i could be wrong!

I guess the beauty of being related to a bristol city footballer is that you are privvy to information about the sqaud!

Well, perhaps you should persuade your relative to take his concerns and make representations to SL. I would not be prepared to tolerate the employment of someone who picks a side based on an accident of birth.

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Well, perhaps you should persuade your relative to take his concerns and make representations to SL. I would not be prepared to tolerate the employment of someone who picks a side based on an accident of birth.

I totally agree with you! But as he says - it doesn't affect him as he's not a midfielder!

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I totally agree with you! But as he says - it doesn't affect him as he's not a midfielder!

But, it must affect the team, the squad the whole club. He has a duty - it has to be done so that it can be properly investigated. To not do so lets us all down.

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The evidence is in the same place that your evidence that the fans do not think that, that is of course if you have any evidence that that is the case. :noexpression:

He didn't say that the vast majority of fans do not think that - he asked for evidence that the vast majority of fans do. Can you not see the difference?

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I'm sure there are a few players that don't feel that LJ should be in the team. But thats usually because there not in the team themselves. There are probabaly other places in the team, where other players are "jealous" and naturally think they are better than who is in the team.

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Why should I produce it? I've read it. Andy was saying no-one has written it - that's not true. He may not agree with it, it might not convince him - but to say it hasn't been said is simply not true.

No - I think he was saying that he'd missed the posts - i'm sure he'd be really grateful if you could help him out.

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Your obviously aware of where to find these posts.....what should i search under on the search facility??

Umh, try "Scott Murray" - oh wait, no that wouldn't work would it. I'm sure you can work it out if you're seriously looking for it.

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But, it must affect the team, the squad the whole club. He has a duty - it has to be done so that it can be properly investigated. To not do so lets us all down.

Cheese, i agree with you my dear and i have voiced this in the past!

However, from what i have been told, the team do get on very well, in fact this is one of the closest teams we have had in a long time! So it would appear that team moral and team bonding isn't being affected just yet. It would appear its more of a case of a couple of players are having they're noses put out of joint by the fact that they think they are better than LJ and a couple more just feel that he is benefitting from the whole father is boss situation!

But i will voice it again - though not sure i need to as i know he reads the forum (as do a few others i believe)

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Actually, forget what everyone else thinks, I'd like to ask you for your opinion....what does he bring to the team??

What do I know? And you're not really interested in what i think, just as you're not really interested in the answer to your question, because people have posted their opinions on that plenty of times and you claim not to have seen them. Disagree with those posters if you wish, tell them that you don't accept reasoning or that their argument is not strong enough to convice you; by all means, but don't insult their intelligence by saying they've not posted it.

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What do I know? And you're not really interested in what i think, just as you're not really interested in the answer to your question, because people have posted their opinions on that plenty of times and you claim not to have seen them. Disagree with those posters if you wish, tell them that you don't accept reasoning or that their argument is not strong enough to convice you; by all means, but don't insult their intelligence by saying they've not posted it.

You should be a politician....you certainly have a way of spinning things

Not at any point have I said people havent posted stuff on here, and I'm certainly not insulting anyones intelligence as you like to put it. In the time it took you to post that paragraph....you could have quite simply given me your opinion on what you believe LJ brings to the table?

I'm not looking for an argument here, just a simple answer to a simple question....what does he bring to the team??

I respect anybodies opinions......whether I agree with them or not, if you so wish to use the search facility...please point me in the direction of where I have ever said to someone "no, your wrong"

Ive asked a simple question thats all....

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What do I know? And you're not really interested in what i think, just as you're not really interested in the answer to your question, because people have posted their opinions on that plenty of times and you claim not to have seen them. Disagree with those posters if you wish, tell them that you don't accept reasoning or that their argument is not strong enough to convice you; by all means, but don't insult their intelligence by saying they've not posted it.

Why not just tell him ?

Do you know the man? - perhaps he's genuinely seeking your views.

I thought he said he hadn't seen the posts which is different to saying no posts have been made.

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