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The media is full of gushing praise being heaped on David Moyes by his Chairman today.


Maybe we should look to Everton to help us appreciate what we have here, all be it on a smaller scale. Moyes has turned Everton around and hasn't always had it easy. The the real point here is that it has take him 7 years to do so. patience and support are everything.

The Chairman (Bill Kenwright) sounds like he loves him to bits, well I for one think it's refreshing to hear in such a cut throat business.

(Yes it is a good excuse to take about Moysie, remember he was one of ours once, and should have been again). :wub:

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The media is full of gushing praise being heaped on David Moyes by his Chairman today.


Maybe we should look to Everton to help us appreciate what we have here, all be it on a smaller scale. Moyes has turned Everton around and hasn't always had it easy. The the real point here is that it has take him 7 years to do so. patience and support are everything.

The Chairman (Bill Kenwright) sounds like he loves him to bits, well I for one think it's refreshing to hear in such a cut throat business.

(Yes it is a good excuse to take about Moysie, remember he was one of ours once, and should have been again). :wub:

He hasn't taken 7 years though has he? - he's not won anything yet, although a cup final is a great acheivement doing it the way they have.

He got them in the Champions league about 3 years ago which some fans ( and chairman) might see as a bigger acheivement, and they have been the most consistent challenger to the established big four.

He did have a relegation fight during one season as I recall but came through that - he is, as Ferguson says one of the top managers in the Prem.

This forum might or might not be representative of the entire fan base, but I don't see very much other than a desire from most to improve areas of the team and create more competition.

I'm happy to stand corrected, but Everton's home form in the first half of the season was as poor as ours, and I think the fans made their feelings known.

A couple of blokes calling GJ names in the Williams, and a general atmosphere to match the playing performance against Ipswich is buggerall and whether misquoted or not, GJ must realise that he has a bloody good set of fans who are patient.

More patient than Everton who have never been out of the top flight - Pre or post Prem.

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He hasn't taken 7 years though has he? - he's not won anything yet, although a cup final is a great acheivement doing it the way they have.

He got them in the Champions league about 3 years ago which some fans ( and chairman) might see as a bigger acheivement, and they have been the most consistent challenger to the established big four.

He did have a relegation fight during one season as I recall but came through that - he is, as Ferguson says one of the top managers in the Prem.

This forum might or might not be representative of the entire fan base, but I don't see very much other than a desire from most to improve areas of the team and create more competition.

I'm happy to stand corrected, but Everton's home form in the first half of the season was as poor as ours, and I think the fans made their feelings known.

A couple of blokes calling GJ names in the Williams, and a general atmosphere to match the playing performance against Ipswich is buggerall and whether misquoted or not, GJ must realise that he has a bloody good set of fans who are patient.

More patient than Everton who have never been out of the top flight - Pre or post Prem.

Yes, I believe he said that.

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No he did not

Taken from BCFC News

"I think the supporters have been fantastic for us this season, and it's a shame when reports and headlines make it look like I've disrespected them.

"I don't want our supporters to think that. They've been magnificent for us all season."

If that's not saying that we have a bloody good set of supporters then I don't know what is.

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Taken from BCFC News

"I think the supporters have been fantastic for us this season, and it's a shame when reports and headlines make it look like I've disrespected them.

"I don't want our supporters to think that. They've been magnificent for us all season."

If that's not saying that we have a bloody good set of supporters then I don't know what is.

Bully statement

GJ must realise that he has a bloody good set of fans who are patient.

So somewhere GJ has said, We have a bloody good set of fans who are patient

You said, i believe he said that

Well show me then cheese.

You cant, so your wrong

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Bully statement

GJ must realise that he has a bloody good set of fans who are patient.

So somewhere GJ has said, We have a bloody good set of fans who are patient

You said, i believe he said that

Well show me then cheese.

You cant, so your wrong

Read the part he highlighted in bold pops! No patience highlighted there!

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cheer up 4eveREDDy!

Honest mate i am fine, i am in support of GJ statement of how the media can just use bits of what he said to cloud the issues, nothing more nothing less, you can see that by just leaving a couple of words off a statement how it changes the contex.

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I'd say what's gone on at Everton over the last 7 years is a very good template for success.

However, although less divisive than our cyber fanbase seem to be, Moyes does come in for critisism most notably for his substitutions.

Anybody who goes OTT in their critisism is promply reminded of the unimaginable progress of the Club under its present management, which is similar to ours - all relative and within their means, and dismissed as an idiot.

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Yes, I believe he said that.

Does that include the ones who play LMA manager?

Patience cuts two ways - GJ has been around the game long enough to know that whether you are Yeovil, Latvia, Everton or City, your fans won't love you 100%, 100% of the time and whether this time he was misquoted or not, he has to respect the fact that some fans will sometimes have unrealistic expectations - they are as loyal as any other fan and their expectations need to be managed (downwards and with good grace)

Most people I believe expected mid table this year, and that's what we have acheived. With the squad we have, I can't imagine anyone could expect more.

Goodwill is still with GJ from even those who don't kiss his ass (myself included) but with possibly the best chairman in the league, who is a fan, progress needs to be shown. I don't think progress has occurred this season but I don't lose sleep over it.

Next year though, whilst I think we need a major overhaul for promotion, i'd personally like a sustained push, managing to beat teams around us, and to do that we need to improve the 1st team in several areas.

Nothing impatient about that - pretty much like any fan across the country.

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I'd say what's gone on at Everton over the last 7 years is a very good template for success.

Really? What success are you referring to? Have you bought into the BBC/Sky myth that finishing 5th or 6th in the Premier League is a great achievement (i.e. a "success")?

I seem to recall that Everton have spent the last 7 years in mid-table mediocrity (with the odd movement in either direction). Whilst we would all jump at that mediocrity now, I'd be very disappointed if, after 7 years, we started calling that "success".

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Really? What success are you referring to? Have you bought into the BBC/Sky myth that finishing 5th or 6th in the Premier League is a great achievement (i.e. a "success")?

I seem to recall that Everton have spent the last 7 years in mid-table mediocrity (with the odd movement in either direction). Whilst we would all jump at that mediocrity now, I'd be very disappointed if, after 7 years, we started calling that "success".

It's not a myth, it's a fact. 5th/6th place in the Premier League is a great achievement, particularly when it is achieved on the kind of budget Everton have.

Everton have become a stable club at the top end of the Premier League who have some fantastic players and are regularly involved in European competition. I would certainly call that success.

I wouldn't call City staying around 7th in the Championship for a number of years success but that's because City can quite realistically look to achieve more. However the current state of football is such that it's nigh on impossible for most clubs to finish higher than 5th in the Premier League. This effectively makes Everton the best of the "normal" clubs.

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Really? What success are you referring to? Have you bought into the BBC/Sky myth that finishing 5th or 6th in the Premier League is a great achievement (i.e. a "success")?

I seem to recall that Everton have spent the last 7 years in mid-table mediocrity (with the odd movement in either direction). Whilst we would all jump at that mediocrity now, I'd be very disappointed if, after 7 years, we started calling that "success".

No, you've got the top 4, who are light years away in terms of finance and then the rest. To go from consistent bottom 6 finishes to consistent top 6 finishes, having spent less on wages and transfer fees than many of your immediate competitors, (Newcastle, Tottenham, Aston Villa, now Man City) is as good a success as can be realistically expected in the current climate.

Being the best of the rest is as good as it can get, I'm sorry to say.

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It's not a myth, it's a fact. 5th/6th place in the Premier League is a great achievement, particularly when it is achieved on the kind of budget Everton have.

Everton have become a stable club at the top end of the Premier League who have some fantastic players and are regularly involved in European competition. I would certainly call that success.

I wouldn't call City staying around 7th in the Championship for a number of years success but that's because City can quite realistically look to achieve more. However the current state of football is such that it's nigh on impossible for most clubs to finish higher than 5th in the Premier League. This effectively makes Everton the best of the "normal" clubs.

I for one cant wait to see what the richest club in the world acheive next season under the guidance of MH, money is a major factor of course but is it the b all and end all of success, going by whats happened at QPR this season since the two fat wallets have joined the board i doubt that it is, we shall see.

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No, you've got the top 4, who are light years away in terms of finance and then the rest. To go from consistent bottom 6 finishes to consistent top 6 finishes, having spent less on wages and transfer fees than many of your immediate competitors, (Newcastle, Tottenham, Aston Villa, now Man City) is as good a success as can be realistically expected in the current climate.

Being the best of the rest is as good as it can get, I'm sorry to say.

Cheers, you and BCFC Dan saved me a bit of time and effort! Both hitting nails firmly on the head.

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Bill Kenwright hasn't always been that popular with Evertonians. What Everton's "success" (however you want to qualify this) has shown is that successful football clubs are run well on and off the field. Yes, they haven't won anything under Moyes but put this into context. To even be challenging for a Champions League spot is an amazing achievement given the resources and pull the top 4 clubs have.

The manager and Chairman is a crucial partnership at any club. We clearly have two that get on well and have a lot of time for one another. They don't have to be best buddies but need to form a good, honest, working relationship. I think Ipswich in 2000/01 (I think) are one of the success stories of a Championship club going up and doing well (intially at least, anyway). To finish 5th in your first season is almost unthinkable now. Having said that Ipswich had spent the previous decade in and out of the Premier League. But, the point is is that this was built on the excellent partnership of George Burley and David Sheepshanks.

These great partnerships don't last forever and like everything in football are only ever a few bad results from unravelling. I'm really proud of our chairman and our manager. I don't always agree with everything Johnson says and does, and he's made a good number of mistakes this season (and last summer), but together, Landsdown and Johnson form a top partnership. They both clearly know what needs to be done at this club over the next few years. You just have to be patient.

For the modern classic example of bad chairman/managers look no further than a club we may well be playing next season: Newcastle. They are a wonderful illustration of how not to run a football club. There is no stability at that club whatsoever. No wonder most of their players don't feel any loyalty to the club.

A well run club is led well from the top.

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No mate maybe you should show me in print where he said that

From his interview yesterday on BCFC World:

I certainly don't want a newspaper saying that I'm saying things in a certain way and turning the fans against what we're trying to do, because we love them. I love them. And everytime we're at a function or we're at the stadium with the supporters, there's a real affinity and we need to keep that. That's a strong club. And we mustn't let anybody - anybody - ruin that relationship.

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From his interview yesterday on BCFC World:

I certainly don't want a newspaper saying that I'm saying things in a certain way and turning the fans against what we're trying to do, because we love them. I love them. And everytime we're at a function or we're at the stadium with the supporters, there's a real affinity and we need to keep that. That's a strong club. And we mustn't let anybody - anybody - ruin that relationship.

what i don't get is that if this is the case why was he quoted in " " as saying stuff cos highly unlikely anybody would do that unless it was stated - i accept that they will pick the juicy bits and put them together to make a story to get reaction but "no smoke without fire as they say"

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Imo GJ was critical of the fans after the Ipswich game in his os interview and in other interviews and for me rather than saying i didnt mean it like that after relising how much of a reaction it had got from alot of the fans even from fans that would normally not have a word said against GJ, i would much rather he came out now and said "hey yeah i was pi$$ed off after that game with the players, us giving away a penalty and i felt the fans were quiet" rather than this business of that is not what i meant.

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what i don't get is that if this is the case why was he quoted in " " as saying stuff cos highly unlikely anybody would do that unless it was stated - i accept that they will pick the juicy bits and put them together to make a story to get reaction but "no smoke without fire as they say"

Newspapers print things for one reason and one reason only, as a general rule - to sell newspapers.

As Gary has said, he does not want anybody driving a wedge between the club and the fans, when they have worked so hard to create a bond and a trust. Of course, not everyone will buy into that, but I think it shows how angry he is about it.

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Newspapers print things for one reason and one reason only, as a general rule - to sell newspapers.

As Gary has said, he does not want anybody driving a wedge between the club and the fans, when they have worked so hard to create a bond and a trust. Of course, not everyone will buy into that, but I think it shows how angry he is about it.

BEP is one thing - I didn't see the BBC interview though, what was said on that?

Ancient history I hope, but I note someone was going on about it in the BEP amongst other things.

I sincerely hope GJ doesn't put himself in a position to be misquoted again - a boycott of the BEP is all well and good, but the lazy bastards can simply pick up quotes from tv, radio or club website so they shouldn't be given any opportunity to misquote him

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